F.y.b.com sem 1 commerce mcq pdf
F.y.b.com Sem.1 Commerce MCQ PDF 1. William Glueck in his book “Strategic Management” has identified the strategy alternative except a. Retraction b. Competition Act c. Liberalization d. Bio ligation ANS: A 2. The firm using strategy concentrates on the current product and current market a. Stability b. Current c. Marketing d. Product ANS: A 3. Stability strategy involves risk as compared to growth strategy. a. Less b. Max c. More d. Come ANS: A 4. This strategy is adopted by those firms that adopt traditional management philosophy they adopt a narrow or a traditional approach towards growth and development a. Stability b. Process function c. Managing function d. Sales function ANS: A 5. ______ is a type of intensification strategy a. Market Development Strategy b. intensification strategy c. Managing Development d. Marketing Development ANS: A 6. ____ is a type of diversification strategy a. intensification strategy b. Managing Development c. Marketing Development d. Horizontal Diversification ANS: D 7. This strategy involves extending existing product to new market a. Market Development Strategy b. intensification strategy c. Managing Development d. Marketing Development ANS: A 8. _____ is not a type of diversification a. intensification strategy b. Managing Development c. Marketing Development d. Congletome Diversification ANS: D 9. A ____ may take place between two or more firms either from the same country or from different countries a. joint venture b. Come Venture c. Country venture d. Either venture ANS: A 10. ____ is not a Reasons for Merger / Advantages a. Customer complaint b. intensification strategy c. Managing Development d. Marketing Development ANS: A 11. ____ is not a reason for takeover a. Exit formalities b. intensification strategy c. Managing Development d. Come Formalities ANS: A 12. ____ is a type of retrenchment strategy a. Divestment b. retrenchment c. strategy d. Organisation ANS: A 13. In this case the organisation takes a decision to sell its entire business and the funds so realized can be invested in some other business a. Liquidation b. Divestment c. retrenchment d. Organisation ANS: A 14. The ____environment comprises of the firm Strategies & Policies, management relationships manpower resources like manpower, capital etc a. Internal b. External c. Sociology d. Psychology ANS: A 15. In SWOT W stands for ____ a. Weakness b. Divestment c. retrenchment d. Organisation ANS: A 16. A ___ statement reflects the vision the purpose and the philosophy of the organization. a. Mission b. Divestment c. retrenchment d. Organisation ANS: A 17. It relates to the human population in terms of age, size literacy rate, rural urban population, occupation a. Demographic environment b. intensification strategy c. Managing Development d. Marketing Development ANS: A 18. _____environment includes laws which define and protect the rights of individual and Organisation a. Legal Environment b. Professional Environment c. intensification strategy d. Managing Development ANS: A 19. By reducing tariff barriers in WTO replaced GATT. a. 1995 b. 1955 c. 1877 d. 1936 ANS: A 20. GATS = General Agreement on Trade in _____ a. Services b. Goods c. Product d. Services ANS: A 21. ____gives protection to patent, copyright and Trademark a. TRIP Agreement b. Globalisation c. Competition Act d. Liberalization ANS: A 22. _____ is a positive impact of trading bloc a. Globalisation b. Competition Act c. Liberalization d. Employment ANS: D 23. Critics point out that regionalism results in lack of interest in ______ a. Multilateralism b. Globalisation c. Competition Act d. Liberalization ANS: A 24. Regionalism lead to trade ____ rather than trade creation. a. Diversion b. Globalisation c. Competition Act d. Liberalization ANS: A 25. Analysis of competitors strategies is an element of ______environmental analysis a. External b. Internal c. Receipt d. 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