Question Bank

Business Communication, F.Y.B.COM, Question Bank

business communication fybcom sem 1 question with answers

F.Y.B.COM. SEMESTER – I BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Q.5 Explain Downward Communication Advantages and Disadvantages. ANS: In Downward Communication, top management of an organization transmits decisions taken by it, along with its intended goals, vision, culture and ethics through various levels of authority. All decisions taken by the top management are passed down the ladder of authority for their implementation. The messages that flow though this channel are orders, memos, rules, practices, procedures, circulars, regulations. Written orders, bulletins, bulletin-boards, posters, house-journals are commonly used modes of this communication. As it proceeds from superiors to the subordinates, this communication is also called Top-Down Communication. Downward Communication is needed ·        to get the work done ·        to prepare the workforce for challenges ·        to tackle misinformation and suspicion arising out of it ·        to create a feeling of pride and confidence in the workforce in order to motivate it and to boost its morale. ·        to transmit work ethics and the organisation‘s culture   Advantages: This type of communication demands complete obedience and ensures disciplined, orderly implementation of orders. It leads to efficient functioning of the organisation and eliminates dissent. Tasks and positions of authority are well defined. This brings clarity in the minds of people who are responsible for taking action, thus avoiding confusion. It helps in uniting different levels of authority and brings in team spirit. [For example, an American or British Crisis Management team in action, or the NSG commandos in action in Mumbai during the terror attack, illustrate how downward communication ensures effective implementation of ideas. Many family–run business houses, too, work efficiently for this reason.] Requirements: It is important that the decisions are taken after due deliberation. The vision of the authority must be effectively percolated, so that it correctly and completely reaches the last person in the chain. The authority must set a good example so as to inspire confidence in the subordinates and win their cooperation. Disadvantages: Being one-way communication, it can have some glaring disadvantages. Lack of vision and arbitrary decision-making can prove detrimental and harmful to the organization. Balance in sharing information is important, so is judicious use of discretion. Unnecessary information leaks can jeopardize organizational goals. A reticent authority, unable to share necessary details with subordinates, could prove equally harmful. A hierarchical transmission of information delays implementation of decisions. Similarly, oral communication leads to information loss, distortion and lack of accountability. Absence of a feedback mechanism at the subordinate level leads to frustration. As a result, subordinates develop lack of trust in the authority, and feel exploited, leading to a tense relationship. If You Need Most Importance Short and Brief Questions Bank with Answers For All Subject  Question Bank Than Pay Rs 100 Only  8652719712 = Google Pay , Phone Pay , Paytm Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141 Amazon Prime Link : Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- Suraj Patel Education :- S.S.C EXAM:- F.Y.J.C EXAM :- S.Y.J.C EXAM :- F.Y EXAM :- S.Y EXAM :- T.Y EXAM :- M.Com Part 1 EXAM :- M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- M.A EXAM :-  YouTube Channel    

