idol mumbai university M.com Semester 4 business management supply chain management Important

  M.COM SEMESTER – IV (CBCS) BUSINESS STUDIES (MANAGEMENT) SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT LOGISTICS   Q.10 Write a brief note on forms of supply chain networks. ANS: Supply chain networks exhibit various models that aid in understanding the various optimization methods used for studying uncertainty and scenario modelling. As shown below, there are six distinct supply chain network models.           1. Producer Storage with Direct Shipping: In this model, goods are transported directly from the manufacturer’s starting point to the end customer’s destination point, bypassing the retailer. The retailer accepts the order and initiates the delivery request. This is also known as drop-shipping because the product is delivered directly from the manufacturer’s location to the customer’s location. 2. Producer storage with direct shipping and in-transit merge (crossdocking): It is like pure drop-shipping or moving, but the difference is that pieces of the order come from various locations and are merged into one so that the customer receives a single delivery. 3. Distributor storage with package carrier delivery: When inventory is not owned by the manufacturers at the plants, but rather by merchants/retailers in intermediate warehouses, package carriers are used to ship goods from the intermediate location to the final customer. 4. Distributor storage with last-mile delivery: When a merchant/retailer delivers the goods ordered by the customer to the customer’s home rather than using a package carrier, this type occurs. 5. Producer or distributor storage with customer pickup: The inventory is stored at the manufacturer’s or producer’s warehouse, but customers place their orders online or by phone and then come to pick-up points designated for collecting their orders. 6. Retail Storage with Customer Pickup: This is mostly used when inventory is kept locally at retail stores; customers walk into the store or order something online or over the phone and pick it up at the store. Customers’ preferences are used to make distribution system decisions. This, in turn, affects the demand for the product or products as well as the cost of the distribution arrangement.     If you want exam most important question bank pdf then you have to pay per subject 100/- rupees only .  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141              Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- https://t.me/mumbaiuniversityidol Suraj Patel Education :- https://t.me/surajpateleducation   F.Y.J.C EXAM :- https://t.me/FYJCexam   S.Y.J.C EXAM :- https://t.me/SYJCexam   F.Y EXAM :- https://t.me/fyexam     S.Y EXAM :- https://t.me/syexam     T.Y EXAM :- https://t.me/tyexam     M.Com Part 1 EXAM :- https://t.me/McomPart1Exam   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- https://t.me/McomPart2Exam M.A EXAM :- https://t.me/mastudentsexam  YouTube Channel  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv8JIY58xfWHUIXVu9wxNHw     supply chain management logistics m.com sem 4 question paper   supply chain management logistics m.com sem 4 question with answer m.com semester 4 subjects of supply chain management logistics m.com semester 4 mumbai university supply chain management logistics important question IDOL mumbai university m.com semester 4 supply chain management logistics important question IDOL mumbai university supply chain management logistics important question business management supply chain management m.com sem 4 question paper M.com Semester 4 business management supply chain management Important idol mumbai university M.com Semester 4 business management supply chain management Important business management M.com supply chain management Important question supply chain management mcq questions and answers pdf downloa SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT AND LOGISTICS M.COM Business Management Supply Chain Management Mcom Master Of Commerce Semester 4 Question Papers M.Com. Semester Pattern Study Material


business management M.com supply chain management Important question | supply chain management mcq questions and answers pdf download

