M.COM PART 1, Question Bank, Research Methodology

Research methodology for business m.com semester 2 exam question paper | Highlight the importance of hypothesis in research

 IDOL Mumbai University important questions bank   M.com Part 1 (sem. 2) RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FOR BUSINESS     Q.7. Highlight the importance of hypothesis in research. ANS: 1) Helps to explore unknown facts: The hypothesis provides the researcher with the most efficient instrument for exploring and explaining the unknown facts. It stimulates the researcher for further research studies. 2) Enables to prepare research design: The hypothesis helps in preparing research design. It may suggest research objectives, sample design, data requirement, techniques of data collection, tests and tools to analyse data etc. 3) Identifies need for data: A Hypothesis specifies the need of data i.e. whether research will require primary data or secondary data. Hypothesis would enable to collect required data. Without hypothesis much useless data may be collected and important data would be omitted. 4) Identifies sources of data: A Hypothesis also specifies the source of data i.e. survey, experiment, observation, library, reports, internet etc. Therefore, the researcher would consider only the relevant source of data, which in turn would speed up the research activity. 5) Development of theory and principles: Hypothesis also facilitates development of theory and principles. Eg. The theory of consumer behaviour which presupposes that no two consumers think and behave alike. Similarly, 14 Principles of Management by Henry Fayol, states that practicing these principles in an organization, results into increasing organizational efficiency. 6) Provides specific direction: When hypothesis is finalized a definite and specific direction is provided to the research work. It makes way to the progress of investigation. In the absence of hypothesis it becomes extremely difficult to focus on research problem. 7) Prevents blind research: Hypothesis lights up the path of research. It distinguishes between scientific and unscientific inputs. It acts as a guide. Accuracy and precision is possible through hypothesis. Therefore, hypothesis prevents blind research. 8) Economical:   Developing hypothesis in business research is economical. It saves time, money and energy of a researcher because it guides the researcher in the right direction. Hypothesis provides the basis for proper data collection. Relevant and correct information collected by a researcher through properly formulated hypothesis.     If you want exam most important question bank pdf then you have to pay per subject 100/- rupees only .  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141          Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- https://t.me/mumbaiuniversityidol Suraj Patel Education :- https://t.me/surajpateleducation   F.Y.J.C EXAM :- https://t.me/FYJCexam   S.Y.J.C EXAM :- https://t.me/SYJCexam   F.Y EXAM :- https://t.me/fyexam     S.Y EXAM :- https://t.me/syexam     T.Y EXAM :- https://t.me/tyexam     M.Com Part 1 EXAM :- https://t.me/McomPart1Exam   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- https://t.me/McomPart2Exam M.A EXAM :- https://t.me/mastudentsexam  YouTube Channel  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv8JIY58xfWHUIXVu9wxNHw   research methodology for business mcom sem 2 questions bank M.com Semester 2 research methodology for business important questions bank m.com semester 2 research methodology for business important notes research methodology for business m.com part 1 sem 2 notes pdf research methodology for business M.com Semester 2 important questions bank research methodology for business M.com Semester 2 exam IMP questions bank research methodology for business m.com semester 2 exam question paper research methodology for business m.com question papers with answers pdf mumbai university mumbai university solved question papers download pdf m.com part 1 question papers with answers idol mumbai university question papers with solutions M com semester 2 research methodology for business important questions bank pdf download M com semester 2 research methodology for business important questions bank pdf M com semester 2 research methodology for business important questions bank mcq research methodology for business m.com mcq pdf research methodology for business m.com part 1 sem 2 pdf research methodology for business m.com part 1 sem 2 mcq pdf solved questions on research methodology for business pdf free download 100 questions (and answers) about research methodology for business pdf