Business Communication, F.Y.B.COM, Question Bank

Business communication most importance questions pdf

  F.Y.B.COM. SEMESTER – IBUSINESS COMMUNICATION Q.4 Communication in the Context of Technology. ANS: In these early years of the third millennium, we find ourselves real inhabitants of the global village that Marshall McLuhan had envisaged over thirty years ago. Advances in technology have facilitated the process of market globalization. New technology has permeated every sphere of life, especially the corporate world. Business today has widened its horizon and overstepped its former boundaries, and so has communication. The old scene has been replaced by a new landscape: the modern world is buzzing with activity, and the face of Business0020 Communication has also changed as a result. In the 21st century, following in the footsteps of the revolution in Business and Commerce, the Communication Revolution has assumed greater significance. The electronic means of communication have evolved from the printing press, which was invented some 500 years ago. A few years ago, terms like RAM, MODEM, DISC would have carried other connotations. But today, even if people do not understand their exact meaning, they are, at least, able to associate them with technology of some sort. Technological developments have thus contributed towards revolution of digital electronics. This revolution has influenced information transmission since World War II. A new approach to communication is taking the place of the conventional approach, so that, what was unimaginable earlier is a reality today. No wonder that this revolution has entered the business scene, and, in turn, the business world has taken hold of it and exploited it for its expansion. Electronic means of communication have brought about a radical change not only in organizational working but also in communication. More sophisticated means of communication have mushroomed over the last few years. A study of Business Communication without a proper understanding and cognizance of this fact would be unimaginable. Information Technology including the Internet (intranet and extranet), e-mail, voice mail, fax, tele (audio and video) conferencing, desktop computing, wireless devices, instant message have electrified commerce and thereby revolutionised the way we communicate. Consequently, the old telecommunication devices like telegraph, telex are now outdated, just as are letters and other such forms. Availability of a variety of electronic media has increased the options open to us as communicators. Today, with electronic means, communication can be effected in the blink of an eye and at the stroke of a key. The electronic media have facilitated communication among people all over the world, enabling them to reach widely dispersed publics personally. The electronic media‘s ability to overcome time zone barriers, their speed, frequency, multi-tasking and efficiency are simply laudable. Advanced means like earth and environmental service allow people from opposite ends of the world to collaborate with each other, work together, seamlessly as it were, thus bringing the resultant benefits to numerous other people. This collaborative group effort ensures quick decision-making, which is of great importance for success in the global competitive market. This enables companies to promote the sales of their products / services in a quicker and more economical way, thus facilitating commercial operations and activities. The Modern Era is becoming an office less world as the concept of workplace and method of working are changing. Now when an employee says, I’m at work, s/he is referring to what S/he is doing and not to the place. The line between home and office is now blurred. This is because people need not confine themselves to traditional workspaces for working. They can work from home and, at the same time, they can maintain contacts with their colleagues. Thus, a constant attempt is being made to bring all aspects of the office under one umbrella. Henceforth, technology, and not the traditional glass-box office layout, will bring the employees together. Thus, flexi-time/place, mobility, adjustability, miniaturization, paperless, automated, horizontal, democratic organization are the order of the day. Direct one-to-one and one- to-many transfer of information, storing data, retrieving it at anytime and anywhere are all the miracles of this digitalized / electronic communication. That is why, on-line trading, banking, e-recruiting, cyber recruiting are gaining popularity. In short, telecommunicating has become the norm. All this has made today‘s professional more of an infocrat, rather than an autocrat/ technocrat / bureaucrat. In fact, the driving force behind the business world is, no doubt, technology. However, new technologies have given rise to communication challenges. In addition, the growing global access to electronic means has magnified these challenges. Though electronic means have come as a blessing, they are not devoid of problems and disadvantages. They are afflicted by problems such as viruses, worms, theft, information overload, lack of privacy, reduced productivity, and waste of time. They are responsible for some of the tension of in the workplace. With them, confidentiality is endangered. Yet the benefits of electronic means of communication usually outweigh the disadvantages. They are, therefore, preferred to the conventional ones. If we want to reap the full benefit from the potential of Communication and Technology, we have to train people to be proficient in the art of electronic communication. As the need is for an effective, rather than a nominal communicator, the selection of a suitable tool, and its effective, appropriate and judicious use, should be insisted upon. Furthermore, it is important to realize that technology showcases a person‘s communication and presentation skills as far as speaking and writing are concerned, and facilitates the listening process; it can never be a substitute for the person himself. The person needs to develop his/her basic communicative competence which goes beyond aspects of clarity and circumvention of barriers to include a consideration of the reader‘s or listener‘s viewpoint, and a sensitivity to cultural differences and their potential areas of misunderstanding. For example, in some countries, video conferencing is not accepted in business dealings. So, we may say that the best method of handling matters and problems related to communication would be one wherein effective skills are coupled with, and enhanced by, the use of modern technological devices. Of course, this approach is not without its difficulties

M.COM PART 1, MACROECONOMIC, Question Bank question paper mumbai university | Macroeconomics semester 2 important question

