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Accountancy And Financial Management MCQ PDF 1) If the rate of gross profit is 25% on…

F.y.b.com Sem.1 Commerce MCQ PDF 1. William Glueck in his book “Strategic Management” has identified the…

FYB.Com Business Communication Most Important Question Bank Mumbai University F.Y.B.Com All Subject MCQ Link In One Link https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2021/05/fy-all-subject-most-importance-mcq.html 1. ——-are…

Business Economics F.Y.B.com sem 1 1. The market demand schedule shows an _____ relationship between price and demand. …

Hello Friends… Aaj ke article me aap logo co. F.Y.B.Com COMMERCE MCQ PDF related MCQ provide karne Wala hu yeah MCQs kafi Jayda important…

1. Usually, in a single entry system _____________. A. Only manual accounts are maintained B. Only cash and…

1. The ________________ has made primary education as a fundamental right of every child between the ages of 6…

F.Y.B.Com Foundation Course 1. The transfer of control of ownership from the public sector to the private sector…

SUBJECT- COMMERCE (F.Y.B.COM) 1. India’s service sector contributes to about ————percent of the country’s GDP. a) 35%…