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Corporate finance, M.COM PART 1, Question Bank

Corporate finance semester 2 question papers with answers pdf

  M.COM. SEMESTER – II (CBCS) CORPORATE FINANCE   Unit-3 RATIO ANALYSIS Q.14. The Trading and Profit and Loss Account of SKSS Ltd., for the year ended 31st March, 2007 is given below :         ANS:                  If you want exam most important question bank pdf then you have to pay per subject 100/- rupees only .  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141              Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- Suraj Patel Education :-   F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   S.Y.J.C EXAM :-   F.Y EXAM :-     S.Y EXAM :-     T.Y EXAM :-     M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- M.A EXAM :-  YouTube Channel semester – ii (cbcs) corporate finance most important questions, corporate finance semester – ii (cbcs) most important questions, Munbai university semester – ii (cbcs) corporate finance most important questions, corporate finance Munbai university semester – ii (cbcs) most important questions, Corporate finance semester 2 question papers with answers pdf mumbai university, Corporate finance semester 2 question papers with answers pdf, semester 2 Corporate finance question papers with answers pdf, semester – ii (cbcs) corporate finance most important question papers with answers pdf, most important question papers semester – ii (cbcs) corporate financ        

Corporate finance, M.COM PART 1, Question Bank

Corporate finance Munbai university semester – ii (cbcs) most important questions

  M.COM. SEMESTER – II (CBCS) CORPORATE FINANCE   Unit-3 RATIO ANALYSIS   Q.12. From the following details, furnished by Globe Traders for the year ended on 31.3.2009, prepare the Balance sheet as on that date: The firm sells its products only on credit. Credit sales for the year ended 31-3-2009 amounted to Rs. 120 lakhs. ANS: If you want exam most important question bank pdf then you have to pay per subject 100/- rupees only .  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141            Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- Suraj Patel Education :-   F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   S.Y.J.C EXAM :-   F.Y EXAM :-     S.Y EXAM :-     T.Y EXAM :-     M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- M.A EXAM :-  YouTube Channel semester – ii (cbcs) corporate finance most important questions, corporate finance semester – ii (cbcs) most important questions, Munbai university semester – ii (cbcs) corporate finance most important questions, corporate finance Munbai university semester – ii (cbcs) most important questions, Corporate finance semester 2 question papers with answers pdf mumbai university, Corporate finance semester 2 question papers with answers pdf, semester 2 Corporate finance question papers with answers pdf, semester – ii (cbcs) corporate finance most important question papers with answers pdf, most important question papers semester – ii (cbcs) corporate financ      

Accounts, Corporate finance, M.COM PART 1, Question Bank part 1 sem 2 corporate finance ,Mumbai university question papers

 M.COM. SEMESTER – II (CBCS) CORPORATE FINANCE     Q.5. Mr Vishwanath an is planning to buy a machine which would generate cash flow as follows: ANS:     If you want exam most important question bank pdf then you have to pay per subject 100/- rupees only .  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141            Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- Suraj Patel Education :-   F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   S.Y.J.C EXAM :-   F.Y EXAM :-     S.Y EXAM :-     T.Y EXAM :-     M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- M.A EXAM :-  YouTube Channel     Mumbai University corporate finance Semester 2 questions and answers Corporate Finance Questions and Answers Part – 1 Part 1 Semester 2 corporate finance questions and answers part 1 sem 2 corporate finance ,Mumbai university question papers semester – ii (cbcs) corporate finance questions and answers corporate finance mumbai university solved question papers download pdf corporate finance sem 2 imp questions pdf mumbai university corporate finance sem 2 pdf mumbai university part 1 sem 2 corporate finance mcq pdf part 1 question papers with answers idol question papers with answers pdf mumbai university part 1 sem 2 corporate finance book pdf sem 2 corporate finance question paper corporate finance sem 2 manan prakashan question papers with answers pdf mumbai university question papers with answers pdf mumbai university part 2 question papers with answers pdf mumbai university question papers with answers pdf mumbai university part 2          