 SEMESTER – II MACROECONOMIC     10.   EQUILIBRIUM LEVEL OF EMPLOYMENT                                   OR Equilibrium Level of Employment and Real National Income. Increase in the level of Employment& Real National Income. Limitations of the Keynesian Theory of Employment ANS: The equilibrium level of employment and real national income is determined at the point of equality between the aggregate demand price and the supply price. Employment and real output continues to rise if demand price is greater than the supply price and stops at the point of equality. You will notice from Table 2.3 below that when four million workers are employed the AD price and the AS price are equal i.e., Rs.800 Billion. This point of equality is the point of Effective demand. If employment is increased beyond the point of effective demand, the aggregate demand price will fall below the supply price and the class of entrepreneurs will make losses.   The equilibrium level of employment and real national income or the point of effective demand can be diagrammatically shown as in Fig.2.3 below. Fig. 2.3: Equilibrium Level of Employment and Real National Income. In Fig. 2.3 above, the two curves ADP and ASP intersect each other at point ‘E’. Point ‘E’ is the point of effective demand. Corresponding to point ‘E’, point ‘R’ on the Y-axis indicates equilibrium receipts and point ‘N’ on the X-axis indicates equilibrium level of employment and real national income. However, point ‘E’ is only an under employment or less than full employment equilibrium as full employment level is indicated by point ‘F’ on the aggregate supply curve. Per Keynes, the economy achieves equilibrium at less than full employment level because the gap between income and consumption is not fully filled up by investment. Both investment and savings are made by two different classes. While savings are made by the household sector, investments are made by the class of entrepreneurs. Hence, investment cannot be equal to saving. If aggregate investment is less than aggregate savings, economy will operate at less than full employment level. Increase in the Level of Effective Demand and Employment Per Keynes, the aggregate supply function is constant in the short run because the productive capacity of the economy cannot be increased in the short period. However, the level of effective demand and employment can be increased by increasing the aggregate demand function. This is shown in Fig.2.4 below. Fig. 2.4: Increase in the level of Employment& Real National Income. In Fig. 2.4 above, the aggregate demand price curve ADP1 intersects the aggregate supply price curve ASP at point E1 and ON1 level of employment is determined. When the aggregate demand is increased the ADP, curve shifts upwards and intersects the ASP curve at point E2 and a higher level of employment i.e. E2 is determined. It may be concluded that the level of employment in an economy can be increased if aggregate demand is increased. Aggregate demand can be increased if either investment demand or consumption demand increases.   Limitations of the Keynesian Theory of Employment The Keynesian theory of employment and real national income is criticized on the following grounds: 1. Relevant to Free Market Economy. The Keynesian theory is applicable only in free market capitalist economies which operate based on market mechanism. It is not relevant to other economic systems such as socialism where all economic decisions are taken by the government. It is also not relevant to a mixed economy where the role of the government is substantially large. 2. Keynesian Theory is Relevant to Depression. Keynes wrote his General Theory in 1936. Both Europe and America were caught in the great economic depression during the first half of the 20th century. Keynes prescribed increased Government expenditure to increase the level of effective demand under conditions of recession. However, the theory cannot be applied under the conditions of jobless growth when economy grows along with fall in employment and stagflation when prices rise but employment and output falls. 3. Keynesian Theory is not relevant to open Economies. Keynes did not consider the impact of international trade and investment on national economies. Keynes assumed a closed economy while writing his theory. 4. Keynesian Theory is not Relevant to UDCs. Keynes had dealt with the problem of the down-turn in business cycles and the resultant rise in unemployment. However, under developed countries face the problem of regular and disguised unemployment.  5. Keynesian Theory Ignores the Long Run Problems. Keynes sought solution to the short run macro-economic problems and went on to say that in the long run we are all dead. He thus ignored the long run problems of changes in the economic conditions.        Macroeconomics semester 2  important question bank pdf semester 2 Macroeconomics important question bank pdf macro economics part 1 question papers with answers idol mcom sem 2 macro economics question paper with Answers mcom sem 2 macro economics question paper question papers with answers pdf mumbai university mumbai university solved question papers download pdf part 1 question papers with answers idol mumbai university question papers download pdf question paper mumbai university mumbai university previous year question papers with solutions mumbai university old question papers mumbai university solved question papers download pdf macro economics If you want exam most important question bank pdf then you have to pay per subject 100/- rupees only .  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141  Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- Suraj Patel Education :- F.Y.J.C EXAM :- S.Y.J.C EXAM :- F.Y EXAM :- S.Y EXAM :- T.Y EXAM :- M.Com Part 1 EXAM :- M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- M.A EXAM :-  YouTube Channel Best Other MCQ   Webside  All Subject MCQ Link 

M.COM PART 1, MACROECONOMIC, Question Bank question papers with answers pdf mumbai university | sem 2 macro economics question paper

 SEMESTER – II MACROECONOMIC  8. Explain the criticisms of HDI. ANS: The Human Development Index has been criticized for failing to include any ecological considerations, focusing exclusively on national performance and ranking (although many national Human Development Reports, looking at sub-national performance, have been published by UNDP and others—so this last claim is untrue), not paying much attention to development from a global perspective and based on grounds of measurement error of the underlying statistics and formula changes by the UNDP which can lead to severe misclassifications of countries in the categories of being a ‘low’, ‘medium’, ‘high’ or ‘very high’ human development country. Economists Hendrik Wolff, Howard Chong and Maximilian Auffhammer discuss the HDI from the perspective of data error in the underlying health, education and income statistics used to construct the HDI. They identify three sources of data error which are due to (i) data updating, (ii) formula revisions and (iii) thresholds to classify a country’s development status and find that 11%, 21% and 34% of all countries can be interpreted as currently misclassified in the development bins due to the three sources of data error, respectively. The authors suggest that the United Nations should discontinue the practice of classifying countries into development bins because the cut-off values seem arbitrary, can provide incentives for strategic behavior in reporting official statistics, and have the potential to misguide politicians, investors, charity donators and the public at large which use the HDI. In 2010 the UNDP reacted to the criticism and updated the thresholds to classify nations as low, medium and high human development countries. In a comment to The Economist in early January 2011, the Human Development Report Office responded to a January 6, 2011 article in The Economist which discusses the Wolff et al. paper. The Human Development Report Office states that they undertook a systematic revision of the methods used for the calculation of the HDI and that the new methodology directly addresses the critique by Wolff et al. in that it generates a system for continuous updating of the human development categories whenever formula or data revisions take place. Some common criticisms of the HDI are as follows: 1. It is a redundant measure that adds little to the value of the individual measures composing it. 2. It is a means to provide legitimacy to arbitrary weightings of a few aspects of social development. 3. It is a number producing a relative ranking which is useless for inter-temporal comparisons, and difficult to compare a country’s progress or regression since the HDI for a country in each year depends on the levels of, say, life expectancy or GDP per capita of other countries in that year. However, each year, UN member states are listed and ranked according to the computed HDI. If high, the rank in the list can be easily used as a means of national aggrandizement; alternatively, if low, it can be used to highlight national insufficiencies. Ratan Lal Basu criticizes the HDI concept from a completely different angle. According to him the Amartya Sen-Mahbub ulHaq concept of HDI considers that provision of material amenities alone would bring about Human Development, but Basu opines that Human Development in the true sense should embrace both material and moral development. According to him human development based on HDI alone, is similar to dairy farm economics to improve dairy farm output. To quote: ‘so human development effort should not end up in amelioration of material deprivations alone: it must undertake to bring about spiritual and moral development to assist the biped to become truly human.’ For example, a high suicide rate would bring the index down. A few authors have proposed alternative indices to address some of the index’s shortcomings. However, of those proposed alternatives to the HDI, few have produced alternatives covering so many countries, and that no development index (other than, perhaps, Gross Domestic Product per capita) has been used so extensively—or effectively, in discussions and developmental planning as the HDI.   Macroeconomics semester 2  important question bank pdf semester 2 Macroeconomics important question bank pdf macro economics part 1 question papers with answers idol mcom sem 2 macro economics question paper with Answers mcom sem 2 macro economics question paper question papers with answers pdf mumbai university mumbai university solved question papers download pdf part 1 question papers with answers idol mumbai university question papers download pdf question paper mumbai university mumbai university previous year question papers with solutions mumbai university old question papers mumbai university solved question papers download pdf macro economics If you want exam most important question bank pdf then you have to pay per subject 100/- rupees only .  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141  Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- Suraj Patel Education :- F.Y.J.C EXAM :- S.Y.J.C EXAM :- F.Y EXAM :- S.Y EXAM :- T.Y EXAM :- M.Com Part 1 EXAM :- M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- M.A EXAM :-  YouTube Channel Best Other MCQ   Webside  All Subject MCQ Link 


