Foundation Course S.Y.B.Com MCQ , S.Y.B.Com Foundation Course MCQ PDF
Foundation Course Question Bank: (Multiple Choice Questions) 1. The consumer protection act, 1986 lists out few consumer rights. Which is the following is not one of them? a. Right to Choose b. Right to Safety c. Right to Consumer education d. To abuse producer of commodity. ANS: D 2. The Right to consumer act, 1986 is not applicable to the following state? a. Madhya Pradesh b. Rajasthan c. Meghalaya d. Jammu & Kashmir ANS: D 3. The essential commodity act, 1955 do not include……………. a. Classification of essential goods b. No classification of essential commodity c. Penalties d. Show – cause notice ANS: B 4. The prevention of food adulteration act, 1955 do not include…. a. Public Analysis b. Food Inspector c. Central food laboratories d. Absence of public care provisions. ANS: D 5. Which of the following is not a part of consumer courts? a. Tehasil forum b. District forum c. State commission d. Central commission ANS: A 6. National Commission (Central Commission) of consumer court deals with consumer complains up to ________ Lakh a. Rs. 0 to 20 Lakh b. Rs. 20 to 40 Lakh c. Rs. 40 to 80 Lakh d. Above Rs.1 Crore ANS: D 7. Which one of the following is not the objective of RTI act, 2005? a. Transparency b. Informed Citizenry c. Accountability d. Anna Hazare ANS: D 8. Legal action initiated in a court of law for the enforcement of public interest or general interest is known as _____ a. Public Interest litigation b. General litigation c. Public Moral d. Public Initiatives ANS: A 9. Which of the following is not a Citizens’ Charters objective? a. Quality b. Bribe c. Choice d. Transparency ANS: B 10. Maharashtra Guarantee of Public Service Act was passed in the year_______ a. 2013 b. 2014 c. 2015 d. 2016 ANS: C 11. Which one of the following is an advertisement of consumer awareness? a. Utho Grahak Jaago b. Jaago Grahak Jaago c. Grahak Jaago Jaago d. Grahak Jaago Utho ANS: B 12. The consumer protection act, 1986 recognizes ______ consumer rights. a. Five b. Six c. Seven d. Eight ANS: B 13. The prevention of food adulteration act was first passed in the year ______ a. 1955 d. 1956 c. 1957 d. 1958 ANS: A 14. The growth of consumer movement in India is slow, which one of the following is not the reason for slow growth of consumer movement in India. a. Illiteracy b. General attitude of public c. Lack of political support d. Slow growth of electronic media ANS: D 15. The provision of information officer is related to the following…. a. RTI Act 2005 b. Essential Commodity Act c. Consumer Court d. Consumer Movement ANS: A 16. The term ecology was coined by biologist _____________ a. Ernst Haeckel b. Ernst Harris c. Charles Darwin d. Charles Elton ANS: A 17. Philosophy of Anthropocentrism is associated with the name_______ a. John Passmore b. David Suzuki c. Rabbi Norman Lamm d. Mortimer Adler ANS: A 18. Biocentrism approach is associated with _________ a. Paul Taylor b. John Passmore c. Charles Darwin d. Aldo Leopold ANS: A 19. The theory of Eco-centrism proposed by __________ a. Ernst Haeckel b. John Passmore c. Paul Taylor d. Aldo Leopold ANS: D 20. In India, the philosophy of Eco – Feminism is associated with_______ a. Paul Taylor b. Vandana Shiva c. Rosemary Fonseca d. Megha Patkar ANS: B 21. The Philosophy of deep – ecology was proposed by ________ a. Ernst Haeckel b. Paul Taylor c. Arne Naess d. David Suzuki ANS: C 22. The concept of sustainability is based on three pillars, which one of the following is not a part of the concept of sustainability. a. Political b. Economic (Profit) c. Social (People) d. Environmental (Planet) ANS: A 23. The Earth Summit in year 1992 was organized in which city? a. Prag b. Mexico City c. Rio – De – Janeiro d. Lima ANS: C 24. Kyoto Protocol was signed in the year ______ a. 1996 b. 1997 c. 1998 d. 1999 ANS: B 25. Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 2000 was adopted in UN Conference. In which city this conference was organized? a. Washington D.C. b. New York c. Stockholm d. London ANS: B If You Need Most Importance MCQ PDF Foundation Course Question Bank Than Pay Rs 100 Only Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141 Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- Suraj Patel Education :- F.Y.J.C EXAM :- S.Y.J.C EXAM :- F.Y EXAM :- S.Y EXAM :- T.Y EXAM :- M.Com Part 1 EXAM :- M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- M.A EXAM :- YouTube Channel S.Y.B.COM Other Subject MCQ Foundation Course S.Y.Bcom MCQ Business Economics S.Y.B.Com Students MCQ Company Law MCQ PDF COMMERCE S.Y.B.COM MCQ PDF Management Accounts S.Y.B.COM IMPORTANCES MCQ PDF