research methodology for business part 1 question papers with answers idol | What are the factors determine sample size?
IDOL Mumbai University important questions bank Part 1 (sem. 2) RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FOR BUSINESS Q.9. What are the factors determine sample size? ANS: 1) Area of Research: The number of sample respondents depends on the area of research. If the research is conducted at national level, it may require more number of respondent. If the research is conducted at local level, it may require less number of respondents. 2) Availability of Funds: Generally, the researcher may be constrained by the limitation of funds to conduct the research. Therefore, when the researcher has limited amount of funds allocated to the research activity, the sample size would be lesser as compared to when the researcher has larger amount of funds. 3) Availability of Manpower: The researcher may require manpower to conduct surveys, interviews or for conducting experiments, observation etc. Eg. If the researcher has a good number of filed staff to conduct interviews, he may select the larger sample size of respondents and vice-versa. 4) Time Frame: The sample size may depend on the time frame of research. If the researcher has lot of time available to conduct the research, he may select a large sample size of respondents and vice versa. 5) Nature of Research: The nature of research may influence the sample size of respondents. Eg. In case of academic research, the researcher may be constrained with the limitations of funds, and therefore, he may select a smaller sample size. However, in the case of census survey of population, the sample size will be the entire population of the country. 6) Method of Sampling: The method of sampling may influence the sample size of respondents. Eg. If convenience sampling method is used, the researcher may consider a smaller sample size to obtain responses. However, in case of stratified sampling or cluster sampling, the researcher needs to select a larger sample size of respondents. 7) Method / Sources of Data Collection: The method of data collection may influence the sample size of respondents. Eg. If researcher collects data through interviews, he may select a larger sample size of respondents. However, if the researcher adopts observation method, he may consider a smaller sample size for the purpose of observation. 8) Judgment of the Researcher: At times, the researcher may use his judgement in deciding in the sample size. He may consider a smaller sample size, if he is confident in getting the adequate data from a smaller sample size. However, if the researcher feels that he needs to select a larger sample to collect responses, he may select a larger sample size. If you want exam most important question bank pdf then you have to pay per subject 100/- rupees only . Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141 Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- Suraj Patel Education :- F.Y.J.C EXAM :- S.Y.J.C EXAM :- F.Y EXAM :- S.Y EXAM :- T.Y EXAM :- M.Com Part 1 EXAM :- M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- M.A EXAM :- YouTube Channel research methodology for business mcom sem 2 questions bank Semester 2 research methodology for business important questions bank semester 2 research methodology for business important notes research methodology for business part 1 sem 2 notes pdf research methodology for business Semester 2 important questions bank research methodology for business Semester 2 exam IMP questions bank research methodology for business semester 2 exam question paper research methodology for business question papers with answers pdf mumbai university mumbai university solved question papers download pdf part 1 question papers with answers idol mumbai university question papers with solutions M com semester 2 research methodology for business important questions bank pdf download M com semester 2 research methodology for business important questions bank pdf M com semester 2 research methodology for business important questions bank mcq research methodology for business mcq pdf research methodology for business part 1 sem 2 pdf research methodology for business part 1 sem 2 mcq pdf solved questions on research methodology for business pdf free download 100 questions (and answers) about research methodology for business pdf