Macro economics part 1 question papers with answers idol

 SEMESTER – II MACROECONOMIC     5.   Explain the concept of purchasing power parity income ANS: The purchasing power parity theory of exchange rate determination was put forward by Professor Gustav Cassel of Sweden in the year 1920. There are two versions of the PPP theory known as the absolute and the relative versions. According to the absolute version, the exchange rate between two currencies should be equal to the ratio of the price indexes in the two countries. The formula for the absolute versions of the theory is as follows: RAB = PA/PB Here, RAB is the exchange rate between two countries A and B and ‘P’ refers to the price index. The absolute version is not used because it ignores transportation costs and other factors which hinder trade, non-traded goods, capital flows and real purchasing power. The relative version which is widely used by Economists can be illustrated as follows. Let us assume that India and the United States are on inconvertible paper standard and the domestic purchasing power of $1 in the US is equal to Rs.45 in India. The exchange rate would therefore be $1 = Rs.45. Assuming the price levels in both the countries to be constant, if the exchange rate moves to $1 = Rs.40, it would mean that less rupees are required to buy the same bundle of goods in India as compared to $1 in the US. It means that the US dollar is overvalued and the Indian Rupee is undervalued. Appreciation of the rupee will discourage exports and encourage imports in India. As a result, the demand for USD will increase and that of INR will fall till the PPP exchange rate is restored at $1 = Rs.45. Conversely, if the exchange rate moves to $1 = Rs.50, the INR is overvalued and the USD is undervalued. This will encourage exports and discourage imports till once again the PPP exchange rate is restored. According to the PPP theory, the exchange rate between two countries is determined at a point of equality between the respective purchasing powers of the two currencies. The PPP exchange rate is a moving par which changes with the changes in the price level. To calculate the equilibrium exchange rate under the relative version of the theory, the following formula is used:                                              PA1 ∕ PA0                             R = R0 × —————                                              PB1∕ PB0 Where 0     =       base period, 1       =       period one, A&B =       Countries A and B. P       =       Price Index. R0     =       Exchange rate in the base period. Assuming the price index of Country ‘A’ (India) to be 100 in the base period and 300 in period one and that of United States to be 100 and 200 in the two periods respectively and the Original exchange rate to be Rs.40, the new PPP exchange rate would be as follows:                300∕ 100       300     100      3 R=40 × ————— = —— × —— = — = 1.5 = Rs.60                200 ∕ 100      100     200      2 Thus Rs.60/- or $1 = INR 60 will be the new PPP exchange rate. However, the PPP exchange rate will be modified by the cost of transporting goods including duties, insurance, banking and other charges. These costs are the limits within which the exchange rate can fluctuate given the demand supply situation. These limits are the ‘upper limit’ or the commodity export point and the ‘lower limit’ or the commodity import point. Critical Assessment of the PPP Exchange Rate Theory. The PPP theory is criticized on the following grounds: 1.  Price Indices of Two Countries are not comparable. The base year of indices in two countries may be different. The consumption basket may also be different. The PPP rate may not therefore give an accurate exchange rate based on the relative purchasing powers of any two currencies.  2.  Base Year is Indeterminate. The theory assumes that the balance of payments is in equilibrium in the base year. It is difficult to find the base year in which the balance of payment was in equilibrium.  3.   Capital Mobility Influences the Price Level. The theory assumes that there is no capital mobility. The general price level does not affect items such as insurance, shipping, banking transactions etc. However, these items influence the exchange rate. 4. Changes in the Exchange Rate affects the General Price Level. When the exchange rate depreciates, the domestic price level is influenced by the rise in import prices. Demand for exports increases, thereby raising the price of export goods. Conversely, when the exchange rate appreciates, exports are affected and imports become cheaper, thus bringing about a fall in the price level. 5. Laissez Faire does not exist. The theory is based on the policy of laissez-faire. However, laissez faire does not exist. International trade is greatly influenced by restrictive and protective trade policies. Non-market forces therefore influence the exchange rate.  6. Elasticity of Reciprocal Demand influences Exchange Rates. According to Keynes, the theory neglects the influence of elasticity of reciprocal demand. The exchange rate is not only determined by relative prices but also by the elasticity of reciprocal demand between trading countries.  7. Changes in the Demand for Imports and Exports influence Exchange Rate. The exchange rate is not determined by purchasing power parity alone. The demand for imports and exports also influence exchange rate. If the demand for imports rise, purchasing power parity remaining constant, the exchange rate will rise and vice versa. Conclusion In spite of the limitations, the PPP exchange rate theory is widely used in development economics to ascertain the real level of development of an economy. The theory is therefore useful and PPP exchange rate is therefore a useful macroeconomic tool. Haberler in support of the theory says that, “While the price levels of different countries diverge, their price systems are nevertheless interrelated and interdependent, although the relation need not be that of equality. Moreover, supporters of the theory are quite right in contending that the exchanges can always be established at any desired level of appropriate changes in the volume of money.     NATIONAL INCOME CONCEPTS GNP, GDP & NDP A)  GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT (GNP) The GNP is the most widely used measure of national income. It