Accounts, Corporate finance, M.COM PART 1, Question Bank

Corporate finance mumbai university solved question papers download pdf

 M.COM. SEMESTER – II (CBCS) CORPORATE FINANCE     Q.7. Sanjana Ltd. has issued bonds with face value of ` 1,000 bearing interest @ 24% p.a. payable half yearly maturing after 5 years at par. The expected rate of return of an investor is 12%. Should the investor buy the bonds if the current price of bond listed in the market is ` 1,000? (Adapted TYBAF Nov. 2016). ANS:   If you want exam most important question bank pdf then you have to pay per subject 100/- rupees only .  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141            Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- Suraj Patel Education :-   F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   S.Y.J.C EXAM :-   F.Y EXAM :-     S.Y EXAM :-     T.Y EXAM :-     M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- M.A EXAM :-  YouTube Channel     Mumbai University corporate finance Semester 2 questions and answers Corporate Finance Questions and Answers Part – 1 Part 1 Semester 2 corporate finance questions and answers part 1 sem 2 corporate finance ,Mumbai university question papers semester – ii (cbcs) corporate finance questions and answers corporate finance mumbai university solved question papers download pdf corporate finance sem 2 imp questions pdf mumbai university corporate finance sem 2 pdf mumbai university part 1 sem 2 corporate finance mcq pdf part 1 question papers with answers idol question papers with answers pdf mumbai university part 1 sem 2 corporate finance book pdf sem 2 corporate finance question paper corporate finance sem 2 manan prakashan question papers with answers pdf mumbai university question papers with answers pdf mumbai university part 2 question papers with answers pdf mumbai university question papers with answers pdf mumbai university part 2          

Corporate finance, M.COM PART 1, Question Bank sem 2 corporate finance question papers with answers pdf mumbai university

 M.COM. SEMESTER – II (CBCS) CORPORATE FINANCE      Q.9. explain current ratio and advantages ANS: This ratio measures the solvency of the company in the short-term; current assets are those assets which can be converted into cash within a year. Current liabilities and provisions are those liabilities that are payable within a year.                                               Current Assets, Loans & Advances                                              Current Liabilities & Provisions A current ratio of 2:1 indicates a highly solvent position A current ratio of 1.33: 1 is considered by banks as the minimum acceptable level for providing working capital finance. The constituents of the current assets are as important as the current assets themselves for evaluation of a company’s solvency position. A very high current ratio will have adverse impact on the profitability of the organization. A high current ratio may be due to the piling up of inventory, inefficiency in collection of debtors, high balances in cash and bank accounts without proper investment etc. Advantages of Current Ratio 1. This ratio indicates the extent of current asset available to meet the current obligations. It is only from the current assets the immediate obligations (current liabilities) are met with. Therefore, the interest of creditors lies in this ratio. 2. The safe ratio is 2:1. This means, for every current liability of Rs. 1, there should be current assets of Rs. 2, so that the firm can conveniently meet its current obligations, even if the assets like stock or debtors are not quickly realized. 3. This margin also leaves sufficient amount as working capital to carry out day-to-day transactions. 4. This is useful in assessing the solvency and liquidity position of the company.   If you want exam most important question bank pdf then you have to pay per subject 100/- rupees only .  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141            Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- Suraj Patel Education :-   F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   S.Y.J.C EXAM :-   F.Y EXAM :-     S.Y EXAM :-     T.Y EXAM :-     M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- M.A EXAM :-  YouTube Channel     Mumbai University corporate finance Semester 2 questions and answers Corporate Finance Questions and Answers Part – 1 Part 1 Semester 2 corporate finance questions and answers part 1 sem 2 corporate finance ,Mumbai university question papers semester – ii (cbcs) corporate finance questions and answers corporate finance mumbai university solved question papers download pdf corporate finance sem 2 imp questions pdf mumbai university corporate finance sem 2 pdf mumbai university part 1 sem 2 corporate finance mcq pdf part 1 question papers with answers idol question papers with answers pdf mumbai university part 1 sem 2 corporate finance book pdf sem 2 corporate finance question paper corporate finance sem 2 manan prakashan question papers with answers pdf mumbai university question papers with answers pdf mumbai university part 2 question papers with answers pdf mumbai university question papers with answers pdf mumbai university part 2        

