Management Accounting, Question Bank, S.Y.B.COM

S.Y.B.com sem 3 management accounting mcq pdf

Management Accounting MCQ Semester 3   1)    Working capital is an excess of current assets over current _____. a)    Liabilities b)    Operating Ratio c)    No of times d)    Fixed Assets ANS: A   2)    ______ shows the period for which amount of sales remains invested in debtors. a)    Liquid Assets b)    Collection c)    Period Long term d)    Fixed Assets ANS: B   3)    Net profit ratio is an indicator of _____. a)    Turn Over b)    Liquidity c)    Profitability d)    Long term solvency ANS: C     4)    Current Ratio indicates _____. a)    Short term solvency b)    Long term solvency c)    Net operating profit and capital employed d)    Turn Over ANS: A   5)    Stock working capital ratio indicates relationship between stock and ______ capital. a)    Liquidity b)    Working c)    Financial Stability d)    Turn Over ANS: B   6)    Average stock = Opening Stock + _____/ 2. a)    Working b)    Opening stock c)    closing stock d)    Fixed Assets ANS: C   7)    A very high current ratio will a)    Increase profitability b)    Decrease profitability c)    Not affect profitability d)    Same Profitability ANS: B   8)    Comparative statement is a part of _____ analysis. a)    Vertical b)    Horizontal c)    Technical d)    Fundamental ANS: B   9)    Common size statement is a _____analysis. a)    Horizontal b)    Fundamental c)    Vertical d)    Technical ANS: C   10) _____ analysis show trend in performance. a)    Vertical b)    Trend c)    Horizontal d)    Structural ANS: B   11) Common size statement is also called as _____% statement. a)    Percentage Statement b)    most common statement c)    100 d)    Small sized ANS: C   12) In _____ in came statement sales is considered equal to 100. a)    Common Size b)    Comparative income statement c)    Balance Sheet d)    Income statement ANS: A   13) In common size _____ capital employed is considered equal to 100. a)    Balance Sheet b)    Common size Statement c)    Income statement d)    Comparative income statement ANS: A   14) In Trend Analysis earliest year is considered as _____ year. a)    Base b)    Current c)    Last d)    None of the above ANS: A   15) Analysis is a must for _____. a)    Interpretation b)    Evaluation c)    Detemination d)    None of the above ANS: A   16) Common size statement is a tool of a)    Vertical analysis b)    Horizontal analysis c)    Technical analysis d)    Fundamental analysis ANS: A   17) Common size statement is also known as a)    Percentage statement b)    100% statement c)    Most common statement d)    Small sized statement. ANS: B   18) In common size income statement, the basis is a)    Total cost b)    N.P c)    G.P d)    Sales ANS: D   19) In common size vertical Balance sheet the basis is a)    Capital employed b)    Total assets c)    Total liabilities d)    Proprietor’s fund ANS: A     20) Comparative statement is a tool of a)     Vertical analysis b)    Horizontal analysis c)    Structural analysis d)    Technical analysis ANS: B   21) Comparative statement shows a)    One year’s performance b)    Comparative performance c)    Financial performance d)    Profitability performance ANS: B   22) Increase/Decrease is a method of preparation of a)    common size statement b)    comparative statement c)    Income statement d)    Balance sheet ANS: B   23) _____ is a proportion between two figures. a)    Ratio b)    Percentage c)    Percentile d)    Sales ANS: A   24) One figure is divided by another figure to get _____ ratio. a)    Pure b)    Current c)    Liquidity d)    Sales ANS: A     25) Turn over ratios are expressed in _____. a)    Ratio b)    No of times c)    Percentage d)    assets  ANS: B   If You Need Most Importance MCQ PDF Management Accounts Question Bank Than Pay Rs 100 Only Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141    Other Subject MCQ Link COMMERCE 1) https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2020/12/commerce-sybcom-mcq-pdf.html 2) https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2021/04/mumbai-university-sybcom-commerce-mcq.html 3) https://www.mumbaiuniversityidol.com/2021/08/sybcom-commerce-importance-multiple.html   Financial Account 1) https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2020/12/financial-account-sybcom-mcq.html 2) https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2021/05/financial-account-mcq-pdf-mumbai.html 3) https://www.mumbaiuniversityidol.com/2021/06/financial-account-sybcom-mcq-mumbai.html   Management Accounts 1) https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2020/12/Management-Accounts%20-S.Y.B.COM-IMPORTANCES-MCQ-PDF.html 2) https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2022/01/sybcom-management-accounts-mcq-pdf.html Advertising 1) https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2021/04/sybcom-advertising-mcq-pdf-advertising.html 2) https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2021/07/sybcom-advertising-sem-4-mcq-questions.html 3) https://www.mumbaiuniversityidol.com/2021/04/sybcom-advertising-exam-mcq-pdf.html 4) https://www.mumbaiuniversityidol.com/2021/05/advertising-mcq-pdf-sybcom-advertising.html   Business Law 1) https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2020/12/business-law-sybcom-mcq-pdf.html 2) https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2020/12/business-law-sybcom-mcq-importance.html 3) https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2021/09/business-law-sybcom-semester-4-mcq-pdf.html   Business Economics 1) https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2020/10/business-economics-sybcom-students-mcq.html 2) https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2020/12/business-economics-business-economics.html 3) https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2021/04/business-economics-sybcom-sybcom.html 4) https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2021/09/sybcom-business-economics-mcq-with.html https://www.mumbaiuniversityidol.com/2021/04/sybcom-business-economics-mcq-pdf.html   Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- https://t.me/mumbaiuniversityidol Suraj Patel Education :- https://t.me/surajpateleducation F.Y.J.C EXAM :- https://t.me/FYJCexam   S.Y.J.C EXAM :- https://t.me/SYJCexam F.Y EXAM :- https://t.me/fyexam S.Y EXAM :- https://t.me/syexam T.Y EXAM :- https://t.me/tyexam M.Com Part 1 EXAM :- https://t.me/McomPart1Exam   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- https://t.me/McomPart2Exam M.A EXAM :- https://t.me/mastudentsexam    YouTube Channel  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv8JIY58xfWHUIXVu9wxNHw  