    M.COM SEMESTER – IV (CBCS) BUSINESS STUDIES (MANAGEMENT) SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT LOGISTICS   Q.7 Explain the factors for selecting a suitable channel in a business scenario. ANS: Various constituents of the marketing mix like promotion etc., are closely related to the channels of distribution. A wrong choice of distribution channel ultimately increases the price of the product. Deciding a proper channel of distribution is not an easy task. It involves a careful study and consideration of many factors stated below. Some of the factors to consider while selecting a channel of distribution are: (1) The Nature of the Product (2) The Nature of the market (3) The Nature of Middlemen (4) The nature and size of the manufacturing unit (5) Government Regulations and Policies and (6) Competition. 1) The Nature of the Product: These factors include physical characteristics of a product and their impact on the selection of a particular channel of distribution. Various factors under this category are: (a) Perishability: Products which are perishable in nature are distributed by employing a shorter channel of distribution so that goods could be delivered to the consumers without delay. Delay in distribution of these products will deteriorate their quality. (b) Size and weight of product: Bulky and heavy products like coal and food grains etc. are directly distributed to the users involving heavy transportation costs. In order to minimise these costs a short and direct distribution channel is suitable. (c) Products with lesser: Unit value and high turnover are distributed by employing longer channels of distribution. Household products like utensils, cloth, cosmetics etc. take a longer time to reach the consumers. On the other hand, products like jewellery having high product value are directly sold to the consumers by the jewellers. (d) Standardisation: Products of standard size and quality usually take longer by adopting longer channels of distribution. For example, machine tools and automobile products which are of standard size reach the consumer through the wholesalers and retailers. Un-standardised articles take less time and pass-through shorter channels of distribution. (e) Technical Nature of Products: Industrial products which are highly technical in nature are usually distributed directly to the industrial users and take lesser time and adopt shorter channels of distribution. In this case after sales service and technical advice is provided by the manufacturer to the consumers. On the other hand, consumer products of technical nature are usually sold through wholesalers and retailers. In this manner a longer channel of distribution is employed for their sales. After sales services are provided by the wholesalers and retailers. Examples of such products are televisions, scooters, refrigerators, etc. (f) Product Lines: A manufacturer producing different products in the same lines sells directly or through retailers and less time is consumed in their distribution. For example, in automobile rubber products this practice is followed. On the other hand, a manufacturer dealing only in one item appoints sole selling agents, wholesalers and retailers for selling the product. For example, in the case of ‘Vanaspati Ghee’, a longer distribution channel is undertaken. 2) The Nature of the market: This is another factor influencing the choice of a proper channel of distribution. In the words of Lazo and Corbin ―Marketing managements select channels on the basis of customer wants-how, where and under what circumstances. The number of buyers of the product affects the choice of a f channel of distribution. Following factors are considered in this regard: (a) Consumer of industrial market: In the case of industrial markets, the number of buyers is less; a shorter channel of distribution can be adopted. These buyers usually directly purchase from the manufacturers. Marketing intermediaries are not needed in this case. But in the case of consumer markets, where there are a large number of buyers, a longer channel of distribution is employed. Distribution process cannot be effectively carried out without the services of wholesalers and retailers. (b) Number of prospective buyers: If the number of buyers is likely to be more, the distribution channel will be long. On the other hand, if the number of consumers is expected to be less, the manufacturer can effectively sell directly to the consumers by appointing salesmen. (c) Size of the order: If the size of the order placed by the customers is big, direct selling can be undertaken by the manufacturer as in the case of industrial goods. But where the size of the order is small, middlemen are appointed to distribute the products. (d) Geographic concentration of market: Where the customers are concentrated at one particular place or market, the distribution channel will be short and the manufacturer can directly supply the goods in that area by opening his own shops or sales depot. In cases where buyers are widely scattered, it is very difficult for the manufacturer to establish a direct link with the consumers, services of wholesalers and retailers will be used. (e) Buying habits of customers: This includes tastes, preferences, likes and dislikes of customers. Customers also expect certain services like credit and personal attention and after sales services etc. All these factors greatly influence the choice of distribution channel. 3) The Nature of Middlemen: Marketing intermediaries are vital components in the distribution of goods. They greatly influence the marketing of goods.  Important factors relating to the selection of a particular middleman are explained as under: (a) Cost of distribution of goods: Cost of distribution through middlemen is one of the main considerations to be taken into account by the manufacturer. Higher cost of distribution will result in the increased cost of product. The manufacturer should select the most economical distribution channel. In finalising the channel of distribution, services provided by the intermediaries must be kept in mind. It may be pointed out that the manufacturer can select an expensive marketing intermediary because that may ensure various marketing services which cannot be offered by others. (b) Availability of desired middlemen: Sometimes desired middlemen may not be available for the distribution of goods. They may be busy dealing with competitive