Corporate finance, M.COM PART 1, Question Bank

Corporate finance semester – ii (cbcs) most important questions

 M.COM. SEMESTER – II (CBCS) CORPORATE FINANCE Unit-1 NATURE AND SCOPE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT   Q.2. FUNCTIONS OF FINANCIAL CONTROLLER ANS: The important functions of a financial controller in a large business firm consist of the following: 1. Provision of Capital – To establish and execute programmes for the provision of capital required by the business. 2. Investor Relations – To establish and maintain an adequate market for the company’s securities and to maintain adequate liaison with investment bankers, financial analysis and shareholders. 3. Short-term Financing – To maintain adequate sources for company’s current borrowing from commercial banks and other lending institutions. 4. Banking and Custody – To maintain banking arrangement, to receive, have custody of and disburse the company’s monies and securities. 5. Credit and Collections – To direct the granting of credit and the collection of accounts due to the company, including the supervision of required special arrangements for financing sales, such as time payment and leasing plans. 6. Insurance – To provide insurance coverage as required. 7. Investments – To achieve the company’s funds required and to establish policies for investment in pension and other similar trusts. 8. Planning for Control – To establish, coordinate and administer an adequate plan for the control of operations. 9. Reporting and interpreting – To compare performance with operating plans and standards, and to report and interpret the results of operations to all levels of management and to the owners of the business. 10. Evaluating and Consulting – To consult with all segments of management responsible for policy or action concerning any phase of the operation of the business as it relates to the attainment of objectives and the effectiveness of policies, organization structure and procedures. 11. Tax Administration – To establish and administer tax policies and procedures. 12. Government Reporting – To supervise or coordinate the preparation of reports to government agencies. 13. Protection of Assets – To ensure protection of assets for the business through internal control, internal auditing and proper insurance coverage. 14. Economic Appraisal – To appraise continuously economic, social forces and government influences, and to interpret their effect upon the business. 15. Managing Funds – To maintain sufficient funds to meet the financial obligations.   If you want exam most important question bank pdf then you have to pay per subject 100/- rupees only .  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141            Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- Suraj Patel Education :-   F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   S.Y.J.C EXAM :-   F.Y EXAM :-     S.Y EXAM :-     T.Y EXAM :-     M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- M.A EXAM :-  YouTube Channel      