Company Law, S.Y.B.COM

Company law mcq with answers pdf

 Company law MCQ All Subject MCQ In One Link 👉Click Here👈 https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2021/05/sybcom-mcq-sybcom-all-subject-mcq.html   1. Which documents contains the regulations relating to the internal management of a company? A. Memorandum of Association B. Articles of Association C. Both (a) and (b) D. None ANS : B   2. For vetting the MOA and AOA, as per SPICE, eMOA and eAOA is required. A. True B. False C. Partly True D. None of the above. ANS : A   3. Which one of the following is not the content of Memorandum of Association? A. Name clause B. Registered office clause C. Objects clause D. Board of Directors clause ANS : D   4. Can a Minor be a subscriber A. Yes B. No ANS : B   5. Can Foreigners be subscriber A. Yes B. No ANS : A   6. MOA should be in form ____________ in case of company limited by shares A. Table A B. Table B C. Table C D. Table D ANS : B   7. MOA should be in form ____________ in case of company limited by guarantee not having share capital A. Table A B. Table B C. Table C D. Table D ANS : C   8. MOA should be in form ________ in case of company limited by guarantee and having share capital A. Table A B. Table B C. Table C D. Table D ANS : D   9. MOA should be in form ____________ in case of a unlimited liability A. Table A B. Table B C. Table E D. None of these ANS : C   10. When there is a untrue statement in a prospectus who can sue A. Subscribed in primary market B. Subscribed in secondary market C. Rights issue D. None of the above ANS : A   11. Definition of prospectus was given under which sec. A. 2 (30) B. 2 (32) C. 2 (34) D. 2 (36) ANS : D   12. Which of the following are not required to issue prospectus? A. Private company B. Incase of right issue C. Sweat equity issue D. All the above ANS : D   13. The date of the opening of the subscription list means the beginning of the ________from the day of the issue of prospectus. A. 5th B. 3 rd C. 10 th D. 20 th ANS : A   14. The minimum application money should be _____________ of nominal value. A. 5% B. 3% C. 2% D. None of these ANS : A   15. The minimum application money should be _________ of nominal value as per SEBI guidelines A. 25% B. 30% C. 40% D. None of these ANS : A   16. Can shares be allotted immediately after the issue of prospectus A. Yes B. No C. None of the above ANS : B   17. The min subscription amount is reckoned with amounts payable in _________ A. cash only B. kind only C. cash as well as kind D. None of the above ANS : A   18. The amount of discount on reissue of forfeited shares cannot exceed : A. 5% of the face value B. 10% of the face value C. The amount received on forfeited shares D. The amount not received on forfeited shares ANS : C   19. Who/what appoints the first directors of a company ? A. The shareholders in general meeting . B. The Registrar of companies . C. The articles of association . D. The promoters . ANS : D   20. A directors election takes place in a general meeting through a separated Resolution passed by a_______ majority. A. single . B. two-thirds. C. three-fourths. D. five-sixths . ANS : A   21. Annual General Meeting can be called by______________. A. managing director. B. shareholders. C. board of directors. D. company secretary. ANS : D   22. The duties of Company Secretary s regarding company meetings are restricted upto _____. A. before company meeting. B. during company meeting C. after company meeting. D. ln all the above situations. ANS : D   23. Articles of Association can be altered by _________ A. a resolution of the board of directors. B. an ordinary resolution in general meeting. C. a special resolution i.n general meeting D. obtaining permission from the company law board. ANS : C   24. The notice of general meeting of a company must be given at least____________. A. 7 days . B. 15 days. C. 21 days. D. 30 days. ANS : C   25. Company is managed by A. Shareholders B. Board of Directors C. Karta D. Both(a)&(b) ANS : B   If You Need Most Importance MCQ PDF Company Law Question Bank Than Pay Rs 100 Only  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141  Telegram Group  Mumbai Univeersity :-   https://t.me/mumbaiuniversityidol   Suraj Patel Education :-   https://t.me/surajpateleducation   F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   https://t.me/FYJCexam   S.Y.J.C EXAM :- https://t.me/SYJCexam   F.Y EXAM :-   https://t.me/fyexam   S.Y EXAM :-   https://t.me/syexam   T.Y EXAM :-   https://t.me/tyexam   M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   https://t.me/McomPart1Exam   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :-  https://t.me/McomPart2Exam   M.A EXAM :-   https://t.me/mastudentsexam      YouTube Channel    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNxVWIrZ1JYB4y-bWXfaBAw   S.Y.B.COM Other Subject MCQ ADVERTISING 1)  https://www.mumbaiuniversityidol.com/2021/05/advertising-mcq-pdf-sybcom-advertising.html 2)  https://www.mumbaiuniversityidol.com/2021/04/sybcom-advertising-exam-mcq-pdf.html BUSINESS ECONOMIC https://www.mumbaiuniversityidol.com/2021/04/sybcom-business-economics-mcq-pdf.html FOUNDATION COURSE https://www.mumbaiuniversityidol.com/2021/04/foundation-course-sybcom-mcq-sybcom.html BUSINESS LAW https://www.mumbaiuniversityidol.com/2021/05/sybcom-business-law-mcq-mumbai.html

