Author name: surajp47263



    Q.3 Explain Interview Styles and Format of Interviews. ANS: 1. Directional: This interview style is extremely structured. The interviewer asks specific, direct questions in a pre – set order. One reason for using this format may be the need to maintain consistency across candidates throughout the interview and to make the selection process easier and fairer. This style may also be used for recruitment at lower levels by large organisations that receive too many applications in response to their recruitment drive. 2. Non-Directional: This style is used mainly for higher level recruitment and is more like a conversation than a question-answer session. The interviewer uses open- ended questions to draw out responses from the candidate. 3. Behavioral: This style is used by the interviewer to judge the performance of the candidate in the same/similar role in the previous company. In this style, candidates are expected to answer questions with specific examples of how they have tackled problems, handled various situations, etc. 4. Presentation : This is again used at higher levels where candidates are expected to make a presentation before a panel. One must remember, however, that none of these styles will be used in isolation. An interview will consist of a combination of these styles. Format of Interviews: 1. Pre-Interview Tests : This format is used when an unusually large number of candidates has applied for a few posts. It is generally in the form of a written test which tests both general and specific technical skills. This is common in IT jobs, government jobs, etc. In case of jobs requiring strenuous physical activity and alertness of mind e.g. armed forces, security personnel, bodyguards, etc. there may be physical and mental tests as well. Group Discussions may also be treated as part of the pre-interview test. Other methods could include case study, role-play, etc. 2. Individual : This is an interview where a single interviewer meets the candidate. Generally, the HR department is involved in this task where, from the stack of applications, potential candidates are screened for the main interview. In this stage, the focus is not on the technical know-how of the candidate but more on commitment and adaptability. The questions will be based on the candidate‘s previous jobs, reasons for leaving, salary, CTC, perks and allowances, salary expectations, etc. Later, the candidate may meet the prospective boss, head of the department, etc for similar one-on-one interviews where subject knowledge, technical skills will be tested. 3. Panel Interviews : Here, two or more people form a panel to interview the candidate at the same time. Generally, the panel consists of the head of the department, one member of the HR department, and a third person. There may be an internal/external expert on the panel, if required. The structure of the interview will be the same, the only difference being that the questions will be asked by all the panelists, with each of them performing a different role on the panel.



Q.2 Example of interview and Types of Interviews. ANS: Introduction: An interview is a formal conversation in which both concerned parties attempt to find out if the other party offers something valuable to them. All organisations, irrespective of size or industry, need and use interviews to select the right candidate for the right job. Joe McDermott defines an interview as: ―a complex interaction between two parties both of whom are offering something while simultaneously seeking to have a need met. An interview is a two-way process of communication where both the concerned parties have a need; – the interviewers seek information from the candidate to determine whether s/he is the right candidate for the job, while the candidate tries to decide whether the job and the organisation are right for him/her. The purpose of an interview may vary depending on the need and the situation. Interviews are held not only for selection of candidates but also for promotion, redressal of grievances, assessment of performance, etc. I. Types of Interviews: A) Selection Interview: This type of interview is also known as Job Interview, Employment Interview, Service Interview etc. The main objective is to select the right candidate for the right position. Apart from the application letter, curriculum vitae and other documents that a prospective candidate sends the employers, it is essential that a face-toface meeting take place between the employers and the candidate to check the suitability of the candidate for the position for which s/he is being recruited. This also gives the employer an opportunity to assess the entire personality of the candidate and choose one from among the many applicants for the job. Most recruiters look for three important requirements in a candidate:  Aptitude and Ability  Commitment  Adaptability Aptitude and Ability indicate the capacity to do the job. Through the interview, the interviewer tries to find out if the qualities and qualifications mentioned in the CV/Resume are borne out through the replies of the candidate. Commitment is loyalty and dedication towards the company. The interviewer is interested in knowing if the candidate has a long-term interest in the company i.e. will the candidate stick on to the job or quit in a few months. The interviewer is obviously not interested in repeating the recruitment process in the near future. Adaptability is the ease with which the candidate will fit into the company: interpersonal relationships, the working style, values, etc.