Macroeconomics mumbai university m com important question with answer pdf download | Mumbai university IDOL Part 1 (Semester 2) MACROECONOMIC Most Important Question Bank for Current Exam   13.   Write a note on the collapse of the Phillips Curve Hypothesis. ANS: The Phillips Curve hypothesis was accepted as a cure to increase the level of employment and income in the sixties. It became a macroeconomic tool to explain the trade-off between inflation rate and unemployment rate. It suggested that policy makers could choose different combinations of unemployment inflation rates. Policy makers may choose low unemployment and high inflation if it is politically and economically expedient. However, the stable relationship between higher inflation and lower unemployment as seen in the sixties could not be replicated in the seventies and thereafter, particularly in the United States and Great Britain. It was seen that both inflation rate and unemployment rate had increased on numerous occasions and the tradeoff had thus disappeared. Further, there cannot be a long run trade-off between inflation and unemployment because in the long run the aggregate supply curve becomes vertical and any further expansion after the point of full employment is reached will only add to the price level without adding anything to income, employment and output. Thus, there is no permanent unemployment-inflation trade-off. Data obtained in the seventies and thereafter indicated a shift in the Phillips curve i.e. in various years, at a given rate of inflation, the Phillips curve either shifted to the left or to the right, indicating thereby that at times, given the inflation rate, unemployment rate has increased or decreased. The stable relationship between inflation rate and unemployment rate thus was proved to be nonexistent.   Causes of Shift in Phillips Curve The shifts in the Phillips curve according to Keynesians is due to adverse supply shocks experienced in the seventies in the form of unprecedented oil price hikes. Adverse supply shocks gave rise to the phenomenon of Stagflation and the breakdown of the Phillips curve hypothesis. The impact of adverse supply shocks on national product and the price level is depicted in Fig. 2.3. The original aggregate demand and supply curves AD0 and AS0 are in equilibrium at point E0. Accordingly, the price level P0 and national output Y0 is determined. The oil price hike initiated by the Oil and Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) an oil cartel of oil producing Middle East countries contributed to the rise in cost of production of many goods and services in which oil is used as an input. Increase in the cost of production caused the aggregate supply curve to shift to the left in the upward direction, thereby causing the price level to rise along with a decrease in national output. Notice that the new aggregate supply curve AS1 now intersects the aggregate demand curve AD0 at point E1 and accordingly the new price level P1 is determined. However, at a higher price level P1, the national output has fallen to Y1 leading to rise in unemployment. Such a situation is explained in terms of stagflation where in both unemployment and price level increases. This new phenomenon experienced, particularly by the United States in the seventies and thereafter has caused the shift in the Phillips curve. Stagflation, thus, consigned the Phillips curve hypothesis to the pages of economic history. If you want exam most important question bank pdf then you have to pay per subject 100/- rupees only .  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141        Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- Suraj Patel Education :-   F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   S.Y.J.C EXAM :-   F.Y EXAM :-     S.Y EXAM :-     T.Y EXAM :-     M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- M.A EXAM :-  YouTube Channel      


macroeconomics sem 2 mumbai university question paper Part 1 (Semester 2) MACROECONOMIC Most Important Question Bank for Current Exam 11.   Explain the concept of Human Development? ANS: The UNDP Human Development Report 1997 describes human development as “the process of widening people’s choices and the level of well-being they achieve are at the core of the notion of human development. Such theories are neither finite nor static. But regardless of the level of development, the three essential choices for people are to lead a long and healthy life, to acquire knowledge and to have access to the resources needed for a decent standard of living. Human development does not end there, however. Other choices highly valued by many people, range from political, economic and social freedom to opportunities for being creative and productive and enjoying self-respect and guaranteed human rights”.   The HDR 1997 further stated that, “Income clearly is only one option that people would like to have though an important one. But it is not the sum-total of their lives. Income is only a means with human development the end”. What we understand from the description of human development found in HDR 1997 is that human development is a continuous process. The process becomes developmental only if it increases choices and improves human well-being. Amongst other choices, the three most important choices are that of long and healthy life which is determined by life expectancy at birth, to acquire knowledge which is determined by education and a decent standard of living which is determined by GDP per capita. These three choices are also the components of human development index. While these three choices are basic to human development, the choices go beyond these three to include the ever expanding social, political and economic freedoms that make human life worth living. Thus, guaranteed human rights become an important aspect of human development. According to Paul Streeton, human development is necessary due to the following reasons: 1. Economic growth is only a means to the end of achieving human development. 2. Investments in education, health and training will increase longevity and productivity of the labor force and thereby improve human development. 3. Female education and development widens choices for women’s development. Reduced infant mortality rate reduces fertility rate and reduces the size of the family. It further improves female health and helps to reduce the rate of growth of population. 4. Encroachment upon the natural environment is the result of growing size of impoverished populations. Problems of desertification, deforestation, and soil erosion, erosion of natural beauty, unpleasant habitats and surroundings will reduce with human development. 5. Poverty reduction will encourage people to satisfy higher order needs like esteem needs and the need for self-actualization. Thus, human development can contribute to a better civil society, a credible democracy and social stability and political stability. If you want exam most important question bank pdf then you have to pay per subject 100/- rupees only .  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141        Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- Suraj Patel Education :-   F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   S.Y.J.C EXAM :-   F.Y EXAM :-     S.Y EXAM :-     T.Y EXAM :-     M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- M.A EXAM :-  YouTube Channel      