Foundation Course, Question Bank, S.Y.B.COM

SYBCOM Foundation Course MCQ with Answers

Mumbai University IDOl All Subject MCQ In One Link 👉Click Here👈 https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2021/05/sybcom-mcq-sybcom-all-subject-mcq.html   1.    The protection of Human Rights Act in India was enacted in the year _______. a.    1993 b.    1994 c.    1995 d.    1996 ANS: A   2.    _____ categories of Fundamental Rights incorporates ‘Abolition of Untouchability’. a.    Right to Religion b.    Right to Equality c.    Right to Freedom d.    Right against Exploitation ANS: B   3.    The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted on _______. a.    01-Dec-48 b.    10-Dec-48 c.    11-Dec-48 d.    31-Dec-48 ANS: C   4.    _____Schedule of the Constitution given below deals with recognised languages. a.    Schedule 8 b.    Schedule 7 c.    Schedule 12 d.    Schedule 9 ANS: A     5.    _____ is not a UN Agency. a.    UNICEF b.    UNESCO c.    WTO d.    ILO ANS: C     6.    _______amendment introduced the word ‘secular’ in the Preamble of Indian Constitution. a.    44th b.    42nd c.    93rd d.    16th ANS: B   7.    India is a ______ country . a.    secular b.    free c.    busy d.    overpopulated ANS: A   8.    The Prevention of Atrocities (POA ) Act was enacted in the year ________. a.    1988 b.    1999 c.    1899 d.    1989 ANS: D   9.    ______article of the Constitution abolishes Untouchability. a.    Article 18 b.    Article 15 c.    Article 14 d.    Article 17 ANS: D   10. ______are the most physically abused children. a.    Infants b.    toddlers c.    teenagers d.    adults ANS: A   11. As per census 2011, SCs comprise about ___ of India’s population. a.    17.7% b.    18.7% c.    19.7% d.    16.6% ANS: D   12. The SC’s may belong to____ , Neo-Buddhist and Sikh religion. a.    Shikhisam b.    Jainism c.    Zoroastrian d.    Hindu ANS: D   13. ___ right is the right or freedom which is guaranteed to citizens by a country’s constitution. a.    Civil b.    Political c.    Eco and social d.    Constitutional ANS: D   14. All____ are expressly stipulated and written in a consolidated National constitution which is the supreme law of the land. a.    Political rights b.    Civil rights c.    Constitutional rights d.    Social rights ANS: C   15. Constitutional right is a____ guaranteed by the constitution. a.    Social right b.    Constitutional right c.    Civil right d.    Supreme right ANS: D     16. Constitutional rights are not basic and do not apply to everyone, unlike___. a.    Supreme light b.    Political right c.    Civil right d.    Fundamental rights ANS: D   17. __ are those right which is accepted and enforced by the government or state. a.    Civil right b.    Constitutional right c.    Political rights d.    Legal right ANS: D   18. __ rights are equally available to all the citizens. a.    Civil b.    Legal c.    Fundamental d.    Constitutional ANS: B   19. ____ Rights differ from fundamental rights. a.    Constitutional b.    Fundamental c.    Civil d.    Legal ANS: D   20. Article___ states that when an individual is deprived of his fundamental rights he can move the supreme court and seek justice. a.    32 b.    33 c.    42 d.    43 ANS: A   21. Safeguards are grouped into____ category. a.    Four b.    Five c.    Seven d.    Six ANS: D   22. Article__ prohibits the state to discriminate on grounds of religion race caste sex or place of birth in respect of any employment. a.    16(2) b.    17(2) c.    18(2) d.    19(2) ANS: A   23. Article____ is states that the state is empowered to make any special provision for women. a.    15(3) b.    16(3) c.    17(3) d.    18(3) ANS: A   24. __ are events that allow Lava Rock fragments and gases to escape from layers the Earth’s surface. a.    Volcano b.    Nuclear accidents c.    Hurricane d.    Cyclone ANS: A   25. Certain disaster result in__ of several people. a.    Death b.    Loss c.    Gain d.    Injury ANS: A   If You Need Most Importance MCQ PDF Foundation Course Question Bank Than Pay Rs 100 Only  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141  Telegram Group  Mumbai Univeersity :-   https://t.me/mumbaiuniversityidol   Suraj Patel Education :-   https://t.me/surajpateleducation   F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   https://t.me/FYJCexam   S.Y.J.C EXAM :- https://t.me/SYJCexam   F.Y EXAM :-   https://t.me/fyexam   S.Y EXAM :-   https://t.me/syexam   T.Y EXAM :-   https://t.me/tyexam   M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   https://t.me/McomPart1Exam   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :-  https://t.me/McomPart2Exam   M.A EXAM :-   https://t.me/mastudentsexam      YouTube Channel    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNxVWIrZ1JYB4y-bWXfaBAw     S.Y.B.COM Other Subject MCQ ADVERTISING 1)  https://www.mumbaiuniversityidol.com/2021/05/advertising-mcq-pdf-sybcom-advertising.html 2)  https://www.mumbaiuniversityidol.com/2021/04/sybcom-advertising-exam-mcq-pdf.html BUSINESS ECONOMIC https://www.mumbaiuniversityidol.com/2021/04/sybcom-business-economics-mcq-pdf.html FOUNDATION COURSE https://www.mumbaiuniversityidol.com/2021/04/foundation-course-sybcom-mcq-sybcom.html BUSINESS LAW https://www.mumbaiuniversityidol.com/2021/05/sybcom-business-law-mcq-mumbai.html  