F.Y.B.COM. SEMESTER – II BUSINESS COMMUNICATION, Q – 1   Q.1 AN EXAMPLE OF THE OUTLINE AND A FULL LENGTH PRESENTATION. ANS: Title : Run For Your Life! Sub-title : The need, importance and benefits of physical exercise. 1. Introduction: Nature of modern fast paced life. 2. Effects of life on the fast track. 3. Need for exercise mental, physical, spiritual. 4. Benefits of exercise. 5. Modern day forms of exercise. 6. Conclusion. Introduction. Shahrukh Khan goes for 6 pack abs. Amir Khan up to 8 pack abs. Leena Mogre opens her hi-style gym. Fitness First opens in Oshivara. Cloud 9 opens its 9th outlet in Bandra. Respected judges, professors and friends, Are all these a symbol of a rising and shining India? Yes, but much more, they a sign of the changing times, an increasingly body and health conscious people of a fast developing country India. 1. Friends you must be aware that with a happy rising GDP and a satisfying soaring sensex there is also a distressing increase in suicides, hyper tension, diabetes, depression and heart ailments. In fact it has been predicted that India will be the diabetes capital of the world. And who or what is to be blamed for this state of affairs? Not just the nature of the fast- paced modern life but also the wrong health habits of the people. 2. Life on the fast track has its own advantages and pitfalls. Today‘s youth is focused and in a hurry to achieve success. One may get a good job, income, lifestyle and all the trappings of success, but at what cost? They have little time to savour the little pleasures of life, The result is long working hours, lack of sleep, stress and hyper tension. Surely life is not all about financial security and professional success alone? One needs good health to enjoy the fruits of success. 3. It is not uncommon or strange that practically everyday newspapers and other media are advocating the importance of exercise and right diet. Exercise is to the body what active usage is to any machine. Take the example of any car or a sewing machine that is not put to use for a couple of months. It is but natural that after a couple of months of disuse the car‘s battery would have discharged, the machinery rusted or clogged. But a running machine would be in excellent form giving peak performance with an occasional servicing. 4 Similarly the mind too gets sharper and more effective with mental exercise and training as well as right thinking. So too the spirit and soul of man would be more receptive to awareness and acceptance of divine grace when kept in good shape with the spiritual exercise of prayer, meditation and fasting. 5. The benefits of exercise are manifold. An exercised body is ready for peak performance because it is energetic. A person has greater stamina. It increases heart rate and blood supply to all the parts of the body. Exercise releases endorphins which impart to the body a heightened awareness and a sense of well being as well as alertness. It engenders the value of self-discipline and hard work. It makes one focused and sure and determined. The sense of well being makes a person cheerful and enthusiastic. These qualities are key drivers in a person‘s attitude to work and relationships. Such an individual would also be positive, easy to get along with and an active contributor to society. 6. Having said that we need to consider the different ways of bodily exercise. The modern world offers a rich variety of ways. There are of course the modern gyms which have become so popular. There are the older variations of the humble home grown gyms, the vyayamshalas and the akharas. The pole climbing and wrestling and boxing as much as the karate and the judo are other forms of both exercise, sport and body fitness combined. There is our very own Yoga, now an internationally renowned form of both mental and physical fitness. But what about the cheapest and commonest form of fitness and exercise that any one can use? Why it is the the simplest walking and jogging or running. No need of spending hefty amounts in fashionable gyms or training schools. Any one can walk or gradually progress to run a small stretch of the road. This explains the popularity of the public parks with running tracks and tracks for walking. They are the popular Nana Nani parks and friends if you notice there are people of all ages and sizes and shapes, not just grand parents and oldies. Even if the parks are named for them! This also explains the popularity of the old adage: After supper rest a while, after dinner walk a mile. Of course one doesn‘t advocate running after dinner. Also observe how the doctors are all always advising people to walk everyday for at least half an hour daily. A brisk walk or a slow run are what can do wonders, and all at no cost! 7. The Marathons are yet another feature that explain the popularity of running. Watch how young and old have all enthusiastically taken to it and not just in India but all over the world. They have also helped focus attention on a cause and helped multinational and national companies contribute their b it by demonstrating corporate responsibility. And so in conclusion friends I can only stress the importance of running to make your life longer, healthier and happier by saying: Keep away strife, Take your wife and Run for your Life.  

