marketing strategies and practice semester – iii question bank

M.COM. SEMESTER – III BUSINESS STUDIES (MANAGEMENT) MARKETING STRATEGIES AND PRACTICE Q.2. State different types of Marketing Strategies ANS: The Marketers use the different combination of marketing mix (4Ps to 7Ps) to get advantage over the competitors in the market. The position of the firm in the market plays a major role in deciding the strategies. Following the strategies based on different positions in the market. 1. Market Leader Strategies: This is adopted when the firm enjoys maximum share of market. Here the firm focuses on expanding the market size, defending its share and increasing the relative market share. It can be achieved by identifying new segments for sale of product, introducing differentiation (of price and product) to stand apart from the competition and introducing scheme to infuse more sale in the existing market segments. Leaders have to beware of challenger’s strategies and continuously work on their weak areas. 2. Market Challenger Strategies: The challengers work on identifying the areas where the leader may be weaker like change of technology, dissatisfied customers etc. ·        The challengers can adopt frontal attack strategy by adopting the same features of goods and making choice for consumer difficult ·        The challengers may take up flank attack if frontal is not possible or otherwise too. Here challenger attack where ever the market leader is weak or is caught off-guarded. ·        The encirclement attack can be taken up by adopting both frontal and flank attack at the same time ·        The challengers can take less offensive course by capturing the segments or markets which have not been taken up by leaders and gradually increasing overall market share ·        Guerrilla Strategy can be adopted by constantly engaging the leader in price war or surprising the firm with very unique features of the product to compete. Introduction to Marketing Strategies Examples of Market leaders and challengers. Marketing leaders are the one who have highest relative market share and work on defending its share and expanding it. Challengers are usually second or third in terms of relative market share, but constantly attack the leader for increasing their share or occupying markets where leaders have weaker presence 3. Market Follower Strategies: These firms do not challenge or compete with the leaders. They, in turn, follow the success strategies of leaders and learn from them. The time tested marketing mix strategies are adopted leading to reduced risks. Example of Market Follower. Dell has been following the marketing strategies of Sony Vaio 4. Niche Market Strategies: It is adopted by small firms which would like to have full control on small segment. This strategy is more cost efficient as product differentiation will be created specially to cater to a small market with predictable demand.   

Advanced cost accounting question with answers pdf part 2 sem 3

M.COM. SEMESTER – III (CBCS) ADVANCED COST ACCOUNTING Most Important Question Bank for Current Exam  Q.2. The product of a company passes through 3 distinct process. The following information is obtained from the accounts forthe month ending January 31, 2008. ANS: If you want exam most important question bank pdf then you have to pay per subject 100/- rupees only .  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141  Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- Suraj Patel Education :- F.Y.J.C EXAM :- S.Y.J.C EXAM :- F.Y EXAM :- S.Y EXAM :- T.Y EXAM :- M.Com Part 1 EXAM :- M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- M.A EXAM :-  YouTube Channel

Rural marketing semester – iii (cbcs) most important questions

  M.COM SEMESTER – III (CBCS) RURAL MARKETING  Most Important Question Bank for Current Exam Module – I Q.2. Explain the evolution of Rural Marketing. ANS: Part I (Before 1960): Rural marketing referred to selling of rural products in rural and urban areas and agricultural inputs in rural markets. It was treated as synonymous to „agricultural marketing’. 4 Agricultural produces like food grains and industrial inputs like cotton, oil seeds, sugarcane etc. occupied the central place of discussion during this period. The supply-chain activities of firms supplying agricultural inputs and of artisans in rural Rural Marketing areas received secondary attention. The local marketing of products like bamboo baskets, ropes, window and door frames, small agricultural tools like ploughs by sellers like black smiths, carpenters, cobblers, and pot makers were emphasised in general. This was totally an unorganized market where all banias and mahajans (local business people) dominated this market. Part II (1960 to 1990): In this era, green revolution resulted from scientific farming and transferred many of the poor villages into prosperous business centers. As a result, the demand for agricultural inputs went up especially in terms of wheats and paddies. Better irrigation facilities, soil testing, use of high yield variety seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and deployment of machinery like powder tillers, harvesters, threshers etc. changed the rural scenario. In this context, marketing of agricultural inputs took the importance. Two separate areas of activities had emerged- during this period „marketing of agricultural inputs’ and the conventional “Agricultural Marketing”. During this period, the marketing of rural products received considerable attention in the general marketing frame work. The formation of agencies like Khadi and Village Industries Commission, Girijan Cooperative Societies APCO Fabrics, IFFCO, KRIBHCO, etc., and also the special attention government had paid to promote these products were responsible for this upsurge. Village industries