F.Y.B.COM Environmental studies MCQ PDF / F.Y.B.COM EVS MCQ
Environmental studies F.Y.B.COM 1. In which of the following cities for the first time waste removal system was established? (a) Athens (b) Lahore (c) Paris (d) London ANS: A 2. Which of the following solid wastes describe the term ‘Municipal Solid Waste’? (a) Toxic (b) Hazardous (c) Non-toxic (d) Non-hazardous ANS: D 3. Which of the following is done on an individual level? (a) Burning (b) Disposal (c) Source reduction (d) Recycling ANS: C 4. Why is recycled paper banned for use in food containers? (a) Because it requires a lot of space (b) Because it creates contamination (c) Because paper can be used only one time (d) Because paper is very thick and can’t cover the food containers ANS: B 5. The burning of solid waste is not recommended because_________. (a) It causes several environmental issues (b) It is very costly (c) It requires a lot of space (d) It requires modern technologies ANS: A 6. Which of the following methods is better for the solid waste problem? (a) Recycling (b) Land filling (c) Incineration (d) Dumping in ocean ANS: A 7. Which of the following statements is not correct about zero waste management? (a) Separate collection of each kind of waste (b) Segregation of garbage at the source (c) Community involvement (d) Incineration is the best waste disposal method ANS: D 8. Which material includes in Non-biodegradable waste? (a) Synthetic (b) Organic (c) Inorganic (d) Agriculture ANS: A 9. Which of the following state generate highest E-waste in India? (a) Tamil Nadu (b) Maharashtra (c) Gujarat (d) Delhi ANS: B 10. The collection, transport, processing, recycling or disposal of waste material is called_______. (a) Waste Management (b) Water Management (c) Plastic Management (d) E-waste Management ANS: A 11. Which of the following is effective waste management? (a) Biodegradable (b) Disposal (c) Avoidance (d) Reduce ANS: D 12. Name the city of waste disposal site of Gorai, Deonar and Mulund. (a) Mumbai (b) Delhi (c) Chennai (d) Bengalore ANS: A 13. Why it is difficult to recycle plastics? a) It is very hard b) It is comes in different sizes c) It is adhesive d) It contains different types of polymer resins ANS: D 14. Which of the following plans are used as a waste management plan? a) Plan for reuse b) The integrated plan c) Plan for recycling d) Plan for reduction ANS: B 15. The organic material of the solid waste will decomposed _________. a) by the flow of water b) by the soil particles c) by the action of micro organism’s d) by oxidation ANS: C 16. The process of burning Municipal solid waste under suitable temperature and conditions in a specific furnace is called _______. a) Landfill b) Incineration c) Recycling d) Vermicomposting ANS: B 17.Slash and burn agriculture is a ___________. a) Shifting agriculture b) Intensive agriculture c) Commercial agriculture d) Horticulture ANS: A 18.Which one of the following is a Rabi crops? a) Rice b) Wheat c) Bajra d) Jowar ANS: B 19.The largest tea producing state of India is____________. a) Karnataka b) Assam c) Andhra Pradesh d) Arunachal Pradesh ANS: B 20.Land degradation is a global problem largely related to ___________. a) Deforestation b) Agriculture use c) Commercial use d) Medicine use ANS: A 21.The first United Nations conference held on Desertification in ___________. a) 1975 b) 1977 c) 1990 d) 2000 ANS: B 22.Which of the following statement is not correct in regard to uneven food productive globally? a) The method of food production differ around the world b) climate of the area influences what is grown c) The type of food produced depends upon relative availability of land, labour, capital and fossil fuels. d) The agricultural policy by Government are same all over the world ANS: D 23.Rickets is caused due to lack of vitamin a) Vitamin A b) Vitamin B c) Vitamin C d) Vitamin D ANS: D 24.Which is the following major gas caused of air pollution? a) Carbon dioxide b) Sulphur dioxide c) Nitrogen dioxide d) Ozone ANS: A 25.The Decibel is the measuring unit of _________. a) Water pollution b) Noise pollution c) Air pollution d) Land pollution ANS: B If You Need Most Importance MCQ PDF Environmental studies Question Bank Than Pay Rs 100 Only Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141 F.Y.B.COM Other Subject MCQ FINANCIAL MANAGMENT F.Y.B.COM MCQ PDF https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2020/12/financial-managment-fybcom-mcq-pdf.html BUSINESS COMMUNICATION F.Y.B.COM MCQ PDF https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2020/12/business-communication-fybcom-mcq-pdf.html F.Y.B.COM Mathematical and Statistical Techniques MCQ PDF https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2021/01/fybcom-mathematical-and-statistical.html F.Y.B.Com Commerce MCQ PDF https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2021/01/fybcom-commerce-mcq-pdf.html