E-commerce, M.COM PART 1

E commerce m com semester 2 important questions and answers pdf download Part 1 (Semester 2) E- COMMERCE Most Important Question Bank for Current Exam Q.19. What are the limitations of e-enterprise? ANS:       Though e-commerce offers many advantages to customers, business, society and nation, there are still some areas of concern that need to be addressed. The following are some of the disadvantages or limitations of e-enterprise. 1. Security :- The biggest drawback of e-business is the issue of security. People fear to provide personal and financial information, even though several improvements have been made in relation to data encryption. Certain websites do not have capabilities to conduct authentic transactions. Fear of providing credit card information and risk of identity limit the growth of e-business. 2. Lack of privacy :- Many websites do not have high encryption for secure online transaction or to protect online identity. Some websites illegally collect statistics on consumers without their permission. Lack of privacy discourages people to use internet for conduction commercial transactions 3. Tax issues :- Sales tax is another big issues when the buyer and seller are situated in different locations. Computation of sales tax poses problems when the buyer and seller in different states. Another factor is that physical stores will lose business if web purchases are free from tax. 4. Fear :- People fear to operate in a paperless and faceless electronic world. Some of the business organizations do not have physical existence, people do not know with whom they are conducting commercial transactions. This aspect makes people to opt physical stores for purchase. 5. Legal issues :- The cyber laws that govern the e-business transactions are not very clear and very from country-to-country. These legal issues prevent people from entering into electronic contacts. 6. Sectoral Limitations :- The main disadvantage of e-business is the lack of growth in some sectors on account of product or sector limitations. The food sector has not benefited in terms of growth of sales and consequent revenue generation because of number of practical reasons, like food products becoming perishable items. Consumers do not look for food products on the interent, since they prefer to going to the supermarket to buy the necessary items as and when its require. Therefore, e-business gets the online orders relate to food, grocery related products. 7. Costly e-business solutions for optimization :- Substantial resources are required for redefining products lines in order to sell online. Upgrading computer systems, training personnel, and updating websites requires substantial resources. Electronic Data management (EDM) and Enterprise resourse planning(ERP), necessary for ensuring optimal business process, may be pose challenges to e-enterprise. 8. Challenges of low Entry Barriers to existing Firms :- In e-commerce there is low entry barriers. The rapid growth of e-commerce sector is attracting new entrants. One can start e-business venture with an initial investment of as low as rs.5 to rs 10 lakhs, thereby leading to reduced competitive advantages. The sector is also attracting the interest of Venture Capital Funds, and thus enabling e-commerce enterpreneurs to secure funds easily. This enables new companies to easily replicate the existing business models and , thereby ,increase competiton in the sector. 9. Low Pentration of Internet in Rural Areas :- India’s e-commerce market is mainly dominated by urban areas, with the bulk of the business being restricted to cities. Internet useage in rural areas is limited, although 70% of india’s population lives in rural areas. The limited internet useage in rural areas could be due to several factors such as low internet speed and internet user base. The inadequacy of vernacular content of e-commerce websites is another reason for low penetration in rural areas. 10. Problem in payment gateways :- Indian payment gateways have high failure rate as comapred to other countries. Several customers do not attempt payment after a transaction fails. Therefore, online  sellers using payment gateways are losing out on online sales.    