IDOL mumbai university supply chain management logistics important question

   M.COM SEMESTER – IV (CBCS) BUSINESS STUDIES (MANAGEMENT) SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT LOGISTICS   Q.5 Explain in detail forecasting in SCM and the need for the same in business. ANS: Forecasting is the process of making predictions based on past and present data. Later these can be compared (resolved) against what happens. · For example, a company might estimate their revenue in the next year, then compare it against the actual results. Prediction is a similar, but more general term. · Forecasting might refer to specific formal statistical methods employing time series, cross-sectional or longitudinal data, or Supply Chain Management and Logistics alternatively to less formal judgmental methods or the process of prediction and resolution itself. · Usage can differ between areas of application: for example, in hydrology the terms “forecast” and “forecasting” are sometimes reserved for estimates of values at certain specific future times, while the term “prediction” is used for more general estimates, such as the number of times floods will occur over a long period. · Risk and uncertainty are central to forecasting and prediction; it is generally considered good practice to indicate the degree of uncertainty attaching to forecasts. · In any case, the data must be up to date in order for the forecast to be as accurate as possible. In some cases the data used to predict the variable of interest is itself forecast. · Data-driven forecasting provides more accurate predictions, but qualitative data also plays a significant role in supply chain forecasting and has proven to be just as effective. · In many cases, ecommerce brands use a combination of both quantitative and qualitative forecasting methods to get as close to accurate predictions as possible. · However, qualitative forecasting methods come in handy when there is a lack of data. Oftentimes, new businesses or innovative products rely on qualitative forecasting methods to make predictions. Here are the most common qualitative forecasting methods used in ecommerce supply chain forecasting. 1. Market research: Market research is a best practice for any business, whether it’s selling a product or even a service. For ecommerce sales, market research can be used to predict supply and demand, and help determine whether or not there is strong demand for a product that will support profit goals. Market research can be executed internally by marketing or sales experts, or businesses can hire a third-party that specialize in market research. There are different tactics used, from developing stakeholder surveys, conducting a thorough competitive analysis, or even interviewing experts in a specific field or industry. 2. Delphi method: The Delphi method consists of market orientation and judgments within a small group of experts or advisors, which is then sorted, grouped, and analyzed by third-party experts. The opinions of the experts are gathered individually to avoid the influence of others’ options, which differs from a panel discussion or focus group. The gathering of opinions is outsourced to a third-party, which analyzes the opinions and information shared. Once reviewed closely, the information is then summarized with an emphasis on different patterns or trends before handing the findings over to the business to review. This method has proved effective and dependable for long-term forecasting. 3. Historical analysis: Historical analysis uses the sales history of a product having a parallel relationship with a present product to predict future sales. It can be utilized to predict the market’s response to a new product or product line. For instance, if you sell vacuums, you would look at past performance on your highest selling vacuum models. Then, you would compare whether or not the features for the new vacuum are similar yet offer something new and improved in terms of settings and options. Historical data can also be collected by looking at your competition’s high-selling products and comparing similar products in your line to determine demand when possible. 4. Panel consensus: The panel consensus method brings together members of a business across all levels to establish its forecast. It is an open process that allows all the participants to express their opinions and predictions based on what they know. For example, you could work with your ecommerce customer service team to identify which products are being returned most often and why, or work with your sales team to get insights on what customers are asking for.     If you want exam most important question bank pdf then you have to pay per subject 100/- rupees only .  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141              Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- https://t.me/mumbaiuniversityidol Suraj Patel Education :- https://t.me/surajpateleducation   F.Y.J.C EXAM :- https://t.me/FYJCexam   S.Y.J.C EXAM :- https://t.me/SYJCexam   F.Y EXAM :- https://t.me/fyexam     S.Y EXAM :- https://t.me/syexam     T.Y EXAM :- https://t.me/tyexam     M.Com Part 1 EXAM :- https://t.me/McomPart1Exam   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- https://t.me/McomPart2Exam M.A EXAM :- https://t.me/mastudentsexam  YouTube Channel  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv8JIY58xfWHUIXVu9wxNHw supply chain management logistics m.com sem 4 question paper supply chain management logistics m.com sem 4 question with answer m.com semester 4 subjects of supply chain management logistics m.com semester 4 mumbai university supply chain management logistics important question IDOL mumbai university m.com semester 4 supply chain management logistics important question IDOL mumbai university supply chain management logistics important question business management supply chain management m.com sem 4 question paper M.com Semester 4 business management supply chain management Important idol mumbai university M.com Semester 4 business management supply chain management Important business management M.com supply chain management Important question supply chain management mcq questions and answers pdf downloa SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT AND LOGISTICS M.COM Business Management Supply Chain Management Mcom Master Of Commerce Semester 4 Question Papers M.Com. Semester Pattern Study Material