flourished and products like handicrafts, handloom textiles, soaps, safety matches, crackers etc. hit the urban market on a large scale from rural areas. Part III (After Mid 1990s): The products which were not given attention so far during the two earlier phases were that of marketing of household consumables and durables to the rural markets due to obvious reasons. The economic conditions of the country were as such that the rural people were not in a position to buy these kinds of products. Secondly, our market was in a close shape and we never allowed companies (foreign) to operate in Indian market. But we lifted the … and opened up economy, consequently companies started flourishing in India. The small villages/hamlets were widely scattered making reach difficult and expensive consequently. Rural markets were seen an adjunct to urban market and conveniently ignored. However, since 1990s, India’s industrial sector had gained in strength and maturity. Its contribution to GNP increased substantially. A new service sector had emerged signifying the metamorphosis of agricultural society into industrial society. Meanwhile, due to the development programmes of the central and state governments, service organizations and socially responsible business groups like Mafatlal, Tatas, Birlas, Goenkas and others, the rural area witnessed an all round socio-economic progress. The economic reforms further accelerated the process by introducing competition in the markets. Steadily, the rural market has grown for household consumables and durables. Rural marketing represented the emergent distinct activity of attracting and serving rural markets to fulfil Rural Marketing the needs and wants of persons, households and occupations of rural people. As a result of the above analysis, we are in a position to define rural marketing “Rural marketing can be seen as a function which manages all those activities involved in assessing, stimulating and converting the purchasing power 6 into an effective demand for specific products and services, and moving them to the people in rural area to create satisfaction and a standard of living for them and thereby achieves the goals of the organization”. If you want exam most important question bank pdf then you have to pay per subject 100/- rupees only .  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141  Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- Suraj Patel Education :- F.Y.J.C EXAM :- S.Y.J.C EXAM :- F.Y EXAM :- S.Y EXAM :- T.Y EXAM :- M.Com Part 1 EXAM :- M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- M.A EXAM :-  YouTube Channel  

Explain in detail the social objectives of the business fybcom sem 1

 F.Y.B.COM ( SEMESTER – I ) Commerce Paper I (Introduction to Business) Q3. Explain in detail the Social objectives of the Business. Social Objectives Business : Business is a part of a social System. A social system involves people and their Organisations in mutual relationship to each other. Business is an integral part of society.   Following are the social objectives of business 1) Social Objectives towards Customers : The Survival and success of any business organisation depends on its cusumers. One universally accepted social objective of business is to satisfy consumers by providing goods and services as per their needs and expectations. Business activities are essential for meeting the needs of consumers. Business have to supplied quality good at reasonable price to the customer. 2) Social Objectives towards Employees : The Social Objective of a business firm towards its employees is to treat them with respect and provide them with the right compensation and facilities. Business should provide better wages, working conditions, good treatment to the employees. It also provide monetary and non-monetary benefits for satisfaction of the employees. This also ensures industrial peace and harmony. 3) Social Objectives towards shareholders : Shareholders invest their money in the business in the form of shares, debentures bonds etc. The basic objective is that the shareholder should receive a fair, return on their investment. The Objective of thebusiness is to utilise efficiently the money of the shareholder and give them fair return on their investment in the form of dividend a interest. 4) Social Objectives towards Government : A business organisation can’t function smoothly without the support and co-operation of the Government. Hence, it becomes necessary on the part of the organisation to fulfill its social duties towards the government. These include payment of taxes and duties, following the rules and regulations framed by the government from time to time, contributing towards the welfare activities of the government and so on. 5) Social Objectives towards Suppliers : The suppliers can play an important role in the success of an organisation by Supplying the right quality and quantity of material at the right time. Therefore, a business firm needs to have social objectives towards supplier in respect of timely payment of dues. Helping the suppliers in their financial requirements by making advance payments. 6) Social objectives towards Dealers : Dealers assist business firm by promoting and pushing goods and services in the market at the right time at the right place. It is one of the basic social objectives that be produced and supplied. If this basic demand of the society is met, the business may survive in the long run. 7) Social Objectives towards Society : Business organisation gain profit because of the support of the society. Naturally, they are expected to provide financial support for various social, educational and cultural activities. This is also necessary for maintaining cordial relations with the society. Business organizations must also support social welfare programmes.  