M.COM PART 1, Question Bank, Research Methodology

research methodology for business part 1 question papers with answers idol | What are the factors determine sample size?

IDOL Mumbai University important questions bank Part 1 (sem. 2) RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FOR BUSINESS Q.9. What are the factors determine sample size? ANS: 1) Area of Research: The number of sample respondents depends on the area of research. If the research is conducted at national level, it may require more number of respondent. If the research is conducted at local level, it may require less number of respondents. 2) Availability of Funds: Generally, the researcher may be constrained by the limitation of funds to conduct the research. Therefore, when the researcher has limited amount of funds allocated to the research activity, the sample size would be lesser as compared to when the researcher has larger amount of funds. 3) Availability of Manpower: The researcher may require manpower to conduct surveys, interviews or for conducting experiments, observation etc. Eg. If the researcher has a good number of filed staff to conduct interviews, he may select the larger sample size of respondents and vice-versa. 4) Time Frame: The sample size may depend on the time frame of research. If the researcher has lot of time available to conduct the research, he may select a large sample size of respondents and vice versa. 5) Nature of Research: The nature of research may influence the sample size of respondents. Eg. In case of academic research, the researcher may be constrained with the limitations of funds, and therefore, he may select a smaller sample size. However, in the case of census survey of population, the sample size will be the entire population of the country. 6) Method of Sampling: The method of sampling may influence the sample size of respondents. Eg. If convenience sampling method is used, the researcher may consider a smaller sample size to obtain responses. However, in case of stratified sampling or cluster sampling, the researcher needs to select a larger sample size of respondents. 7) Method / Sources of Data Collection: The method of data collection may influence the sample size of respondents. Eg. If researcher collects data through interviews, he may select a larger sample size of respondents. However, if the researcher adopts observation method, he may consider a smaller sample size for the purpose of observation. 8) Judgment of the Researcher: At times, the researcher may use his judgement in deciding in the sample size. He may consider a smaller sample size, if he is confident in getting the adequate data from a smaller sample size. However, if the researcher feels that he needs to select a larger sample to collect responses, he may select a larger sample size. If you want exam most important question bank pdf then you have to pay per subject 100/- rupees only .  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141  Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- Suraj Patel Education :- F.Y.J.C EXAM :- S.Y.J.C EXAM :- F.Y EXAM :- S.Y EXAM :- T.Y EXAM :- M.Com Part 1 EXAM :- M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- M.A EXAM :-  YouTube Channel research methodology for business mcom sem 2 questions bank Semester 2 research methodology for business important questions bank semester 2 research methodology for business important notes research methodology for business part 1 sem 2 notes pdf research methodology for business Semester 2 important questions bank research methodology for business Semester 2 exam IMP questions bank research methodology for business semester 2 exam question paper research methodology for business question papers with answers pdf mumbai university mumbai university solved question papers download pdf part 1 question papers with answers idol mumbai university question papers with solutions M com semester 2 research methodology for business important questions bank pdf download M com semester 2 research methodology for business important questions bank pdf M com semester 2 research methodology for business important questions bank mcq research methodology for business mcq pdf research methodology for business part 1 sem 2 pdf research methodology for business part 1 sem 2 mcq pdf solved questions on research methodology for business pdf free download 100 questions (and answers) about research methodology for business pdf

M.COM PART 1, Question Bank, Research Methodology

Research methodology for business semester 2 exam question paper | Highlight the importance of hypothesis in research