Business Communication, F.Y.B.COM, Question Bank

business communication fybcom sem 1 question with answers

F.Y.B.COM. SEMESTER – I BUSINESS COMMUNICATION       Q.5 Explain Downward Communication Advantages and Disadvantages. ANS: In Downward Communication, top management of an organization transmits decisions taken by it, along with its intended goals, vision, culture and ethics through various levels of authority. All decisions taken by the top management are passed down the ladder of authority for their implementation. The messages that flow though this channel are orders, memos, rules, practices, procedures, circulars, regulations. Written orders, bulletins, bulletin-boards, posters, house-journals are commonly used modes of this communication. As it proceeds from superiors to the subordinates, this communication is also called Top-Down Communication. Downward Communication is needed · to get the work done · to prepare the workforce for challenges · to tackle misinformation and suspicion arising out of it · to create a feeling of pride and confidence in the workforce in order to motivate it and to boost its morale. · to transmit work ethics and the organisation‘s culture   Advantages: This type of communication demands complete obedience and ensures disciplined, orderly implementation of orders. It leads to efficient functioning of the organisation and eliminates dissent. Tasks and positions of authority are well defined. This brings clarity in the minds of people who are responsible for taking action, thus avoiding confusion. It helps in uniting different levels of authority and brings in team spirit. [For example, an American or British Crisis Management team in action, or the NSG commandos in action in Mumbai during the terror attack, illustrate how downward communication ensures effective implementation of ideas. Many family–run business houses, too, work efficiently for this reason.] Requirements: It is important that the decisions are taken after due deliberation. The vision of the authority must be effectively percolated, so that it correctly and completely reaches the last person in the chain. The authority must set a good example so as to inspire confidence in the subordinates and win their cooperation. Disadvantages: Being one-way communication, it can have some glaring disadvantages. Lack of vision and arbitrary decision-making can prove detrimental and harmful to the organization. Balance in sharing information is important, so is judicious use of discretion. Unnecessary information leaks can jeopardize organizational goals. A reticent authority, unable to share necessary details with subordinates, could prove equally harmful. A hierarchical transmission of information delays implementation of decisions. Similarly, oral communication leads to information loss, distortion and lack of accountability. Absence of a feedback mechanism at the subordinate level leads to frustration. As a result, subordinates develop lack of trust in the authority, and feel exploited, leading to a tense relationship.     If You Need Most Importance Short and Brief Questions Bank with Answers For All Subject  Question Bank Than Pay Rs 100 Only  8652719712 = Google Pay , Phone Pay , Paytm Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141 Amazon Prime Link : Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :-     Suraj Patel Education :-     S.S.C EXAM:-     F.Y.J.C EXAM :-     S.Y.J.C EXAM :-     F.Y EXAM :-       S.Y EXAM :-       T.Y EXAM :-       M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-     M.Com Part 2 EXAM :-   M.A EXAM :-    YouTube Channel        