COMMERCE, Question Bank, S.Y.B.COM


YOUETUB: SURAJ PATEL EDUCATION S.Y.B.COM COMMERCE IMPORTANCE MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION   1.    ______organisation is referred as scalar organisation. a.    Matrix b.    line c.    line & staff d.    unmatrix ANS: B   2.    The line organisation is suitable for ______organisation. a.    Large b.    Medium c.    Small d.    Big ANS:  C   3.    There is lack of ______in line organisation. a.    Decision making b.    command c.    supervise d.    specialization ANS: D   4.    In line & staff organisation, the staff executive are the______. a.    Doers b.    decision makers c.    advisors d.    controller ANS: D   5.    Matrix organisation was first established in _____in the aerospace industry. a.    India b.    China c.    USA d.    Russia ANS: C   6.    ______refers to the number of subordinates that can be managed effectively by one superior. a.    Unity of command b.    management by objective c.    span of control d.    discipline ANS: A   7.    Span of control has application. a.    Limited b.    narrow c.    broad d.    universal ANS: D   8.    ______is a process of grouping of jobs, processes into logical units to perform some organisational task. a.    delegation of authority b.    decentralisation c.    centralisation d.    depart mentation ANS: D   9.    Departmentation by ______is one of the bases whereby the organisation divided the organisation into different units based on geographical zones. a.    Time b.    money c.    customer d.    area ANS: D   10. The process of delegation continues if the subordinates______ the delegated authority. a.    Accept b.    reject c.    ignore d.    surrender ANS: A   11. _______takes place between the superior & subordinate. a.    Decentralisation of authority b.    departmentation c.    delegation of authority d.    discipline ANS: C   12. ______relations with the superior could be one of the reasons for non-acceptance of authority by the subordinate. a.    cordial b.    friendly c.    unfriendly d.    hostile ANS: D   13. Project organisations adopt the basis of _______departmentation. a.    Product b.    price c.    process d.    taskforce ANS: D   14. ______refers to dispersal of authority throughout the organisation. a.    Decentralisation b.    centralisation c.    delegation d.    discipline ANS: A   15. In _______organisation there are many levels of management. a.    Tall b.    flat c.    small d.    medium ANS: A   16. ______style of leadership aims at creating family atmosphere within the organisation a.    Autocratic b.    consultative c.    paternalistic d.    monastic ANS: C   17. Professional managers adopt ______style of leadership. a.    Sociocratic b.    consultative c.    situational d.    autocratic ANS: C   18. _______is the sum total of physical, mental & social qualities. a.    Initiative b.    intelligence c.    personality d.    motivation ANS: C   19. ______refers to interpersonal skills. a.    Administrative b.    conceptual c.    human d.    machine ANS: C     20. ______is a process of monitoring actual performance & taking corrective measures, if there are deviations. a.    Planning b.    organisation c.    controlling d.    directing ANS: C   21. ______control system enables managers to focus their attention on significant deviations. a.    Critical Point b.    Flexible c.    control by exception d.    motivation ANS: C   22. ______is a statement of anticipated results. a.    Schedule b.    table c.    MBO d.    Budget ANS: D   23. ______technique helps to expedite highly complex projects a.    CPM b.    MBO c.    MBE d.    PERT ANS: D   24. ______technique is based on a single time estimate for completion of activities. a.    PERT b.    CPM c.    MBO d.    MRS ANS: B   25. ______Refers to the systematic evaluation of the functioning, performing & effectiveness of management. a.    HRA b.    MBO c.    Management Audit d.    Training ANS: C    Best Other MCQ Webside  www.mumbaiuniversityidol.com  www.surajpateleducation.com All Subject MCQ Link  If You Need Most Importance MCQ PDF Commerce  Question Bank Than Pay Rs 100 Only  8652719712 = Google Pay , Phone Pay , Paytm Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141      Telegram Group   Mumbai Univeersity :- https://t.me/mumbaiuniversityidol Suraj Patel Education :- https://t.me/surajpateleducation F.Y.J.C EXAM :- https://t.me/FYJCexam   S.Y.J.C EXAM :- https://t.me/SYJCexam F.Y EXAM :- https://t.me/fyexam S.Y EXAM :- https://t.me/syexam T.Y EXAM :- https://t.me/tyexam M.Com Part 1 EXAM :- https://t.me/McomPart1Exam   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- https://t.me/McomPart2Exam M.A EXAM :- https://t.me/mastudentsexam    YouTube Channel  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv8JIY58xfWHUIXVu9wxNHw    S.Y.B.COM Other Subject MCQ ADVERTISING 1)  https://www.mumbaiuniversityidol.com/2021/05/advertising-mcq-pdf-sybcom-advertising.html https://www.mumbaiuniversityidol.com/2021/04/sybcom-advertising-exam-mcq-pdf.html https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2021/04/sybcom-advertising-mcq-pdf-advertising.html   Business Economic https://www.mumbaiuniversityidol.com/2021/04/sybcom-business-economics-mcq-pdf.html 1)    https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2021/04/business-economics-sybcom-sybcom.html 2)    https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2020/10/business-economics-sybcom-students-mcq.html   Foundation course https://www.mumbaiuniversityidol.com/2021/04/foundation-course-sybcom-mcq-sybcom.html 1)    https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2021/04/foundation-course-mcq-with-answers.html 2)    https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2021/03/foundation-course-mcq-questions-and.html 3)    https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2020/12/foundation-course-sybcom-mcq-part-2.html 4)    https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2020/12/foundation-course-sybcom-mcq.html   Company Law 1)    https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2021/03/company-law-sybcom-mcq-pdf.html 2)    https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2021/02/company-law-mcq-questions-and-answers.html 3)    https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2020/12/company-law-mcq-pdf.html    Management Accounts https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2020/12/Management-Accounts%20-S.Y.B.COM-IMPORTANCES-MCQ-PDF.html   Business Law https://www.mumbaiuniversityidol.com/2021/05/sybcom-business-law-mcq-mumbai.html 1)    https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2020/12/business-law-sybcom-mcq-importance.html 2)    https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2020/12/business-law-sybcom-mcq-pdf.html   Financial account https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2020/12/financial-account-sybcom-mcq.html   Commerce https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2020/12/commerce-sybcom-mcq-pdf.html    