Explain the Meaning and scope of Business F.Y.B.COM SEM I Commerce Paper I

  F.Y.B.COM ( SEMESTER – I ) Commerce Paper I (Introduction to Business)   Q1. Explain the Meaning and scope of Business. Meaning :- According to L.H. Haney, “Business is a human activity directed towards producing or acquiring wealth through buying and selling activities.” SCOPE OF BUSINESS Business has a very wide scope. It includes large number of activities. These activities may be grouped under Two broad categories i.e. Industry and commerce.   I. Industry : The term industry refers to that part of business activity which directly concerns itself with production, processing or fabrication of goods and services. It creates form utility. In industry, raw materials are converted in to finished products, which can be used for consumption. Some industries manufacture consumer goods while others manufacture capital goods. Following are the various types of industriesa) Primary IndustriesThese industries are engaged in the production of primary goods, such as rice, cotton, fish etc. The best examples of this type of industries are Agriculture, fishing etc. b) Genetic Industries : `Genetic industry involves breeding and reproduction of plants and animals for the purpose of sale. Poultry, Plant nurseries, sericulture etc. are examples of genetic industry. The price of products available from such activities is generally less. c) Extractive Industries : Extractive industries extract valuable minerals, ores etc. from the natural elements like soil, water and air. These industries are concerned with the discovery and utilisation of natural resources such as minerals and forests. d) Manufacturing Industries : Manufacturing industries are concerned with the conversion of raw material into finished goods. They create form utility. The products of primary and extractive industries such as cotton, ironore, crude oil, etc. are used as a raw material in these industries. e) Construction Industries : Construction industries are concerned with the construction work like construction of bridges, dams, canals, roads, harbours, building etc. These industries do not operate in factory buildings but at the site allotted.. f) Service Industries : Service industries produce intangible goods i.e. goods which can’t be seen or touches for example transport, insurance, banking etc. These services are essential and useful for the expansion of business. II. Commerce : Commerce involves all those activities which facilitate transfer of ownership and movement of goods from the centers of production to the centers of consumption. In other word it involves all forms of trade and the services that assist trading. Commerce include trade and aids to trade. A) Trade : Trade means buying and selling of goods and services. It involves transfer of ownership of goods from the seller to buyer against money. In other words, trade is an exchange of goods and services for a price which the consumers are ready to pay. Consumers may be an individuals, government and industries who need raw materials. 1. Internal Trade : Internal trade is also known as home trade. It is conducted within the country. It can be at local level, regional level or national level. a) Wholesale trade : It involves buying in large quantities from producers and selling in smaller lots to retailers. The wholesaler is a link between manufacturers and retailers. b) Retail Trade : Retail trade involves buying in smaller lots from the wholesaler’s and Selling in very small quantities to the consumers for personal consumption. The retailer is the last link in the chain of distribution. He established a link between wholesaler and Consumers. 2. External Trade : The trade carried on between the traders of two different countries is called external trade. It is also called as International trade or foreign trade. It includes following trade. a) Export Trade : Export trade involves selling of goods from one country to another. For example, when goods are sold from India to America. b) Import trade : Import trade involves buying of goods from a Seller of another country. For example, a buyer from India purchases goods from a seller of china. c) Entrepot trade : When goods are imported from one country and then reexported to some other country, it is called entrepot. For example an Indian trader may buy goods from Bangladesh and then sell it to Pakistan. B) Aids-To-Trade Aids to trade constitute another component of commerce. Aids to trade include various agencies which are useful for the conduct of trading activities. There are as follows. a) Warehousing : There is a time gap between production and consumption. However, goods which are produced at one time are not consumed at the same time. Hence, it becomes necessary to make arrangement for storage or warehousing. Agricultural commodity like wheat and rice are seasonal in nature but are consumed throughout the year. On the other hand goods such as Umbrellas and woolen cloths are produced throughout the year but are demanded only during particular seasons. Therefore goods