 IDOL Mumbai University important questions bank Part 1 (sem. 2) RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FOR BUSINESS Q.7. Highlight the importance of hypothesis in research. ANS: 1) Helps to explore unknown facts: The hypothesis provides the researcher with the most efficient instrument for exploring and explaining the unknown facts. It stimulates the researcher for further research studies. 2) Enables to prepare research design: The hypothesis helps in preparing research design. It may suggest research objectives, sample design, data requirement, techniques of data collection, tests and tools to analyse data etc. 3) Identifies need for data: A Hypothesis specifies the need of data i.e. whether research will require primary data or secondary data. Hypothesis would enable to collect required data. Without hypothesis much useless data may be collected and important data would be omitted. 4) Identifies sources of data: A Hypothesis also specifies the source of data i.e. survey, experiment, observation, library, reports, internet etc. Therefore, the researcher would consider only the relevant source of data, which in turn would speed up the research activity. 5) Development of theory and principles: Hypothesis also facilitates development of theory and principles. Eg. The theory of consumer behaviour which presupposes that no two consumers think and behave alike. Similarly, 14 Principles of Management by Henry Fayol, states that practicing these principles in an organization, results into increasing organizational efficiency. 6) Provides specific direction: When hypothesis is finalized a definite and specific direction is provided to the research work. It makes way to the progress of investigation. In the absence of hypothesis it becomes extremely difficult to focus on research problem. 7) Prevents blind research: Hypothesis lights up the path of research. It distinguishes between scientific and unscientific inputs. It acts as a guide. Accuracy and precision is possible through hypothesis. Therefore, hypothesis prevents blind research. 8) Economical:   Developing hypothesis in business research is economical. It saves time, money and energy of a researcher because it guides the researcher in the right direction. Hypothesis provides the basis for proper data collection. Relevant and correct information collected by a researcher through properly formulated hypothesis. If you want exam most important question bank pdf then you have to pay per subject 100/- rupees only .  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141  Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- Suraj Patel Education :- F.Y.J.C EXAM :- S.Y.J.C EXAM :- F.Y EXAM :- S.Y EXAM :- T.Y EXAM :- M.Com Part 1 EXAM :- M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- M.A EXAM :-  YouTube Channel research methodology for business mcom sem 2 questions bank Semester 2 research methodology for business important questions bank semester 2 research methodology for business important notes research methodology for business part 1 sem 2 notes pdf research methodology for business Semester 2 important questions bank research methodology for business Semester 2 exam IMP questions bank research methodology for business semester 2 exam question paper research methodology for business question papers with answers pdf mumbai university mumbai university solved question papers download pdf part 1 question papers with answers idol mumbai university question papers with solutions M com semester 2 research methodology for business important questions bank pdf download M com semester 2 research methodology for business important questions bank pdf M com semester 2 research methodology for business important questions bank mcq research methodology for business mcq pdf research methodology for business part 1 sem 2 pdf research methodology for business part 1 sem 2 mcq pdf solved questions on research methodology for business pdf free download 100 questions (and answers) about research methodology for business pdf

M.COM PART 1, Question Bank, Research Methodology

Research methodology for business part 1 sem 2 notes pdf | What is Review of Literature? Elucidate its significance

