ADVANCED FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING Mumbai University Part 1 All Subject MCQ Link In One Link 👉Click Here👈 1) Exchange difference of internal foreign operation is a) Transfer to suspense account b) Transferred to PL account c) Transferred to foreign currency translation reserve d) Transferred to net investment in integral foreign operation account 2) The fundamental objection of an external audit of a limited company is to a) Give advice to shareholder b) Detect fraud and errors c) Measure the performance and financial position of a company d) Provide an opinion on the financial statements 3) Segment revenue does not include a) Revenue from transaction with other segment of the enterprise b) Extraordinary items as defined in AS-5 c) Revenue from sales to external customers d) All of the above 4) In general term ‘convergence ‘ means a) To achieve compliance with IFRS b) To achieve identity with IFRS c) To achieve harmony in relation to IFRS d) To rename local accounting standard as IFRS 5) In consumer’s co- operative societies sales made to members are recorded in a) Cash memos b) Credit notes c) Pass books d) Debit notes 6) In the case of fire insurance the provision required to make against unexpired risk is a) 40% b) 50% c) 100% d) 30% 7) Premium shall be recognized as income a) When received b) When due c) When received or When due whichever is earlier d) When received or When due whichever is later 8) A rate of return normally expected by the shareholders on their investment a) Super profit b) Normal rate of return c) Dividend d) Bonus dividend 9) Minority interest consists of a) Face value of the share held by outsider b) Proportional capital profit c) Proportional revenue profit d) All of the above 10) Interest payable on deposits which is accrued but not due is shown by the bank under a) Deposits b) Advance c) Other liabilities d) Contingent liabilities 11) AS 11 defines ‘foreign operation ‘as an entity whose activities are based in a foreign country includes a) Subsidiary of reporting enterprise b) Joint venture of the reporting enterprise c) Branch of the reporting enterprise d) All of the above 12) A concern should select an accounting policy which enables it to a) Show good profit b) Present a true and fair view of its state of affairs and profit or loss c) Calculate the correct amount of cash in hand d) Pay the proper amount of income tax 13) The ratio that gives information about earning available to equity share is a) Profit per share b) Earning per shares c) Income per share d) None of above 14) IFRS stands for a) Indian financial reporting standards b) International financial reporting standards c) Interim financial reporting standards d) Indian foreign reporting standard 15) Dead stock is shown in the balance sheet of a co-operative society a) Under fixed assets b) Under current assets c) Separately d) Miscellaneous expenditure 16) A life insurer shall prepare the revenue account (policyholders’ account) in a) Form A-RA b) Form A-PL c) Form A-BS d) Form B-RA 17) Rate of profit estimated or expected on capital employed is a) Super profit b) Average profit c) Normal rate of return d) None of above 18) AS 16 deals with cost of a) Super profit b) Average profit c) Borrowing d) None of above 19) Segment reporting is governed by AS a) AS- 14 b) AS-10 c) AS-34 d) AS-23 20) Earning is the net profit available to a) Profit per share b) Equity c) Income per share d) None of above 21) Tax liabilities is recognized on______ basis. a) Accrual b) Shares holders c) Material d) None of above 22) Goodwill is an___________ assets. a) Tangible b) Intangible c) Fixed assets d) Current liabilities 23) The person whose risk is covered is an ____ a) Uninsured b) Insured c) Borrowing person d) None of above 24) The Maharashtra co- operative society act was passed in a) 1998 b) 1987 c) 1999 d) 1960 25) Minority interest consist of a) More than 50% shares. b) Less than 50% shares c) A & B both D) Only A Best Other MCQ Webside All Subject 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