need to be stored in warehouses till they are demanded. b) Transport : There is a place gap from the place of production to the place of consumption. Goods are produced in one part of the country and Consumption in other parts of the nation. Transport fills the place gap. It meets out the gap between producer and consumer. It helps the manufacturer to expand their markets from local to regional, regional to national and national to global. c) Communication : Communications facilitates transfer of information. It involves transfer of messages from one person to another and from one place to another. It can be in oral or writing form of information. Oral communication can take place through telephone or personally. Written communication is possible through letter, fax, e-mail etc. It facilitates quick transfer of messages to take important decisions quickly. d) Insurance : Insurance reduces the problem of risks. Business is subject to risks and uncertainties. These are inevitable in the field of business. Risks may be due to fire, theft, accident or any other natural calamity. Insurance companies who act as risk bearer cover risks. Insurance tries to reduce risks by spreading them out over a greater number of … Read more sem 3 management accounting mcq pdf

Management Accounting MCQ Semester 3 1)    Working capital is an excess of current assets over current _____.a)    Liabilitiesb)    Operating Ratioc)    No of timesd)    Fixed AssetsANS: A 2)    ______ shows the period for which amount of sales remains invested in debtors.a)    Liquid Assetsb)    Collectionc)    Period Long termd)    Fixed AssetsANS: B 3)    Net profit ratio is an indicator of _____.a)    Turn Overb)    Liquidityc)    Profitabilityd)    Long term solvencyANS: C  4)    Current Ratio indicates _____.a)    Short term solvencyb)    Long term solvencyc)    Net operating profit and capital employedd)    Turn OverANS: A 5)    Stock working capital ratio indicates relationship between stock and ______ capital.a)    Liquidityb)    Workingc)    Financial Stabilityd)    Turn OverANS: B 6)    Average stock = Opening Stock + _____/ 2.a)    Workingb)    Opening stockc)    closing stockd)    Fixed AssetsANS: C 7)    A very high current ratio willa)    Increase profitabilityb)    Decrease profitabilityc)    Not affect profitabilityd)    Same ProfitabilityANS: B 8)    Comparative statement is a part of _____ analysis.a)    Verticalb)    Horizontalc)    Technicald)    FundamentalANS: B 9)    Common size statement is a _____analysis.a)    Horizontalb)    Fundamentalc)    Verticald)    TechnicalANS: C 10) _____ analysis show trend in performance.a)    Verticalb)    Trendc)    Horizontald)    StructuralANS: B 11) Common size statement is also called as _____% statement.a)    Percentage Statementb)    most common statementc)    100d)    Small sizedANS: C 12) In _____ in came statement sales is considered equal to 100.a)    Common Sizeb)    Comparative income statementc)    Balance Sheetd)    Income statementANS: A 13) In common size _____ capital employed is considered equal to 100.a)    Balance Sheetb)    Common size Statementc)    Income statementd)    Comparative income statementANS: A 14) In Trend Analysis earliest year is considered as _____ year.a)    Baseb)    Currentc)    Lastd)    None of the aboveANS: A 15) Analysis is a must for _____.a)    Interpretationb)    Evaluationc)    Deteminationd)    None of the aboveANS: A 16) Common size statement is a tool ofa)    Vertical analysisb)    Horizontal analysisc)    Technical analysisd)    Fundamental analysisANS: A 17) Common size statement is also known asa)    Percentage statementb)    100% statementc)    Most common statementd)    Small sized statement.ANS: B 18) In common size income statement, the basis isa)    Total costb)    N.Pc)    G.Pd)    SalesANS: D 19) In common size vertical Balance sheet the basis isa)    Capital employedb)    Total assetsc)    Total liabilitiesd)    Proprietor’s fundANS: A  20) Comparative statement is a tool ofa)     Vertical analysisb)    Horizontal analysisc)    Structural analysisd)    Technical analysisANS: B 21) Comparative statement showsa)    One year’s performanceb)    Comparative performancec)    Financial performanced)    Profitability performanceANS: B 22) Increase/Decrease is a method of preparation ofa)    common size statementb)    comparative statementc)    Income statementd)    Balance sheetANS: B 23) _____ is a proportion between two figures.a)    Ratiob)    Percentagec)    Percentiled)    SalesANS: A 24) One figure is divided by another figure to get _____ ratio.a)    Pureb)    Currentc)    Liquidityd)    SalesANS: A  25) Turn over ratios are expressed in _____.a)    Ratiob)    No of timesc)    Percentaged)    assets   ANS: B If You Need Most Importance MCQ PDF Management Accounts Question Bank Than Pay Rs 100 Only  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141  Other Subject MCQ Link COMMERCE 1) 2) 3)   Financial Account 1) 2) 3)   Management Accounts 1) 2) Advertising 1) 2) 3) 4)   Business Law 1) 2) 3)   Business Economics 1) 2) 3) 4)   Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- Suraj Patel Education :- F.Y.J.C EXAM :- S.Y.J.C EXAM :- F.Y EXAM :- S.Y EXAM :- T.Y EXAM :- M.Com Part 1 EXAM :- M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- M.A EXAM :-  YouTube Channel