Company Law, Question Bank, S.Y.B.COM

Company Law MCQ PDF | Company Law Mumbai University IDOl MCQ

Mumbai University IDOl All Subject MCQ In One Link 👉Click Here👈 https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2021/05/sybcom-mcq-sybcom-all-subject-mcq.html   1. General meeting refers to _____________. A. Shareholders meetings . B. Directors meetings. C. Creditors meetings. D. Debenture holder meetings. ANS : A   2. The minutes of the share holder’s meeting are to be kept at the ……….office of the company and must be open to inspection. A. registered B. divisional C. head D. none ANS : A   3. The meeting other than statutory and the annual general meeting of the company is………… A. extra ordinary meeting B. special meeting C. board D. none of these ANS : A   4. The statutory meeting is required to be held by ………..companies A. private B. public C. both D. none ANS : B   5. ……….is the proper authority to call annual general meeting. A. promoters B. manager C. board of directors D. secretary ANS : C   6. Annual General Meetings should be held at A. Company B. Registered office C. Corporate office D. None of these ANS : B   7. Notice of statutory meeting should be given with a period not less than A. 21 clear days B. 14 clear days C. 7 clear days D. None of these ANS : A   8. Annual General Meetings should be held at A. Company B. Registered office C. Corporate office D. None of these ANS : C     9. A company not declare dividend at. A. Statutory meeting B. Annual general meeting C. Extra ordinary G.M D. None of the above ANS : A   10. ________ is the official recording of the proceedings of a meeting A. Quorum B. Minutes C. Both a) & b) D. None of the above ANS : B   11. Minutes should be recorded with in _________ days from the date of conclusion of every meeting 190. A. 10 B. 20 C. 30 D. 40 ANS : C     12. A voluntary winding up means winding up by. A. Members or Creditors. B. Members or Contributors. C. Contributories or Creditors. D. Share holders or Tribunal. ANS : A   13. In the event of Company being wound up the Tribunal shall prepare list of contributories into. A. List A. B. List B. C. List A and List B. D. List A or List B. ANS : C   14. As per Sec.488, Declaration of Solvency of company by the Directors in the case of voluntary winding up may be made within. A. 5 weeks of passing resolution. B. one month. C. 6 months. D. None of these. ANS : A   15. The object of winding up of a company by the Tribunal is. A. To facilitate the protection of its assets. B. To convert the company into private company if it is a public company. C. To convert the company into public company if it is a private company. D. To change the Memorandum and Articles. ANS : A   16. Dividend and interest are ____________. A. Synonymous terms. B. different from each other. C. debited to profit and loss account. D. divisible profits. ANS : C   17. Auditors act as agent of______________. A. Shareholders. B. directors. C. promoter. D. debenture holder. ANS : A   18. When can an application be made to Tribunal for constitution of a winding up committee to assist and monitor the progress of liquidation proceedings by the Company Liquidator in carrying out the function? A. Within two weeks from the date of passing of winding up order B. Within three weeks from the date of passing of winding up order C. Within four weeks from the date of passing of winding up order D. None of the above. ANS : B   19. When can a winding up order not be called a notice of discharge? A. when the business of the company is continued B. when the business of the company is closed since 2 years. C. On the discretion of the management D. till a provisional Liquidator is appointed ANS : A   20. Under what circumstances the meeting of the creditors may be dispensed by the NCLT? A. if 70% of the creditors in value agree and confirm to the scheme by way of affidavit B. if 80% of the creditors in value agree and confirm to the scheme by way of affidavit C. if 90% of the creditors in value agree and confirm to the scheme by way of affidavit D. None of the above ANS :C   21. Maximum period for which a person may be appointed or reappointed at a time as Managing director, Whole time director or Manager in a company shall be ________. A. 3 Years B. 5 Years C. 7 Years D. None of the Above ANS : B   22. Compensation payable u/s 202(1) of companies Act, 2013 to a managing director shall not be paid in which of the following situations? A. where the director resigns from his office as a result of the reconstruction of the company. B. where the director resigns from his office otherwise than on the reconstruction of the company. C. where the office of the director is vacated u/s 167(1). D. all of the above. ANS : D   23. Which of the following is correct in relation to sitting fees of directors as per Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014? A. The sitting fees for Independent Directors and Women Directors shall not be less than 1 Lac. B. The sitting fees for Independent Directors and Women Directors shall not be more than 1 Lac. C. The sitting fees for Independent Directors and Women Directors shall not be less than the sitting fee payable to other directors. D. The sitting fees for Independent Directors and Women Directors shall not be more than the sitting fee payable to other directors. ANS : C   24. Reappointment of Managing director, Whole time director or Manager shall not be made earlier than _________. A. 3 months before the expiry of his term B. 6 months before the

Advertising, Question Bank, S.Y.B.COM


 S.Y.B.COM   SUBJECT – ADVERTISING       25. ——— method is a fixed guideline method of setting ad budget. a) Task b) All you can afford c) Arbitrary d) Competitor’s parity ANS: D   26. ——– refers to the process of selecting media mix for advertising the product. a) Media scheduling b) Media selling c) Media planning d) Media buying ANS: C   27. ——– refers to no. of times the target audience is exposed to a message during a selected period of time. a) Frequency b) Reach c) Continuity d) Gross Rating points ANS: A   28. ——– refers to the process of choosing the media for ad purpose. a) Media selling b) Media planning c) Media scheduling d) Media selection ANS: D   29. Under ——- media scheduling strategy, heavy advertising is undertaken followed by limited advertising and again heavy advertising. a) Bursting b) Flighting c) Pulsing d) Steady ANS: C   30. ——— is a media objective. a) Reach b) Frequency c) GRPs d) media objectivity ANS: A   31. Ad campaign has ———- theme. a) Multiple b) Single c) No d) double ANS: B   32. ——— method of advertising budget considers the objectives for allocating funds. a) Fixed guidelines b) Task c) Arbitrary d) Competitor’s parity ANS: B   33. ——– are calculated by multiplying frequency by reach. a) TRPs b) GRPs c) Scores d) Objectivity ANS: B   34. ———– is series of ads that share a common idea and theme. a) Ad campaign b) Ad copy c) Ad media d) Ad planning ANS: A   35. In ———, Russel Colley developed the DAGMAR model. a) 1965 b) 1967 c) 1961 d) 1978 ANS: C   36. Proper media planning enables the selection of ———–. a) Right media b) Wrong media c) Right Product d) Right middlemen ANS: A   37. ———- are the goals that the chosen media need to accomplished. a) Media frequency b) Media objectives c) Media reach d) Media circulation ANS: B   38. Under ——— media scheduling strategy advertising is done regularly. a) Steady b) Flighting c) Pulsing d) Step-down ANS: A   39. Under ——- media scheduling strategy heavy ads when season approaches and reduction of advertising when the season starts declining. a) Flighting b) Step-down c) Bursting d) Teaser step-up ANS: B   40. USP stand for —————. a) Unique Selling Program b) Unique selling Proposition c) Utility Selling Proposition d) Unique Selling Package ANS: B     41. ——— is the act of placing two different ideas together. a) Brain storming b) Juxtaposition c) Observation d) Meditation ANS: B   42. ——- appeal is one that appeals to the sense of right and wrong. a) Rational b) Moral c) Emotional d) Social ANS: B   43. Consumer durables of high value are often bought on the basis of —— appeals. a) Emotional b) Rational c) Moral d) Fear ANS: B   44. The concept of USP was developed by ———-. a) Rosser Reeves b) David Ogilvy c) William Stanton d) Philip Kotler ANS: A   45. ———- attempts to induce action on the part of the prospect. a) Appeal b) Response c) Visualization d) Proposition ANS: A   46. ——— refers to creative imagination of ideas. a) Analysis b) USP c) Visualization d) TRP ANS: C   47. Creativity in advertising ————-. a) Attract attention b) Increase recall c) Makes ad memorable d) All the above ANS: D   48. ——— is the outline of instructions for work to be done by creative team of the ad agency. a) Creative brief b) Creative process c) Visualization d) Product layout ANS: A   49. ——— is a technique of visualization. a) SMP b) USP c) Observation d) Media planning ANS: C   50. ——— refers to the intension behind purchases. a) Selling points b) Buying motives c) Appeals d) USP ANS: B   If You Need Most Importance MCQ PDF ECONOMICS Question Bank Than Pay Rs 100 Only  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141  Telegram Group  Mumbai Univeersity :-   https://t.me/mumbaiuniversityidol   Suraj Patel Education :-   https://t.me/surajpateleducation   F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   https://t.me/FYJCexam   S.Y.J.C EXAM :- https://t.me/SYJCexam   F.Y EXAM :-   https://t.me/fyexam   S.Y EXAM :-   https://t.me/syexam   T.Y EXAM :-   https://t.me/tyexam   M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   https://t.me/McomPart1Exam   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :-  https://t.me/McomPart2Exam       M.A EXAM :-   https://t.me/mastudentsexam        YouTube Channel    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNxVWIrZ1JYB4y-bWXfaBAw     S.Y.B.COM Other Subject MCQ Foundation Course S.Y.Bcom MCQ https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2020/12/foundation-course-sybcom-mcq.html   Business Economics S.Y.B.Com Students MCQ https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2020/10/business-economics-sybcom-students-mcq.html   Company Law MCQ PDF https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2020/12/company-law-mcq-pdf.html   COMMERCE S.Y.B.COM MCQ PDF https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2020/12/commerce-sybcom-mcq-pdf.html   Management Accounts S.Y.B.COM IMPORTANCES MCQ PDF https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2020/12/Management-Accounts%20-S.Y.B.COM-IMPORTANCES-MCQ-PDF.html   