Blog, E-commerce, M.COM PART 1 part 1 (Semester 2) question papers with answers pdf mumbai university Part 1 (Semester 2) E- COMMERCE Most Important Question Bank for Current Exam     Q.20. Define e-Marketing and its Scope Or Explain the areas where E-Marketing can be brought into use. ANS: MEANING: E-marketing is a process of planning and executing the conception, distribution, promotion, and pricing of products and services in a computerized, networked environment, such as the Internet and the World Wide Web, to facilitate exchanges and satisfy customer demands Marketing (also referred to as web marketing or internet marketing) uses electronic communication technologies including the Internet, mobile phones and digital media Definition: According to Kotler and Keller, E-Marketing portrays company efforts to inform and communicate with buyers, and promote and sell its products and services over the Internet. SCOPE OF E-MARKETING: 1. Advertising: Ecommerce advertising is the practice of disseminating paid messages to sell a product online. The advertiser will pay for placement, impressions, clicks, etc. on a publisher. E marketing forms a better way for advertising as major population has access to internet and also advertising will have a better reach and ultimately better conversion 2. Promotions: E-Marketing can be used for promotions of either an existing product or a new product. With the help of emerging technology marketers can make use of creativity and promote their products in a better manner which was not possible in traditional method 3. Market Analysis Market analysis forms a very important and one of the primary activities of any business activity. It helps the business to understand the market standing. It helps the organization to identify its competitors and form a combat force to fight the same. This basically forms a source of primary first-hand information for the business. E- Marketing can be used for gathering this crucial information. 4. Strategic Web activities To be in constant touch with the customers andprospects, it is very important for the business to be in news and do things differently. It is often said ‘Out of Sight is Out of Mind’. Hence, companies must keep engaging themselves in strategic activities over different platform to be visible. This can be done through E-Marketing. 5. Business expansion After survival and Growth, Expansion is an inevitable part of any business organization. For expansion, its is not just enough to escalate the R & D process but also to communicate it efficiently in the market. Unless a better communication is done, even the best of products cannot pick up sales. E-Marketing, can be seen as a platform for launch of new products as well business expansion. 6. Customer response Business and marketing are a continuous activity. Its continuity is largely based on the feedback that is received from the customer. In today’s era, its difficult to pay attention to individual responses and letters/ Grievances/ Satisfaction, but much easier when E-Marketing tools are used. It helps the organization to gauge the exact summary of customer feedback.  

E-commerce, M.COM PART 1, Question Bank Part 1 E commerce important questions unit wise Part 1 (Semester 2) E- COMMERCE Most Important Question Bank for Current Exam Q.18. Discuss the benefits of E-Enterprise. ANS: E-Enterprise is the conduct of business processes on the internet. These electronic business processes include buying and selling products, supplies and services, serving customers, processing payment, managing production control, collaborating with business partners, sharing information, running automated employee services, recruiting etc. The benefits or advantages of E-enterprise is as follows :- 1. Provides Flexibility :- E-enterprise interact with more customer, can entail more, and can offer an innovative experience through website. It offers a platform for organizations to interact with the customers in a creative way and provides flexibility to realise creativity along with Global Director E-enterpriseOnline Marketplaces Third Party e-Retailers Direct Sales & Affiliates Digital Marketing Cooperative Online Marketing Product Data Management Data Distribution infrastructure that decides the scope. The restructuring of organizational processes and functions are much easier and they contribute to better utilization of resources and assets. In this age of information explosion, e-enterprise offers a platform for information utilization and allow building an edge through creative use of information. It comes in various ways such as outsourcing, off shoring, and integrating various business components. 2. No need for physical preserence :- Business are no longer dependent on physical reach because most of them have expanded through the internet. This has increased the visibility of the companies. Increased connectivity has enhanced responsiveness mainfold. Introduction of new service have changed their management and treatment in marketplace. 3. Cost Reduction :- E-enterprise reduces the cost information collection, inforamtion stortage and information analysis. Most importantly, it reduces the communcation costs. 4. Transparency :- In e-enterprise, marekets, prices, transaction, and cost become more and more transparent. This transparency leads to more efficient markets. Cost transparency refers to the ability of the customer to determine that actual costs. 5. Personalization :- Another importanta aspect of e-enterprise is personalization. E-enterprise allows one to have targeted marketing message and even customers can select their messages of interest. They can keep their transactions listed and merchants can give personalized service as e-business allows very easy information handling. 6. End-to-end information flows :- E-enterprise transforms business relationship traditionally working in hierachy and many indirect connections. The old indirect connectivity and hierachy was responsible for the market inefficiencies and loss of information. Eenterprise with end-to-end relationship empowers efficient information flow. This allows customer demands at different levels being addressed more efficiently. 