mcom part 1 cost and management accounting mcq PDF

M.Com Part 1  cost and management accounting mcq Click Here  1 Contribution =A.   Sales – Fixed CostB.   Sales – ProfitC.   Sales – Variable CostD.   Variable Cost + Fixed CostANS: C  2 Insurance of Factory Premises is _______A.   Semi-Variable CostB.   Fixed CostC.   Variable CostD.   CostANS: B  3 Machinery rent is dependent on production and different for first 2000 units, from 2000 to 5000 units and above 5000 units then this rent will be _____A.   Variable CostB.   Fixed CostC.   Semi-Variable CostD.   CostANS: C  4 Security charges paid are _______A.   Fixed CostB.   Variable CostC.   Semi-Variable CostD.   CostANS: A 5 Labour expenses are_______A.   Variable CostB.   Semi-Variable CostC.   Fixed CostD.   CostANS: A  6 Contribution – ProfitA.   Variable CostB.   Fixed CostC.   SalesD.   Break Even PointANS: B  7 Variable Cost is __________ if Sales 500000 and Profit Volume Ratio is 50%A.   450000B.   350000C.   250000D.   150000ANS: C 8 Margin of Safety 750000 Sales 1000000 then Break Even Point is ____________A.   525000B.   250000C.   15000D.   25000ANS: B  9 Margin of Safety – 500000 & PVR = 40% then Profit =A.   300000B.   400000C.   2000000D.   200000ANS: D  10 Variable Cost = 4,00,000 PVR = 80% then Sales =A.   1000000B.   320000C.   2000000D.   200000ANS: C  11 Break Even Point is 100000 PVR = 10% then Fixed Cost =A.   1000000B.   100000C.   10000D.   90000ANS: C  12 Sales = 500000 Contribution = 3,00,000 then Variable Cost =A.   200000B.   800000C.   300000D.   400000ANS: A  13 Change in PVR =A.   Contribution/Sales X 100B.   Change in Profit/Change in sales X 100C.   Change in Profit/Change in SalesD.   Sales/Contribution X 100ANS: B  14 Change in variable cost reflects in ___________ firstA.   Total AmountB.   Per UnitC.   Fixed CostD.   TotalANS: B 15 Change in fixed cost reflects in ___________ firstA.   Total AmountB.   Per UnitC.   Variable CostD.   Unit CostANS: A 16 Material Cost Variance Formula =A.   Material Cost VarianceB.   (Standard Quantity of Material – Actual Quantity of Material used) X Standard Price of MaterialC.   (Standard Price of Material X Standard Quantity of Material) – (Actual Price of Material X Actual Quantity of Material used)D.   (Standard Price of Material – Actual Price of Material) X Actual Quantity of Material usedANS: C  17 Material Price Variance Formula =A.   (Standard Price of Material – Actual Price of Material) X Actual Quantity of Material usedB.   (Standard Quantity of Material – Actual Quantity of Material used) X Standard Price of MaterialC.   (Standard Price of Material X Standard Quantity of Material) – (Actual Price of Material X Actual Quantity of Material used)D.   Material Price VarianceANS: A  18 Material Usage Variance Formula =A.   (Standard Price of Material – Actual Price of Material) X Actual Quantity of Material usedB.   (Standard Quantity of Material – Actual Quantity of Material used) X Standard Price of MaterialC.   (Standard Price of Material X Standard Quantity of Material) – (Actual Price of Material X Actual Quantity of Material used)D.   Material Usage VarianceANS: B  19 Labour Efficiency Variance Formula =A.   (Standard Rate of Labour – Actual Rate of Labour ) X Actual Labour HoursB.   (Standard Labour Hours – Actual Labour Hours) X Standard Rate of LabourC.   (Standard Rate of Labour X Standard Labour Hours) – (Actual Rate of Labour X Actual Labour Hours)D.   Labour Efficiency VarianceANS: B  20 Labour Rate Variance Formula =A.   (Standard Rate of Labour – Actual Rate of Labour ) X Actual Labour HoursB.   (Standard Labour Hours – Actual Labour Hours) X Standard Rate of LabourC.   (Standard Rate of Labour X Standard Labour Hours) – (Actual Rate of Labour X Actual Labour Hours)D.   Labour Rate VarianceANS: A  21 Labour Cost Variance Formula =A.   (Standard Rate of Labour – Actual Rate of Labour ) X Actual Labour HoursB.   (Standard Labour Hours – Actual Labour Hours) X Standard Rate of LabourC.   (Standard Rate of Labour X Standard Labour Hours) – (Actual Rate of Labour X Actual Labour Hours)D.   Labour Cost VarianceANS: C  22 Break Even Point __________A.   Sales + Margin of SafetyB.   Profit/Contribution puC.   Fixed Cost/Contribution puD.   Sales – ContributionANS: B  23 Marginal Costing is used for _______A.   ReportingB.   Decision MakingC.   CostingD.   MarginizingANS: B 24 Break Even Point =A.   Sales – Margin of SafetyB.   Margin of Safety/Profit Volume RatioC.   Fixed Cost X Profit Volume RatioD.   Sales – Variable CostANS: A  25 Showroom Rent paid is_______A.   Variable CostB.   Fixed CostC.   Semi-Variable CostD.   Cost   ANS: B If You Need Most Importance MCQ PDF Cost Accounting Question Bank Than Pay Rs 100 Only  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141  Telegram Group  Mumbai Univeersity :- Suraj Patel Education :- F.Y.J.C EXAM :- S.Y.J.C EXAM :- F.Y EXAM :- S.Y EXAM :- T.Y EXAM :- M.Com Part 1 EXAM :- M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- M.A EXAM :-  YouTube Channel     Strategic Management   ECONOMICS OF GLOBAL TRADE AND FINANCE   ADVANCED FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING   HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT part 1 Business Ethics MCQ