Business Law, Question Bank, S.Y.B.COM

S.Y.B.com Business Law MCQ Mumbai University | Mumbai University IDOL S.Y.B.Com Business Law MCQ PDF

S.Y.B.com Business Law 1. The minimum number of members to form a Private Limited Company is a. 1 b. 2 c. 7 d. 5 ANS: B   2. The minimum number of members to form a Public Limited Company is a. 1 b. 2 c. 7 d. 5 ANS: C   3. The maximum number of members to form a Private Limited Company is… a. 50 b. 100 c. 150 d. 200 ANS: D   4. The maximum number of members to form a Public Limited Company is… a. 50 b. 100 c. 200 d. No Limit ANS: D   5. The Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) is following type of Company.. a. Chartered Company b. Statutory Company c. Government Company d. Foreign Company ANS: B   6. The Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd (ONGC) is following type of Company.. a. Chartered Company b. Statutory Company c. Government Company d. Foreign Company Chetana’s ANS: C   7. Which of the following is not the feature of Private Limited Company? a. Minimum 2 Directors b. Restriction for invitation to public c. Issue of Prospectus d. Less compliances ANS: C   8. Which of the following is not the feature of Public Limited Company? a. Minimum 3 Directors b. Restriction for invitation to public c. Issue of Prospectus d. More compliances ANS: B   9. Which doctrine protects “Company against Outsiders”? a. Doctrine of Ultra Vires b. Doctrine of Constructive Notice c. Doctrine of Indoor Management d. Doctrine of Lifting of Corporate Veil ANS: B   10. Authorized capital is also known as…. a. Issued Capital b. Nominal capital c. Subscribed capital d. Called up capital ANS: B   11. Offer of securities or invitation to subscribe securities under private placement shall be made to ——————–maximum number of person in the aggregate in a financial year. a. 50 b. 100 c. 150 d. 200 ANS: D   12. Shelf prospectus remains valid upto a. 6 months b. 1 year c. 2 years d. 5 years Chetana’s ANS: B   13. A company can change terms of contracts mentioned in prospectus by way of: a. Ordinary resolution though postal ballot b. Ordinary resolution in meeting c. Special resolution in meeting d. Special resolution through postal ballot ANS: D   14. Which one of the following is not the content of the Memorandum of Association? a. Name clause b. Registered office clause c. Objects clause d. Board of Directors clause ANS: D   15. Only a natural person who is an Indian citizen and who has stayed in India for a period of at least _____ days during the immediately preceding one calendar year shall be eligible to incorporate a OPC. a. 180 days b. 181 days c. 182 days d. 183 days ANS: C   16. Ultra vires loans granted by the company are a. Void b. Voidable c. Valid d. Illegal ANS: A   17. A subsidiary of a government company is also treated as a a. Government Company b. Public Company c. Private Company d. All of the above ANS: A   18. Age limit of Directors in case of private company is ___________ a. 65 b. 70 Chetana’s c. 75 d. No limit ANS: D   19. Every company shall file with Registrar a copy of the annual return, within _______ days from the date on which annual general meeting is held. a. 50 b. 75 c. 60 d. 90 ANS: C   20. An independent director who has tendered resignation from the Board shall be replaced by a new independent director within ———— from the date of such resignation. a. one month b. two months c. three months d. four months ANS: B   21. A shareholder holding shares of nominal value of not more than ———— is a small shareholder. a. 5 ,000 b. 10,000 c. 15,000 d. 20,000 ANS: D   22. A person appointed as a director is required to give his written consent ———————– to the company. a. on or before his appointment as director b. within 10 days of his appointment as director c. within 20 days of his appointment as director d. None of the above ANS: A   23. An independent director shall hold office for a term up to ————- on the Board of a company. a. three consecutive years b. four consecutive years c. five consecutive years d. None of the above Chetana’s ANS: C   24. Every company is required to furnish Director Identification Numbers of all its directors to the Registrar within ————- of the receipt of intimation regarding DIN from the directors. a. ten days b. fifteen days c. twenty days d. thirty days ANS: B   25. A person is permitted to hold office as director (including any alternate directorship) in maximum twenty companies of which maximum number of public companies in which he can be appointed as director shall not exceed ————. a. Five b. Eight c. Ten d. Twelve ANS: C     If You Need Most Importance MCQ PDF ECONOMICS Question Bank Than Pay Rs 100 Only  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141  Telegram Group  Mumbai Univeersity :-   https://t.me/mumbaiuniversityidol   Suraj Patel Education :-   https://t.me/surajpateleducation   F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   https://t.me/FYJCexam   S.Y.J.C EXAM :- https://t.me/SYJCexam   F.Y EXAM :-   https://t.me/fyexam   S.Y EXAM :-   https://t.me/syexam   T.Y EXAM :-   https://t.me/tyexam   M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   https://t.me/McomPart1Exam   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :-  https://t.me/McomPart2Exam       M.A EXAM :-   https://t.me/mastudentsexam        YouTube Channel    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNxVWIrZ1JYB4y-bWXfaBAw     S.Y.B.COM Other Subject MCQ ADVERTISING S.Y.B.COM https://www.mumbaiuniversityidol.com/2021/04/sybcom-advertising-exam-mcq-pdf.html   Foundation Course S.Y.Bcom MCQ https://www.mumbaiuniversityidol.com/2021/04/foundation-course-sybcom-mcq-sybcom.html   Business Economics S.Y.B.Com Students MCQ https://www.mumbaiuniversityidol.com/2021/04/sybcom-business-economics-mcq-pdf.html   Company Law MCQ PDF https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2020/12/company-law-mcq-pdf.html   COMMERCE S.Y.B.COM MCQ PDF https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2020/12/commerce-sybcom-mcq-pdf.html   Management Accounts S.Y.B.COM IMPORTANCES MCQ PDF https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2020/12/Management-Accounts%20-S.Y.B.COM-IMPORTANCES-MCQ-PDF.html   