IDOL Mumbai University important questions bank Part 1 (sem. 2) RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FOR BUSINESS  Q.5. What is Review of Literature? Elucidate its significance. ANS: Meaning The researcher must consult the available publications such as books, journals, magazines, research reports and similar other publications before starting his/her own research activity. ROL refers to extensive review of literature relating to research problem which researcher intends to undertake. Such ROL provides good insides into research problems and get familiar with previous research studies undertaken. Significance of Review of Literature (ROL) 1) Get background knowledge of research problem: A research problem is a question that a researcher wants to answer or a problem that a researcher wants to solve. ROL helps researcher to get background knowledge of Research Problem. 2) Helps to identify gaps in research: Research gap refers to the areas which are not explored in the past researches. ROL enables the researcher to identify the gap in research, conflicts in previous studies, open questions left from other research. The researcher can make an attempt to fill this gap by undertaken research activity. 3) Help to formulate research hypotheses: Hypothesis is an assumption made to explain certain fact or provide basis for further investigation. It is tentative in nature and it may prove to be correct or incorrect. Past studies or ROL helps researchers to frame hypothesis for his/her current studies. The researcher collects data which may prove or disprove the hypothesis. Based on the result of hypothesis testing a conclusion can be drawn. 4) Get familiar with methodology adopted by other researchers: Research methodology is the specific procedures or techniques used to identify, select, process, and analyze information/data about a research problem. ROL enables researcher to get familiar with methodology that is used by other researchers in their researches. Accordingly, he/she can decide his/her own methodology in terms or target population, sample size, method and technique of data collection and analysis and so on. 5) Prepare research design: Research design is a logical and systematic outline of research project prepared for directing, guiding and controlling a research work. With the help of ROL, a researcher can prepare his/her research design. Research design keeps research work on right track and help to complete research in time. 6) Prepare sample design: A sample design is the framework, or road map, that serves as the basis for the selection of a survey sample. In a research, it is not possible to collect data from entire population/universe due to constraints of time, money and energy on the part of researcher. So researcher needs to select samples from population/universe of research. Sample selected must be true representative of the population/universe of research. ROL helps researcher to prepare proper sample design. 7) Get familiar with data collection sources and data analysis techniques: For the purpose of researcher primary or secondary or both data can be used by a researcher. The primary data can be collected by observation, survey or experiment method. Secondary data can be collected from library, internet, reports etc. Collected data needs to be analysed to draw conclusion out of it. Various statistical tools can be used such as correlation, measures of central tendency and so on for the purpose for data analysis. ROL facilitates to get familiar with data collection sources and data analysis techniques used by other researchers. 8) Understand findings of other researchers and their conclusions: ROL helps researcher to understand findings of other researchers and their conclusion. It can be basis for researcher’s own further research activity. 9) To compile bibliography: Bibliography is a list of sources used in our research. The main purpose of a bibliography entry is to give credit to authors whose work researcher has consulted in his/her research. ROL helps researcher to refer bibliography of others researchers to find out more about the topic by exploring into their research. 10) Understand the structure of research report: Research report is a written document containing key aspects of research project. After the research work is completed, the findings along with recommendations are presented in the form of research report to the authority for the purpose of further decision making. So ROL enables researcher to understand the structure of research report. If you want exam most important question bank pdf then you have to pay per subject 100/- rupees only .  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141  Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- Suraj Patel Education :- F.Y.J.C EXAM :- S.Y.J.C EXAM :- F.Y EXAM :- S.Y EXAM :- T.Y EXAM :- M.Com Part 1 EXAM :- M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- M.A EXAM :-  YouTube Channel research methodology for business mcom sem 2 questions bank Semester 2 research methodology for business important questions bank semester 2 research methodology for business important notes research methodology for business part 1 sem 2 notes pdf research methodology for business Semester 2 important questions bank research methodology for business Semester 2 exam IMP questions bank research methodology for business semester 2 exam question paper research methodology for business question papers with answers pdf mumbai university mumbai university solved question papers download pdf part 1 question papers with answers idol mumbai university question papers with solutions M com semester 2 research methodology for business important questions bank pdf download M com semester 2 research methodology for business important questions bank pdf M com semester 2 research methodology for business important questions bank mcq research methodology for business mcq pdf research methodology for business part 1 sem 2 pdf research methodology for business part 1 sem 2 mcq pdf solved questions on research methodology for business pdf free download 100 questions (and answers) about research methodology for business pdf

M.COM PART 1, Question Bank, Research Methodology Semester 2 research methodology for business important questions bank

 IDOL Mumbai University important questions bank Part 1 (sem. 2) RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FOR BUSINESS Q.3. Discuss the objectives of research. ANS: 1) To find out solution to problems: Research can be undertaken to find solutions to solve a specific problem. Data is collected on the problem faced by an organization. Such data is analysed and interpretation is made to find out solution to solve the problem. Eg. An organization may initiate research to find solution to problem of declining sales of their product in the market. So the data is collected to find out reasons for declining sales and analysis of such data may provide solution to the problem. 2) To obtain Information: Research is undertaken to obtain information, which may not be easily available. Variety of information can be collected such as consumer preference, competitor’s strategy, demand, economic conditions and so on. Such information is vital for a marketer to take crucial marketing decisions. 3) To make future predictions: Research enables a businessman to collect past and present data. Based on such data, the researcher can make future predictions about business situation and business stand in near future. Eg. A marketer wishes to launch a new product in the market. With the help of research he can predict the future of that product and then decide whether to come up with that product or not. 4) To develop new tools and concepts: Research helps to develop new tools and concepts for better study of an unknown phenomenon. For this purpose, exploratory research is undertaken to achieve new insights into such phenomenon. Eg. Research enables a business firm to know what factors affect consumer satisfaction in modern times. Accordingly, marketer can develop new tools and concepts to provide maximum consumer satisfaction. 5) To verify and test existing laws or theories: Research may be undertaken to verify and test existing laws or theories. Such verification and testing of existing laws and theories is required to know the relevance of it in present time. If you want exam most important question bank pdf then you have to pay per subject 100/- rupees only .  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141  Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- Suraj Patel Education :- F.Y.J.C EXAM :- S.Y.J.C EXAM :- F.Y EXAM :- S.Y EXAM :- T.Y EXAM :- M.Com Part 1 EXAM :- M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- M.A EXAM :-  YouTube Channel research methodology for business mcom sem 2 questions bank Semester 2 research methodology for business important questions bank semester 2 research methodology for business important notes research methodology for business part 1 sem 2 notes pdf research methodology for business Semester 2 important questions bank research methodology for business Semester 2 exam IMP questions bank research methodology for business semester 2 exam question paper research methodology for business question papers with answers pdf mumbai university mumbai university solved question papers download pdf part 1 question papers with answers idol mumbai university question papers with solutions M com semester 2 research methodology for business important questions bank pdf download M com semester 2 research methodology for business important questions bank pdf M com semester 2 research methodology for business important questions bank mcq research methodology for business mcq pdf research methodology for business part 1 sem 2 pdf research methodology for business part 1 sem 2 mcq pdf solved questions on research methodology for business pdf free download 100 questions (and answers) about research methodology for business pdf