 M.Com Part 1 Business Ethics MCQ Semester 1 Exam  Mumbai University Part 1 All Subject MCQ Link In One Link 👉Click Here👈  1.    An organisation’s obligation to act to protect and improve society’s welfare as well as its own Interest is referred to asA.   organisational social responsibilityB.   organisational social responsivenessC.   corporate obligationD.   business ethicsANS: A 2.    A stakeholder orientation includes all of the following activities except:A.   generating data about stakeholder groupsB.   assessing the firm’s effects on stakeholder groupsC.   distributing stakeholder information throughout the firmD.   minimizing the influence of stakeholder information on the firmANS: D 3.    Better access to certain markets, differentiation of products, and the sale of pollution-control technology are ways in which better environmental performance can:A.   increase revenueB.   increase costsC.   decrease revenueD.   decrease costsANS: A 4.    It is deceptively used by an organisation to promote the perception that its products, aims, or policies are environmentally friendly-A.   Blue washingB.   white washingC.   green washingD.   green pricing.ANS: C 5.    Better access to certain markets, differentiation of products, and the sale of pollution-control technology are ways in which better environmental performance can:A.   increase revenueB.   increase costsC.   decrease revenueD.   decrease costsANS: A 6.    The word _______ means fundamental values or moral rightsA.   EthicsB.   BusinessC.   CommerceD.   EconomicsANS: A 7.    “Busines ethics is a study of business situations, activities and decisions where issues of right and wrong are addressedA.   Robert GinnerB.   Andrew CraveC.   Krik O HansonD.   InvestopediaANS: B 8.    Morality is the soul of business ethicsA.   Code of conductB.   Ethical ValuesC.   Subjective TermD.   Proper set-upANS: B 9.    Morality and quality judgement are the core factors for conduct of business activities.A.   Code of conductB.   Ethical ValuesC.   Subjective TermD.   Proper set-upANS: A 10. FEATURES OF BUSINESS ETHICSA.   Code of conductB.   Ethical ValuesC.   Subjective TermD.   All Of AboveANS: D 11. ______In India SSI and Cottage Industry plays on active role.A.   Protection of S.S.I. & Cottage IndustryB.   Welfare of the SocietyC.   Growth and ExpansionsD.   Decision makingANS: A 12. FEATURES OF INDIAN ETHOS AND VALUESA.   Godliness of IndividualB.   Understanding SelfC.   Cosmic ConsciousnessD.   All Of AboveANS: D 13. CSR is mandatory for Indian companies to form which year……A.   2013B.   2014C.   2012D.   2015ANS: B 14. What percentage of net profit of companies is required to be used as CSR…….A.   2%B.   1.5%C.   3%D.   2.5%ANS: A 15. Who is regarded as the father of CSR….A.   BowenB.   FriedmanC.   AckermanD.   CarrollANS: D  16. Companies Act 2013 schedule …….mentioned about CSR activities.A.   VIIB.   VIC.   VD.   VIIIANS: A  17.  The company matches donations made by employees to eligible nonprofit organizations are called………A.   Employee matching giftB.   employee reimbursement schemeC.   employee guarantee schemeD.   Philip Kotler and Nancy LeeANS: A  18.  (CSR) can be defined as a Company’s sense of responsibility towards the____ and____ in which it operates.A.   communityB.   environmentC.   worldD.   stateANS: A  19. It is proven that employees enjoy working more for a firm that has a good____A.   public imageB.   local imageC.   self imageD.   national imageANS: A 20. After the proper implementation of CSR projects, it requires a timely____ of the sameA.   ReviewB.   allterationC.   modificationD.   delegationANS: B 21. The ISO 26000 standard was launched in the year_____A.   2010B.   2011C.   2012D.   2013ANS: A 22. ______Corporate Governance, business ethics and CSR, Ane Books Pvt Ltd, New DelhiA.   Sharma J.PB.   R.C. SekharC.   Philip Kotler and Nancy LeeD.   EllingtonANS: A 23. Real need of business ethics is felt in recent years following are the points which will stress out need & importance of business ethicsA.   Need and importance of Business EthicsB.   SurvivalC.   Consumer rightsD.   Welfare of the SocietyANS: A 24. ______Employees should always carry positive attitude while working in the organisation.A.   PassionB.   AttitudeC.   HumilityD.   EquityANS: B 25. 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Business economics fybcom sem 1 mcq pdf