Business Communication, F.Y.B.COM, Question Bank

Business communication most importance questions pdf

  F.Y.B.COM. SEMESTER – I BUSINESS COMMUNICATION     Q.4 Communication in the Context of Technology. ANS: In these early years of the third millennium, we find ourselves real inhabitants of the global village that Marshall McLuhan had envisaged over thirty years ago. Advances in technology have facilitated the process of market globalization. New technology has permeated every sphere of life, especially the corporate world. Business today has widened its horizon and overstepped its former boundaries, and so has communication. The old scene has been replaced by a new landscape: the modern world is buzzing with activity, and the face of Business0020 Communication has also changed as a result. In the 21st century, following in the footsteps of the revolution in Business and Commerce, the Communication Revolution has assumed greater significance. The electronic means of communication have evolved from the printing press, which was invented some 500 years ago. A few years ago, terms like RAM, MODEM, DISC would have carried other connotations. But today, even if people do not understand their exact meaning, they are, at least, able to associate them with technology of some sort. Technological developments have thus contributed towards revolution of digital electronics. This revolution has influenced information transmission since World War II. A new approach to communication is taking the place of the conventional approach, so that, what was unimaginable earlier is a reality today. No wonder that this revolution has entered the business scene, and, in turn, the business world has taken hold of it and exploited it for its expansion. Electronic means of communication have brought about a radical change not only in organizational working but also in communication. More sophisticated means of communication have mushroomed over the last few years. A study of Business Communication without a proper understanding and cognizance of this fact would be unimaginable. Information Technology including the Internet (intranet and extranet), e-mail, voice mail, fax, tele (audio and video) conferencing, desktop computing, wireless devices, instant message have electrified commerce and thereby revolutionised the way we communicate. Consequently, the old telecommunication devices like telegraph, telex are now outdated, just as are letters and other such forms. Availability of a variety of electronic media has increased the options open to us as communicators. Today, with electronic means, communication can be effected in the blink of an eye and at the stroke of a key. The electronic media have facilitated communication among people all over the world, enabling them to reach widely dispersed publics personally. The electronic media‘s ability to overcome time zone barriers, their speed, frequency, multi-tasking and efficiency are simply laudable. Advanced means like earth and environmental service allow people from opposite ends of the world to collaborate with each other, work together, seamlessly as it were, thus bringing the resultant benefits to numerous other people. This collaborative group effort ensures quick decision-making, which is of great importance for success in the global competitive market. This enables companies to promote the sales of their products / services in a quicker and more economical way, thus facilitating commercial operations and activities. The Modern Era is becoming an office less world as the concept of workplace and method of working are changing. Now when an employee says, I’m at work, s/he is referring to what S/he is doing and not to the place. The line between home and office is now blurred. This is because people need not confine themselves to traditional workspaces for working. They can work from home and, at the same time, they can maintain contacts with their colleagues. Thus, a constant attempt is being made to bring all aspects of the office under one umbrella. Henceforth, technology, and not the traditional glass-box office layout, will bring the employees together. Thus, flexi-time/place, mobility, adjustability, miniaturization, paperless, automated, horizontal, democratic organization are the order of the day. Direct one-to-one and one- to-many transfer of information, storing data, retrieving it at anytime and anywhere are all the miracles of this digitalized / electronic communication. That is why, on-line trading, banking, e-recruiting, cyber recruiting are gaining popularity. In short, telecommunicating has become the norm. All this has made today‘s professional more of an infocrat, rather than an autocrat/ technocrat / bureaucrat. In fact, the driving force behind the business world is, no doubt, technology. However, new technologies have given rise to communication challenges. In addition, the growing global access to electronic means has magnified these challenges. Though electronic means have come as a blessing, they are not devoid of problems and disadvantages. They are afflicted by problems such as viruses, worms, theft, information overload, lack of privacy, reduced productivity, and waste of time. They are responsible for some of the tension of in the workplace. With them, confidentiality is endangered. Yet the benefits of electronic means of communication usually outweigh the disadvantages. They are, therefore, preferred to the conventional ones. If we want to reap the full benefit from the potential of Communication and Technology, we have to train people to be proficient in the art of electronic communication. As the need is for an effective, rather than a nominal communicator, the selection of a suitable tool, and its effective, appropriate and judicious use, should be insisted upon. Furthermore, it is important to realize that technology showcases a person‘s communication and presentation skills as far as speaking and writing are concerned, and facilitates the listening process; it can never be a substitute for the person himself. The person needs to develop his/her basic communicative competence which goes beyond aspects of clarity and circumvention of barriers to include a consideration of the reader‘s or listener‘s viewpoint, and a sensitivity to cultural differences and their potential areas of misunderstanding. For example, in some countries, video conferencing is not accepted in business dealings. So, we may say that the best method of handling matters and problems related to communication would be one wherein effective skills are coupled with, and enhanced by, the use of modern technological devices. Of course, this approach is not

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