Advertising, Question Bank, S.Y.B.COM


  S.Y.B.COM ADVERTISING MOST IMP EXAM MCQ   1. ——— ads have audio visual impact. a) Newspaper b) Radio c) Television d) Magazine ANS: C   2. ——– ads have audio impact. a) Newspaper b) Radio c) Television d) Outdoor ANS: B   3. ——- advertising has short life. a) Radio b) Outdoor c) Magazine d) Newspaper ANS: A   4. Product demonstrations can be effectively shown in —– — advertising. a) Television b) Magazine c) Radio d) Outdoor ANS: A   5. ——— advertising provides reference value. a) Television b) Newspaper c) Radio d) Outdoor ANS: B   6. ——– advertising is best suited for local retailers. a) Newspaper b) Outdoor c) Magazine d) Television ANS: B   7. Window display is a form of ——– advertising. a) Radio b) Newspaper c) Online d) Point –of –purchase ANS: D   8. Pop-up windows are a form of ——- advertising. a) Internet b) out-of home c) Television d) Radio ANS: A   9. Advertising through SMS and MMS is a form of ——– advertising. a) Radio b) Outdoor c) Digital d) Newspaper ANS: C   10. ——— advertising has a longer life. a) TV b) Radio c) Magazine d) Newspaper ANS: C   11. ——– can provide media support with current events. a) Magazines b) Trade journals c) Newspaper d) Radio ANS: B   12. ———- provide interactive facility. a) Hoardings b) Internet c) Magazines d) TV ANS: B   13. ———- is the fastest growing advertising medium. a) Internet b) Newspaper c) Magazine d) Television ANS: A   14. ——— is a form of new age medium. a) Internet b) Newspaper c) Outdoor d) Magazines. ANS: A   15. ———– certifies and audits the circulation of major publications. a) ABC b) INS c) DD d) ASCI ANS: A   16. ———— are periodic publications. a) Newspapers b) Posters c) Magazines d) Banners ANS: C   17. Govt. of India started operating of radio broadcasting in ———-. a) 1930 b) 1940 c) 1955 d) 1925 ANS: A   18. The first TV commercial was transmitted in India on ————. a) 1st January 1967 b) 1ST January 1976 c) 1st January 1985 d) 1ST January 1996 ANS: B   19. ———— refers to advertising at cinema theatres. a) Radio advertising b) TV advertising c) Cinema advertising d) Internet advertising ANS: C   20. ———— also refers to online advertising and web advertising. a) Internet advertising b) Poster advertising c) Radio advertising d) Outdoor advertising ANS: A   21. Under ———— media scheduling strategy, advertiser start on a lower scale and gradually increase as the season peaks. a) Teaser-step-up b) Teaser –step-down c) Steady d) Pulsing ANS: A   22. ——— means planning the advertising expenditure. a) DAGMAR b) Media planning c) Bursting d) Advertising budget ANS: D   23. ——– method provides a logical basis for deciding ad budget. a) Competitors’ parity b) Task c) Percentage of sales d) Arbitrary ANS: B   24. ——– is a subjective method of setting ad budget. a) Arbitrary b) Task c) Competitor’s parity d) Market share ANS: A   25. ——— method is a fixed guideline method of setting ad budget. a) Task b) All you can afford c) Arbitrary d) Competitor’s parity ANS: D   If You Need Most Importance MCQ PDF ECONOMICS Question Bank Than Pay Rs 100 Only  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141  Telegram Group  Mumbai Univeersity :-   https://t.me/mumbaiuniversityidol   Suraj Patel Education :-   https://t.me/surajpateleducation   F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   https://t.me/FYJCexam   S.Y.J.C EXAM :- https://t.me/SYJCexam   F.Y EXAM :-   https://t.me/fyexam   S.Y EXAM :-   https://t.me/syexam   T.Y EXAM :-   https://t.me/tyexam   M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   https://t.me/McomPart1Exam   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :-  https://t.me/McomPart2Exam       M.A EXAM :-   https://t.me/mastudentsexam        YouTube Channel    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNxVWIrZ1JYB4y-bWXfaBAw     S.Y.B.COM Other Subject MCQ Foundation Course S.Y.Bcom MCQ https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2020/12/foundation-course-sybcom-mcq.html   Business Economics S.Y.B.Com Students MCQ https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2020/10/business-economics-sybcom-students-mcq.html   Company Law MCQ PDF https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2020/12/company-law-mcq-pdf.html   COMMERCE S.Y.B.COM MCQ PDF https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2020/12/commerce-sybcom-mcq-pdf.html   Management Accounts S.Y.B.COM IMPORTANCES MCQ PDF https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2020/12/Management-Accounts%20-S.Y.B.COM-IMPORTANCES-MCQ-PDF.html   