  1.    The monopoly firm faces a _____ demand curve.   a.    veritcle          b.    Upward slopping     c.    Kinked          d.    downward sloping                          ANS: D 2.    An _____ firm does not face a definite demand curve.      a.    Monopolistic competition   b.    Monopoly     c.    Perfect Competitiond.    Oligopoly                              ANS: D 3.    All of the following are determinants of demand except _____  a.    Consumer income  b.    Price related to goods        c.    Quantity supplied    d.    Size of population                           ANS: C 4.    A perfect competitive firm faces a _____ demand curve for its product.         a.    upward sloping        b.    downward sloping  c.    vertical straight lined.    horizontal straight line                                ANS: D 5.    The demand curve under monopoly is a _____ curve.      a.    upward sloping        b.    downward sloping  c.    horizontal straight line        d.    None of the above                          ANS: B 6.    When demand is perfectly elastic, the demand curve is _____. a.    horizontal straight line        b.    vertical straight linec.    Steep d.    None of the above                          ANS: A 7.    _____ is the desire for a commodity which is backed by ability and willingness to pay its price.       a.    Demand        b.    Supply          c.    Demand function    d.    Supply function                               ANS: A 8.    Under oligopoly the firm faces a _____ demand curve.    a.    horizontal     b.    vertical          c.    upward sloping        d.    Kinked (Indeterminate)                              ANS: D 9.    An endless demand at the given price is the case of ______ demand.a.    Relatively elastic     b.    Unitary elastic          c.    perfectly elastic       d.    None of these                                  ANS: C 10. A steeper demand curve represent relatively ______ demand.   a.    elasticb.    perfectlyc.    elastic inelastic        d.    unitary                                   ANS: C 11. If income rise by 10%, demand too rise by 10%, then income elasticity of demand is ______.        a.    Unitary elastic          b.    Relatively elastic     c.    unitary           d.    perfectly elastic                               ANS: C 12. If two goods are unrelated to each other, then it is ______ cross elasticity of demand.           a.    None of the above  b.    Positivec.    Negative       d.    zero                           ANS: D 13. Advertisement elasticity of demand is always ______.     a.    Negative       b.    positive         c.    zero   d.    None of the above                          ANS: B 14. Different ______ are indicated by differently sloping income demand curve.a.    price elasiticity         b.    Income elasticities  c.    Elasticity of substitutiond.    None of these                                  ANS: B 15. A vertical straight line demand curve implies ______ degree of price elasticity.       a.    Positive         b.    Negative       c.    None ot these          d.    zero                           ANS: D 16. Commodities which requires a large portion of consumer’s income tend to have ______ demand.    a.    perfectly elasticb.    Zero   c.    inelastic        d.    elastic                        ANS: D 17. Jointly demanded goods tend to have ______ demand.   a.    inelastic        b.    perfectly elasticc.    Relatively inelastic  d.    inelastic                                ANS:  D 18. A flatter demand curve represent relatively ______ demand.      a.    elasticb.    Relatively elastic     c.    None ot the above  d.    inelastic                                ANS:  A 19. If elasticity of demand = 1, the marginal revenue is ______.        a.    zero   b.    Infinityc.    Positive         d.    Negative                               ANS: A 20. Which could be a positive cross elasticity demand between Butter and Jam?         a.    1         b.    – 0.9  c.    0.9      d.    2                                 ANS: B 21. When demand is perfectly elastic, the demand curve is :a.    Steep b.    Non-linear    c.    Lineard.    Horizontal straight line                   ANS: D 22. A product’s market demand tends to be inelastic when : a.    There are many suppliers b.    There are several substitutes       c.    Less substitutesd.    All of the above                               ANS: C 23. On a linear horizontal demand curve :a.    Elasticity is zero      b.    Elasticity is infinity  c.    Elasticity is low towards origin      d.    All of the above                               ANS: B 24. Unitary elastic demand is represented by :   a.    Horizontal demand curve  b.    Downward sloping demand curvec.    Vertical demand curve       d.    Hyperbola slope demand curve                           ANS: D 25. The demand for a product is referred to as price-inelastic, if :   a.    