7. Integrated solution :- E-enterprise even helps in managing the chain of networks linking customers, workers, suppliers, distributors, and even competitors within an integrated or extended supply chain management solution. Supply chain management(SCM) is defined as the management of supply-related functions and activities, that is,materials, information, and finance as they move from source to destinationm that is, form the supplier to manufacturer to wholesaler to retailer and, finally, to consumer. It involoves the coordination and integration of parties involved in it and flows both within and among companies. 8. Saves time :- One of the major driving forces behind implementation of e-business is that is saves time. The savings in time takes place on different fronts. The customer saves time because he/she can perform different transactions at any time and at any place. The turnaround time for transactions is reduced to a great extent. Overall connectivity empowers the organization to deliver an efficient service. Time is also saved in other transactions, information transefers, and ultimately helping in decision making. 9. Improved communication with customers and suppliers :- The communication and interaction of customers with suppliers has become easier. Finacial transactions have become efficient and that allows both customers and suppliers to concentrate on other fronts. Electronic communication makes overall communication efficient. 10. Online publishing :- Text, graphics, and multimedia files are used in web-based documents for web publishing. The examples of webpublishing include various e-magazines, web based newspapers, and e-books that are published on website. Other materials used for promotional purpose and published on websites also come under web publishing. Low-cost univesal access, the independence of time and place, and ease of distribution are some of the advantage of online publishing. There are mangement issues and public policy issues that need to be considered before online purchasing. The measurement and profitability related issues come under management issues , while copyright, censorship related issues, and legal aspects come under public policy related issues. Online publishing uses both business-to-business (B2B) and business-toconsumers(B2C).   If you want exam most important question bank pdf then you have to pay per subject 100/- rupees only .  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141        Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- Suraj Patel Education :-   F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   S.Y.J.C EXAM :-   F.Y EXAM :-     S.Y EXAM :-     T.Y EXAM :-     M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- M.A EXAM :-  YouTube Channel    

E-commerce, M.COM PART 1, Question Bank

E-commerce m com semester 2 important questions and answers pdf 2024 Part 1 (Semester 2) E- COMMERCE Most Important Question Bank for Current Exam Q.16 Discuss the features of e-enterprise ANS: 1. Flat Organisation Structure :- The nature of organisation structure in e-enterprise is flat. There are limited levels of management.There is limited number of workforce including managers, also the administration and managent overheads are lower. 2. Global Reach:- E-enterprise permits global reach. Due to internet and web technology , traditional business organisation defination has undergone a change where scope of the enterprise now includes other company location, business partners, customers and vendors. 3. Information Driven :- Due to Interent and web, the e-enterprise is nformation driven rather than paper driven organisation. E-business enterprises is open twenty four hours, and being an public domain; managers,suppliers,customers and business partners can transact business anytime from anywhere. 4. Competitive Advantage :- Internet capabilities have given ebusiness enterprise a competitive advantage to increase the business value. It has opened new channels of business as buying and selling can be done on internet. It enables to reach new markets across the world anywhere du to communication capabilities. It has empowered customers and suppliers through secured access to information to act, wherever necessary. The cost of business operation has come down significantly due to the elimination of paper-driven processes, faster communication and effective collaborative working. The internet based transactions resulted in the reduction of administrative and management overheads, reduction in inventory, quicker delivery of products. 5. Absense of Command Control :- In e-enterprise, organisations are empowered by informaion and knowledge to perform various activities. In e-enterprise, people work in a network environment or in a virtual mode. The decision in e-enterprise are supported by information systems, application packages and decision-support systems. 6. Process driven :- E-business enterprise is more process driven, technology enabled and uses its own information and knowledge to perform activities. In E-business enterprise, most of the activities are electronic-based,use of digital technologies and work on databases,knowledge bases,directories and document repositories. The business process are conducted through enterprise software like ERP(Enterprise Resourse Planning),SCM(Supply chain management) and e-CRM supported by data warehouse, decision support and knowledge management systems. 7. E-business Solutions :- E-business enterprises are using Internet technology, network, and wireless technology for improving the business performance measured in terms of cost, efficiency, competitiveness and profitability. E-enterprise are using e-business solutions to reach faraway locations to deliver product and services. The enterprise solutions like ERP, SCM and e-CRM run on Internet and Wide Area Network(WAN). 8. Transformation :- The paradigm shift to e-enterprise has brought four transformations, namely:  Domestic business to global business.  Industrial manufacturing economy to knowledge-based service economy.  