m.com part 1 (Semester 2) question papers with answers pdf mumbai university – Mumbai University Idol

m.com part 1 (Semester 2) question papers with answers pdf mumbai university

 M.com Part 1 (Semester 2)


Most Important Question Bank for Current Exam



Q.20. Define
e-Marketing and its Scope


Explain the
areas where E-Marketing can be brought into use.



E-marketing is a
process of planning and executing the conception, distribution, promotion, and
pricing of products and services in a computerized, networked environment, such
as the Internet and the World Wide Web, to facilitate exchanges and satisfy
customer demands Marketing (also referred to as web marketing or internet
marketing) uses electronic communication technologies including the Internet,
mobile phones and digital media


According to Kotler
and Keller, E-Marketing portrays company efforts to inform and communicate with
buyers, and promote and sell its products and services over the Internet.


1. Advertising:

Ecommerce advertising
is the practice of disseminating paid messages to sell a product online. The
advertiser will pay for placement, impressions, clicks, etc. on a publisher. E
marketing forms a better way for advertising as major population has access to
internet and also advertising will have a better reach and ultimately better

2. Promotions:

E-Marketing can be
used for promotions of either an existing product or a new product. With the
help of emerging technology marketers can make use of creativity and promote
their products in a better manner which was not possible in traditional method

3. Market

Market analysis forms
a very important and one of the primary activities of any business activity. It
helps the business to understand the market standing. It helps the organization
to identify its competitors and form a combat force to fight the same. This
basically forms a source of primary first-hand information for the business. E-
Marketing can be used for gathering this crucial information.

4. Strategic Web

To be in constant
touch with the customers andprospects, it is very important for the business to
be in news and do things differently. It is often said ‘Out of Sight is Out of
Mind’. Hence, companies must keep engaging themselves in strategic activities
over different platform to be visible. This can be done through E-Marketing.

5. Business

After survival and
Growth, Expansion is an inevitable part of any business organization. For
expansion, its is not just enough to escalate
the R & D process but also to communicate it efficiently in the
market. Unless a better communication is done, even the best of products cannot
pick up sales. E-Marketing, can be seen as a platform for launch of new
products as well business expansion.

6. Customer

Business and
marketing are a continuous activity. Its continuity is largely based on the
feedback that is received from the customer. In today’s era, its difficult to
pay attention to individual responses and letters/ Grievances/ Satisfaction,
but much easier when E-Marketing tools are used. It helps the organization to
gauge the exact summary of customer feedback.


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