The elasticity coefficient is less than unity      … Read more part 2 Indirect Tax mcq questions and answers pdf Part 2 All Subject MCQ Link In One Link Click Here👈  1. Indian has chosen _____________ model of dual GST.a) USAb) UKc) Canadian d) JapanANS: C 2. Liability to pay tax by the recipient of supply of goods or services is called __________.a) Forward chargeb) Reverse chargec) Output taxd) Input taxANS: B 3. Tax paid on purchase of goods or services or both is called__________.a) Output taxb) Composite taxc) Input taxd) Reverse taxANS: C 4. Which of the following are not a benefits of GST ?a) Creation of unified national marketb) Boost to ‘Make in India’ initiativec) More Competitive productsd) Increase in overall tax burden on consumerANS: D 5. Works contract is a supply of __________.a) Servicesb) Goodsc) Both goods and servicesd) Neither goods nor supply of services6ANS: A 6. Gifts not exceeding ________ in a year by an employer to employee shall not be treated as supply. a) Rs. 5,000 b) Rs. 10,000 c) Rs. 50,000 d) Rs. 1,00,000ANS: C 7. A DTH company supplies a dish, set-top box, 3 year repairing and subscription of 500 channels for five years services as a package to the customers for Rs. 25,000. This is a ________. a) Mixed supply b) Continous supply c) Composite supply d) Common supplyANS: C 8. One tooth paste and tooth brush and a toilet soap sold in a packet for Rs. 50 is ________. a) Composite supply b) Mixed supply c) Common supply d) Continous supplyANS: B 9. What would be the tax rate applicable in case of composite supply ? a) Tax rate as applicable on principal supply b) Tax rate as applicable on ancillary supply c) Tax rate as applicable on supply attracting the highest rate of tax d) Not taxable at allANS: A 10. What would be the tax rate applicable in case of mixed supply ? a) Tax rate as applicable on supply attracting the lowest rate of tax b) Tax rate as applicable on supply attracting the highest rate of tax c) Tax rate as applicable on principal supply d) Tax rate as applicable on ancillary supplyANS: B 11. A person is liable to be registered under GST law where the aggregate value of supply of services exceeds Rs. ______________, in general category.a) 10 Lakhsb) 20 Lakhs7c) 40 Lakhsd) 75 LakhsANS: B 12. ________________ is the application form for registration on casual taxable person.a) GST-REG-11b) GST–REG-01c) GST-REG-10d) GST-REG-06ANS: B 13. __________________ is the15 -digit GST Identification Number.a) GSTNb) GSTPc) GSTINd) GSTRANS: C 14. In case of special category states the limit of aggregate turnover for GST registration is Rs. _____________ .a) 10 Lakhsb) 20 Lakhsc) 40 Lakhsd) 30 LakhsANS: A 15. Mr. Z shows following supplies in March 20 : Export of services: Rs. 15 lacs; Supply of goods exempted Rs. 5 lacs; Supply of taxable goods: Rs. 10 lacs. The aggregate turnover under GST in case of Mr. Z will be:a) 20 lacsb) 25 lacsc) 30 lacsd) 10 lacsANS: C 16. Ms. Dayaben who has place of business in Ahmedabad engaged in supply of goods shows the following details for the year 2019-2020: Month Taxable PurchasesTaxable Sales Tax-Free SalesDec 17 430,000 500,000 200,000Jan 18 45,000 200,000 100,000Feb 18 70,000 300,000 210,000Mar 18 80,000 100,000 200,000From which month is She is liable to apply for registration under GST.a. Jan 18b. Feb 18c. Mar 18d. Not liable for registration.ANS: D  17. GST registration is _________.a) PAN basedb) passport based 8c) Aadhar basedd) none of the aboveANS: A  18. Within how many days a person should apply for registration ?a) Within 30 days from the date he becomes liable for registrationb) Within 60 days from the date he becomes liable for registrationc) No Time Limitd) Within 90 days from the date he becomes liable for registrationANS: A  19. What is the validity of registration certificate issued to casual taxable person and  non-resident taxable person ?a) 90 days from the effective date of registrationb) Period specified in the application of registrationc) Earliest of (a) or (b) aboved) 180 days from the effective date of registrationANS: C  20. Which of the following persons are not liable for compulsory registration _________.a) E-commerce operatorsb) Agriculturistsc) Input Service Distributorsd) Non Resident Taxable personANS: B  21. When can a voluntarily registration may not be cancelled ? a) If the person does not start business within 6 months from the date of registrationb) Business has been discontinued or transferred for any reasonc) Non-filing of returns for a continuous period of 6 monthsd) If a person files all the return within due date under GSTANS: D  22. The application shall be forwarded to the _________ who shall examine the application and the accompanying documents for GST registration.a) Proper Officerb) GSTNc) GSTPd) GST PortalANS: A  23. Certificate of registration is issued in which form ?a) GST REG-06b) GST REG-02 9c) GST REG-01d) GST REG-10ANS: A  24. What is the validity of the registration certificate ?a) One yearb) No validityc) Valid till it is cancelled.d) Five years.ANS: C  25. Within how many days an application for revocation of cancellation of registration can be made ?a) 7 days from the date of service of the cancellation orderb) 15 days from the date of issue of the cancellation orderc) 45 days from the date of issue of the cancellation order d) 30 days from the date of service of the cancellation order ANS: D Part 2 Other Subject MCQ  FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 1. 2. ENTREPRENEURSHIP 1) AUDITING 1. 2. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 1. 2.