Enterprise resource management to Enterprise network management.  Manual document driven business process to paperless automated, electronically transacted business process. 9. Trading of goods and services :- In E-enterptrise, business is conducted electronically. Buying and selling is possible for a wide range of products such books, readymade garments, jewellery, electronic items, white goods and many such goods are bought and sold on internet. Also, a number of services such as banking, insurance, healthcare, education, tourism industry are being managed through internet. 10. Mangement Information Systems :- MIS for e-business is different compared to conventional MIS design of an organisation. The role of MIS in e-business organization is to deal with changes in global market and enterprises. MIS produce more knowledge-based products. Knowledge management system is normally recognised as a part of MIS. It is effectively used for straegic planning for survival and growth, increase in profits, productivity. 11. Challenges for E-enterprise:-  The organisation structure should be lean and flat  Employees should allow to work from anywhere  Re-engineer the processes to cut down process cycle time  Make use of groupware technology on internet platform for faster response processing.  Enlarge the scope of organisation where customers, suppliers, and others become a part of the organisation with the help of etechnology.  Change the organisation behaviour to gain competitive advantage by using e-technolgy to communicate,coordinate and collaborate with customers, suppliers and businss partners.     If you want exam most important question bank pdf then you have to pay per subject 100/- rupees only .  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141        Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- Suraj Patel Education :-   F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   S.Y.J.C EXAM :-   F.Y EXAM :-     S.Y EXAM :-     T.Y EXAM :-     M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- M.A EXAM :-  YouTube Channel    


idol mumbai university Semester 4 business management supply chain management Important

  M.COM SEMESTER – IV (CBCS) BUSINESS STUDIES (MANAGEMENT) SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT LOGISTICS   Q.10 Write a brief note on forms of supply chain networks. ANS: Supply chain networks exhibit various models that aid in understanding the various optimization methods used for studying uncertainty and scenario modelling. As shown below, there are six distinct supply chain network models.           1. Producer Storage with Direct Shipping: In this model, goods are transported directly from the manufacturer’s starting point to the end customer’s destination point, bypassing the retailer. The retailer accepts the order and initiates the delivery request. This is also known as drop-shipping because the product is delivered directly from the manufacturer’s location to the customer’s location. 2. Producer storage with direct shipping and in-transit merge (crossdocking): It is like pure drop-shipping or moving, but the difference is that pieces of the order come from various locations and are merged into one so that the customer receives a single delivery. 3. Distributor storage with package carrier delivery: When inventory is not owned by the manufacturers at the plants, but rather by merchants/retailers in intermediate warehouses, package carriers are used to ship goods from the intermediate location to the final customer. 4. Distributor storage with last-mile delivery: When a merchant/retailer delivers the goods ordered by the customer to the customer’s home rather than using a package carrier, this type occurs. 5. Producer or distributor storage with customer pickup: The inventory is stored at the manufacturer’s or producer’s warehouse, but customers place their orders online or by phone and then come to pick-up points designated for collecting their orders. 6. Retail Storage with Customer Pickup: This is mostly used when inventory is kept locally at retail stores; customers walk into the store or order something online or over the phone and pick it up at the store. Customers’ preferences are used to make distribution system decisions. This, in turn, affects the demand for the product or products as well as the cost of the distribution arrangement.     If you want exam most important question bank pdf then you have to pay per subject 100/- rupees only .  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141              Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- Suraj Patel Education :-   F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   S.Y.J.C EXAM :-   F.Y EXAM :-     S.Y EXAM :-     T.Y EXAM :-     M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- M.A EXAM :-  YouTube Channel     supply chain management logistics sem 4 question paper   supply chain management logistics sem 4 question with answer semester 4 subjects of supply chain management logistics semester 4 mumbai university supply chain management logistics important question IDOL mumbai university semester 4 supply chain management logistics important question IDOL mumbai university supply chain management logistics important question business management supply chain management sem 4 question paper Semester 4 business management supply chain management Important idol mumbai university Semester 4 business management supply chain management Important business management supply chain management Important question supply chain management mcq questions and answers pdf downloa SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT AND LOGISTICS M.COM Business Management Supply Chain Management Mcom Master Of Commerce Semester 4 Question Papers M.Com. Semester Pattern Study Material