Business Economics, Question Bank, S.Y.B.COM

S.Y.B.COM Business Economics MCQ PDF , Business Economics S.Y.B.COM MCQ PDF

  S.Y.B.COM Business Economics BEST MCQ     Q. 1 Public finance is the _________________ a) Social Science b) Fiscal Science c) Government Science d) Political Science ANS: B   Q.2 ________ is the study of the role of the government in the economy.  a) Public Revenue  b) Public Expenditure  c) Public Finance  d) Public Investment ANS: C   Q.3 Public Finance does not include__________  a) Public Revenue  b) Public debt  c) Public expenditure  d) Private savings ANS: D   Q.4 Who deals with income and expenditure of public authorities?  a) Public finance  b) Private finance  c) Local government  d) Entrepreneurs ANS: A   Q.5 Public finance deals with which of the following aspect of government?  a) Social  b) Political  c) Financial  d) Human ANS: C   Q.6 _____ is concerned with the division of income and wealth among its people in a society.  a) Allocation function  b) Growth function  c) Stabilization function  d) Distribution function ANS: D   Q.7 Social advantage is maximum when_______________  a) Total social benefits are equal to total social sacrifice  b) Total social benefits equal to marginal social sacrifice  c) Marginal social benefits equals to marginal social sacrifice  d) Marginal social benefits minus marginal social sacrifice ANS: C   Q.8 The principle of maximum social advantage is associated with_________  a) Prof. Dalton  b) Hicks  c) Pigou  d) Keynes ANS: A   Q.9 Who has used the term ‘the maximum welfare’ instead of “maximum social advantage”.  a) Prof. Dalton  b) Prof. Keynes  c) David Ricardo  d) Prof. Musgrave ANS: D   Q.10 Which is the measurement of social advantage?  a) Provision for posterity  b) Improvement of labour productivity  c) Economic stability  d) Public expenditure ANS: D   Q.11 The size of the budget is less than the optimum, when__________  a) Marginal Social Benefit > Marginal Social Sacrifice  b) Marginal Social Benefit < Marginal Social Sacrifice  c) Marginal Social Benefit = Marginal Social Sacrifice  d) Marginal Social Benefit ≠ Marginal Social Sacrifice ANS: B   Q.12 Public expenditure is subject to diminishing ________  a) Marginal Social Sacrifice b) Marginal Social Benefit  c) Marginal Social Investment  d) Marginal Social Savings ANS: B   Q.13 Taxes are subject to increasing __________  a) Marginal Social Sacrifice  b) Marginal Social Benefit  c) Marginal Social Revenue  d) Marginal Social Expenditure ANS: A   Q.14 Tests of maximum social advantage have been suggested by ________  a) Pigou  b) Musgrave  c) Dalton  d) Adam Smith ANS: C   Q.15 According to the Principle of Maximum Social Advantage, Public Expenditure is subject to __________  a) Diminishing Marginal Returns  b) Diminishing Marginal Productivity  c) Diminishing Marginal Utility  d) Increasing Marginal Utility ANS: C   Q.16 PPP- curve is illustrated to explain_____________  a) Economic efficiency  b) Government role  c) Government policy  d) Government Revenue ANS: A   Q. 17 Public goods are _________ in consumption  a) Exclusionary  b) Non-exclusionary  c) Rivalry  d) Monopoly goods ANS: B   Q.18 Following is not the cause of market failure__________  a) Public goods  b) Natural monopoly  c) Externalities  d) Profit ratio ANS: D   Q.19 Production possibility curve is also referred as ___________  a) Production- possibility frontier  b) Consumer curve  c) Producer curve  d) Demand curve ANS: A   Q.20 ________ introduced the concept of production possibility curve  a) Prof. Alfred Marshall  b) Prof. Paul Samuelson  c) Prof. Baumol  d) Prof. Peter Drucker ANS: B   Q.21 Which of the following is a characteristic of a direct tax? a) The impact and incidence are on the same person b) Incidence may be shifted c) Greater burden on the poor than the rich d) Major source of revenue in a developing country ANS: A   Q.22 Which of the following is not a part of administrative revenues? a) Fees b) Fines and penalties c) Special assessment d) Surpluses of public enterprises ANS: D   Q.23 _______ is not the characteristic of tax a) Compulsory payment b) Levied on commodity/income c) Involves sacrifice d) Quid-pro-quo ANS: D   Q.24 ________ is an example of administrative non-tax revenue. a) Grants b) Gifts c) Fees d) Profits from public enterprises ANS: C   Q.25 Special assessment is also known as___________ a) VAT b) Tax revenue c) Betterment levy d) Indirect burden ANS: C   If You Need Most Importance MCQ PDF ECONOMICS Question Bank Than Pay Rs 100 Only  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141  Telegram Group  Mumbai Univeersity :-   https://t.me/mumbaiuniversityidol   Suraj Patel Education :-   https://t.me/surajpateleducation   F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   https://t.me/FYJCexam   S.Y.J.C EXAM :- https://t.me/SYJCexam   F.Y EXAM :-   https://t.me/fyexam   S.Y EXAM :-   https://t.me/syexam   T.Y EXAM :-   https://t.me/tyexam   M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   https://t.me/McomPart1Exam   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :-  https://t.me/McomPart2Exam       M.A EXAM :-   https://t.me/mastudentsexam        YouTube Channel    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNxVWIrZ1JYB4y-bWXfaBAw     S.Y.B.COM Other Subject MCQ Foundation Course S.Y.Bcom MCQ https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2020/12/foundation-course-sybcom-mcq.html   Business Economics S.Y.B.Com Students MCQ https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2020/10/business-economics-sybcom-students-mcq.html   Company Law MCQ PDF https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2020/12/company-law-mcq-pdf.html   COMMERCE S.Y.B.COM MCQ PDF https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2020/12/commerce-sybcom-mcq-pdf.html   Management Accounts S.Y.B.COM IMPORTANCES MCQ PDF https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2020/12/Management-Accounts%20-S.Y.B.COM-IMPORTANCES-MCQ-PDF.html     

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