COMMERCE F.Y.B.COM MCQ PDF , sem 2 commerce mcq pdf
SUBJECT- COMMERCE (F.Y.B.COM) 1. India’s service sector contributes to about ————percent of the country’s GDP. a) 35% b) 60% c) 80% d) 55% ANS: B 2. India’s service sector contributes to about ————percent of the total employment. a) 35% b) 50% c) 70% d) 65% ANS: A 3. ———— is an act or performance offered by one party to another. a) Goods b) service c) Ideas d) Material ANS: B 4. Services are generally ———- in nature. a) Tangible b) intangible c) demonstrable d) non demonstrable ANS: B 5. Services are produces and consumed ————. a) Simultaneously b) different times c) at all times d) at alternate time. ANS: A 6. ———– services top the service export in India a) Business b) software c) financial d) Accounting ANS: B 7. Service sector provides revenue to the government in the form of ————–. a) Excise duty b) custom duty c) service tax d) Income tax ANS: C 8. In India, the current rate of service tax is ——— on gross value of the service. a) 15% b) 12.36% c) 17.75% d) 18.60% ANS: B 9. When customer expectations from a service are met, it leads to customer ————. a) Satisfaction b) dissatisfaction c) delight d) negligence ANS: A 10. The highest level of expectations that customer have about a service is termed as ———– service a) Desired b) adequate c) optimum d) minimum ANS: A 11. ———- service refers to bottom level of performance acceptable to customers. a) Inadequate b) adequate c) desired d) optimum ANS: B 12. If service performance is within the zone of tolerance, customers are likely to be— a) Delight b) dissatisfied c) satisfied d) neglected ANS: C 13. ———– refers to how a service product is delivered to the customers. a) People b) process c) Physical evidence d) place ANS: B 14. ———– an element of marketing mix bring operating revenues to the organisation. a) Price b) place c) packaging d) Physical evidence ANS: A 15. ———— provides cues about service quality. a) Product b) Physical evidence c) Promotion d) Pace ANS: B 16. ————- is the first steps in any new service development process. a) Concept testing b) Screening ideas c) Idea generation d) concept modification ANS: C 17. Cost- benefit analysis is undertaken in ————- step of new service development process. a) Business analysis b) market testing c) concept testing d) concept analysis ANS: A 18. The service providers face the challenges of ————. a) Tangibility b) Intangibility c) Serviceability d) Delivery ANS: B 19. ———– cannot be separated from the service provider. a) Goods b) Services c) raw materials d) Machinery ANS: B 20. Services are highly ———–. a) Durable b) perishable c) non perishable d) storable ANS: B 21. At present, FDI is allowed up to ——— percent in single-brand retail trade. a) 100 b) 51 c) 75 d) 65 ANS: A 22. At present, FDI is allowed up to ——— percent in multi brand retail trade. a) 100 b) 51 c) 75 d) 65 ANS: B 23. ——— is an example of non store retailing. a) Electronic retailing b) Franchise store c) Departmental store d) Super market ANS: A 24. Kirana store is an example of ———. a) Unorganised retailer b) organised retailer c) Electronic retailing d) Departmental store ANS: A 25. ———– is an example of hyper markets. a) Big Bazaar b) Departmental store c) Convenience store d) Discount store ANS: A If You Need Most Importance MCQ PDF ECONOMICS Question Bank Than Pay Rs 100 Only Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141 Join Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- Suraj Patel Education :- F.Y.J.C EXAM :- S.Y.J.C EXAM :- F.Y EXAM :- S.Y EXAM :- T.Y EXAM :- M.Com Part 1 EXAM :- M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- M.A EXAM :- YouTube Channel F.Y.B.COM Other Subject MCQ FINANCIAL MANAGMENT F.Y.B.COM MCQ PDF BUSINESS COMMUNICATION F.Y.B.COM MCQ PDF F.Y.B.COM Mathematical and Statistical Techniques MCQ PDF F.Y.B.Com Commerce MCQ PDF F.Y.B.COM BUSINESS ECONOMICS F.Y.B.COM EVS