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    M.COM SEMESTER – IV (CBCS) BUSINESS STUDIES (MANAGEMENT) SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT LOGISTICS   Q.7 Explain the factors for selecting a suitable channel in a business scenario. ANS: Various constituents of the marketing mix like promotion etc., are closely related to the channels of distribution. A wrong choice of distribution channel ultimately increases the price of the product. Deciding a proper channel of distribution is not an easy task. It involves a careful study and consideration of many factors stated below. Some of the factors to consider while selecting a channel of distribution are: (1) The Nature of the Product (2) The Nature of the market (3) The Nature of Middlemen (4) The nature and size of the manufacturing unit (5) Government Regulations and Policies and (6) Competition. 1) The Nature of the Product: These factors include physical characteristics of a product and their impact on the selection of a particular channel of distribution. Various factors under this category are: (a) Perishability: Products which are perishable in nature are distributed by employing a shorter channel of distribution so that goods could be delivered to the consumers without delay. Delay in distribution of these products will deteriorate their quality. (b) Size and weight of product: Bulky and heavy products like coal and food grains etc. are directly distributed to the users involving heavy transportation costs. In order to minimise these costs a short and direct distribution channel is suitable. (c) Products with lesser: Unit value and high turnover are distributed by employing longer channels of distribution. Household products like utensils, cloth, cosmetics etc. take a longer time to reach the consumers. On the other hand, products like jewellery having high product value are directly sold to the consumers by the jewellers. (d) Standardisation: Products of standard size and quality usually take longer by adopting longer channels of distribution. For example, machine tools and automobile products which are of standard size reach the consumer through the wholesalers and retailers. Un-standardised articles take less time and pass-through shorter channels of distribution. (e) Technical Nature of Products: Industrial products which are highly technical in nature are usually distributed directly to the industrial users and take lesser time and adopt shorter channels of distribution. In this case after sales service and technical advice is provided by the manufacturer to the consumers. On the other hand, consumer products of technical nature are usually sold through wholesalers and retailers. In this manner a longer channel of distribution is employed for their sales. After sales services are provided by the wholesalers and retailers. Examples of such products are televisions, scooters, refrigerators, etc. (f) Product Lines: A manufacturer producing different products in the same lines sells directly or through retailers and less time is consumed in their distribution. For example, in automobile rubber products this practice is followed. On the other hand, a manufacturer dealing only in one item appoints sole selling agents, wholesalers and retailers for selling the product. For example, in the case of ‘Vanaspati Ghee’, a longer distribution channel is undertaken. 2) The Nature of the market: This is another factor influencing the choice of a proper channel of distribution. In the words of Lazo and Corbin ―Marketing managements select channels on the basis of customer wants-how, where and under what circumstances. The number of buyers of the product affects the choice of a f channel of distribution. Following factors are considered in this regard: (a) Consumer of industrial market: In the case of industrial markets, the number of buyers is less; a shorter channel of distribution can be adopted. These buyers usually directly purchase from the manufacturers. Marketing intermediaries are not needed in this case. But in the case of consumer markets, where there are a large number of buyers, a longer channel of distribution is employed. Distribution process cannot be effectively carried out without the services of wholesalers and retailers. (b) Number of prospective buyers: If the number of buyers is likely to be more, the distribution channel will be long. On the other hand, if the number of consumers is expected to be less, the manufacturer can effectively sell directly to the consumers by appointing salesmen. (c) Size of the order: If the size of the order placed by the customers is big, direct selling can be undertaken by the manufacturer as in the case of industrial goods. But where the size of the order is small, middlemen are appointed to distribute the products. (d) Geographic concentration of market: Where the customers are concentrated at one particular place or market, the distribution channel will be short and the manufacturer can directly supply the goods in that area by opening his own shops or sales depot. In cases where buyers are widely scattered, it is very difficult for the manufacturer to establish a direct link with the consumers, services of wholesalers and retailers will be used. (e) Buying habits of customers: This includes tastes, preferences, likes and dislikes of customers. Customers also expect certain services like credit and personal attention and after sales services etc. All these factors greatly influence the choice of distribution channel. 3) The Nature of Middlemen: Marketing intermediaries are vital components in the distribution of goods. They greatly influence the marketing of goods.  Important factors relating to the selection of a particular middleman are explained as under: (a) Cost of distribution of goods: Cost of distribution through middlemen is one of the main considerations to be taken into account by the manufacturer. Higher cost of distribution will result in the increased cost of product. The manufacturer should select the most economical distribution channel. In finalising the channel of distribution, services provided by the intermediaries must be kept in mind. It may be pointed out that the manufacturer can select an expensive marketing intermediary because that may ensure various marketing services which cannot be offered by others. (b) Availability of desired middlemen: Sometimes desired middlemen may not be available for the distribution of goods. They may be busy dealing with competitive