M.COM PART 2, Marketing Strategies and practice, Question Bank

Marketing strategies and practice semester – iii question bank

  M.COM. SEMESTER – III BUSINESS STUDIES (MANAGEMENT)  MARKETING STRATEGIES AND PRACTICE Q.4. Define Marketing Opportunity Analysis. Describe its process in brief. ANS: Market Opportunity Analysis is a tool used by a firm to identify the attractiveness of a business opportunity in terms of its feasibility and viability. This is conducted before undertaking the new product of service Marketing Strategies and practices to estimate profit and revenue it can generate in a particular market. The most important factor which is determined during the market analysis of a product is its Forecasted Demand. Market Opportunity Analysis helps in answering the following question: ·        Which is the most profitable segment? ·        What is the rate of growth of opportunity? ·        What is the density and intensity of competition? ·        What is the gap which is not filled by competitors’ product? Market Analysis if carried out properly leads to creation of marketing intelligence which will help us in formulating right marketing strategies for right market segment at right time. It helps in determine how to provide a better product to the market than being currently offered. This will make customers prefer the firm’s product over competitors’. Process of Market Opportunity Analysis: The process of analysis of market opportunity comprises of the following steps: 1. Scanning and Analysis Macro Environmental Forces: The external environmental factors like economic condition, policies and trends, political environment, legal system, social and environmental pattern and technological trends are studied with a view to determine their possible impact on the business and its market. 2. Describe the Industry: The analysis of industrial environment is done to find its current trend and anticipating its future. Michael Porter Five Forces Model is a popular tool used to determine an industry’s long term attractiveness. The five forces which are examined in this model are: i. Rivalry among Existing Competitors: The firms in the same industry producing products which are close substitute of each other. Factors like investment intensity required to start and sustain the firm, difference in product characteristics, cost of switching from one brand to another etc. are the factors to be studied under this force. ii. Threat of New Entrants: New entrants intensify the competition more. The greater this threat is the less attractive is the industry. The threat increases when it is easy to attain economies of scale, less capital requirement at outset, easy to gain distribution etc. iii. Bargaining Power of Suppliers: the supplier to a firm may have increased bargaining power if the cost of switching the suppliers is high for the firm or substitute are either less in number or are Introduction to Marketing Strategies expensive. If the firm can undertake backward integration the bargaining power supplier become less. iv. Bargaining Power of Buyers: Factors like price, product quality, added services help. Other factors which may influence the bargaining power of buyers are number of buyers, switching cost for buyers, product’s performance and its importance for buyers etc. v. Threat of Substitute Products: Substitute are the alternative of product types (not the alternative of a brand) that can perform similar function. The more similar is the performance of substitute to the main product, higher is the threat to the firm. Substitute products are generally put barrier to the product by limiting its price. Michael Porter Five Forces Model Source: 3. Detailed Analysis of Competitors: The firm has to do a detailed analysis of the competitors in the industry, howsoever big or small, for gaining market intelligence to take right strategic decisions. Some of the factors to be studies are product description, strength and weaknesses (relative), market share, strategies related to pricing, promotion and placing etc. 4. Creating Profile of Target Market: The firm need to understand and record the essentials features of target consumers and market. The answering the following questions may help the firm to draw a profile sketch of target market: ·        Who are the potential customers? ·        What is their need? Or what are they looking for? ·        When do they need? ·        Which distribution channel can help reaching them? ·        What are the factors influencing their buying decisions? ·        What are the trends? 5. Set Sales Projections: Information collected using different techniques is deployed for forecasting sale of the product. The data also help in anticipating most optimistic and pessimistic scenarios for future. Taking all facts and analysis into account, the most realistic sale projection is recorded for evaluation purpose. If you want exam most important question bank pdf then you have to pay per subject 100/- rupees only .  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141  Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- Suraj Patel Education :- F.Y.J.C EXAM :- S.Y.J.C EXAM :- F.Y EXAM :- S.Y EXAM :- T.Y EXAM :- M.Com Part 1 EXAM :- M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- M.A EXAM :-  YouTube Channel  https://www marketing strategies and practice semester – iii question paper marketing strategies and practice semester – iii question bank sem 3 marketing strategies and practices question paper marketing strategies and practice semester – iii question bank current year M com semester iii marketing strategies and practice question bank with answers M com semester iii marketing strategies and practice question bank pdf M com semester iii marketing strategies and practice question bank m com 3rd sem solved question papers marketing strategies and practices question paper 3rd sem question papers with answers marketing strategies and practices sem 3 question paper question papers with answers pdf mumbai university Marketing strategies and practice m com semester iii question bank with answers Marketing strategies and practice m com semester iii question bank pdf marketing strategy questions and answers pdf marketing strategies and practices question paper 3rd sem question papers with answers m com 4th sem solved question papers M com sem 3 marketing strategies and practices question paper 2020 M com sem 3 marketing strategies and practices question paper 2019 M com sem 3 marketing strategies and practices question

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