IDOL mumbai university supply chain management logistics important question

   M.COM SEMESTER – IV (CBCS) BUSINESS STUDIES (MANAGEMENT) SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT LOGISTICS   Q.5 Explain in detail forecasting in SCM and the need for the same in business. ANS: Forecasting is the process of making predictions based on past and present data. Later these can be compared (resolved) against what happens. · For example, a company might estimate their revenue in the next year, then compare it against the actual results. Prediction is a similar, but more general term. · Forecasting might refer to specific formal statistical methods employing time series, cross-sectional or longitudinal data, or Supply Chain Management and Logistics alternatively to less formal judgmental methods or the process of prediction and resolution itself. · Usage can differ between areas of application: for example, in hydrology the terms “forecast” and “forecasting” are sometimes reserved for estimates of values at certain specific future times, while the term “prediction” is used for more general estimates, such as the number of times floods will occur over a long period. · Risk and uncertainty are central to forecasting and prediction; it is generally considered good practice to indicate the degree of uncertainty attaching to forecasts. · In any case, the data must be up to date in order for the forecast to be as accurate as possible. In some cases the data used to predict the variable of interest is itself forecast. · Data-driven forecasting provides more accurate predictions, but qualitative data also plays a significant role in supply chain forecasting and has proven to be just as effective. · In many cases, ecommerce brands use a combination of both quantitative and qualitative forecasting methods to get as close to accurate predictions as possible. · However, qualitative forecasting methods come in handy when there is a lack of data. Oftentimes, new businesses or innovative products rely on qualitative forecasting methods to make predictions. Here are the most common qualitative forecasting methods used in ecommerce supply chain forecasting. 1. Market research: Market research is a best practice for any business, whether it’s selling a product or even a service. For ecommerce sales, market research can be used to predict supply and demand, and help determine whether or not there is strong demand for a product that will support profit goals. Market research can be executed internally by marketing or sales experts, or businesses can hire a third-party that specialize in market research. There are different tactics used, from developing stakeholder surveys, conducting a thorough competitive analysis, or even interviewing experts in a specific field or industry. 2. Delphi method: The Delphi method consists of market orientation and judgments within a small group of experts or advisors, which is then sorted, grouped, and analyzed by third-party experts. The opinions of the experts are gathered individually to avoid the influence of others’ options, which differs from a panel discussion or focus group. The gathering of opinions is outsourced to a third-party, which analyzes the opinions and information shared. Once reviewed closely, the information is then summarized with an emphasis on different patterns or trends before handing the findings over to the business to review. This method has proved effective and dependable for long-term forecasting. 3. Historical analysis: Historical analysis uses the sales history of a product having a parallel relationship with a present product to predict future sales. It can be utilized to predict the market’s response to a new product or product line. For instance, if you sell vacuums, you would look at past performance on your highest selling vacuum models. Then, you would compare whether or not the features for the new vacuum are similar yet offer something new and improved in terms of settings and options. Historical data can also be collected by looking at your competition’s high-selling products and comparing similar products in your line to determine demand when possible. 4. Panel consensus: The panel consensus method brings together members of a business across all levels to establish its forecast. It is an open process that allows all the participants to express their opinions and predictions based on what they know. For example, you could work with your ecommerce customer service team to identify which products are being returned most often and why, or work with your sales team to get insights on what customers are asking for.     If you want exam most important question bank pdf then you have to pay per subject 100/- rupees only .  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141              Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- Suraj Patel Education :-   F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   S.Y.J.C EXAM :-   F.Y EXAM :-     S.Y EXAM :-     T.Y EXAM :-     M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- M.A EXAM :-  YouTube Channel supply chain management logistics sem 4 question paper supply chain management logistics sem 4 question with answer semester 4 subjects of supply chain management logistics semester 4 mumbai university supply chain management logistics important question IDOL mumbai university semester 4 supply chain management logistics important question IDOL mumbai university supply chain management logistics important question business management supply chain management sem 4 question paper Semester 4 business management supply chain management Important idol mumbai university Semester 4 business management supply chain management Important business management supply chain management Important question supply chain management mcq questions and answers pdf downloa SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT AND LOGISTICS M.COM Business Management Supply Chain Management Mcom Master Of Commerce Semester 4 Question Papers M.Com. 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