M.com semester 4 mumbai university supply chain management logistics important question

  M.COM SEMESTER – IV (CBCS) BUSINESS STUDIES (MANAGEMENT) SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT LOGISTICS Q.4 Explain the concept of organizing in SCM in detail. ANS: Organizing includes developing a structure for the people, positions, departments, and activities within the firm. Managers can arrange the structural elements of the firm to maximize the flow of information and the efficiency of work processes. They accomplish this by doing the following: ● Dividing up tasks (division of labor) ● Grouping jobs and employees (departmentalization) ● Assigning authority and responsibilities (delegation) A manager performs organizing function with the help of following steps: 1. Identification of activities: All the activities which have to be performed in a concern have to be identified first. For example, preparation of accounts, making sales, record keeping, quality control, inventory control, etc. All these activities have to be grouped and classified into units. 2. Departmentally organizing the activities: In this step, the manager tries to combine and group similar and related activities into units or departments. This organization of dividing the whole concern into independent units and departments is called departmentation. 3. Classifying the authority: Once the departments are made, the manager likes to classify the powers and its extent to the managers. This activity of giving a rank in order to the managerial positions is called hierarchy. The top management is into formulation of policies, the middle level management into departmental supervision and lower level management into supervision of foremen. The clarification of authority helps in bringing efficiency in the running of a concern. This helps in achieving efficiency in the running of a concern. This helps in avoiding wastage of time, money, effort, in avoidance of duplication or overlapping of efforts and this helps in bringing smoothness in a concern‘s working. 4. Coordination between authority and responsibility: Relationships are established among various groups to enable smooth interaction toward the achievement of the organizational goal. Each individual is made aware of his authority and he/she knows whom they have to take orders from and to whom they are accountable and to whom they have to report. A clear organizational structure is drawn and all the employees are made aware of it. 5. Effective administration: The organization structure is helpful in defining the jobs positions. The roles to be performed by different managers are clarified. Specialization is achieved through division of work. This all leads to efficient and effective administration. 6. Growth and diversification: A company‘s growth is totally dependent on how efficiently and smoothly a concern works. Efficiency can be brought about by clarifying the role positions to the managers, coordination between authority and responsibility and concentrating on specialization. In addition to this, a company can diversify if its potential grows. This is possible only when the organization structure is well- defined. This is possible through a set of formal structures. 7. Sense of security: Organizational structure clarifies the job positions. The roles assigned to every manager are clear. Coordination is possible. Therefore, clarity of powers helps automatically in increasing mental satisfaction and thereby a sense of security in a concern. This is very important for job- satisfaction. 8. Scope for new changes: Where the roles and activities to be performed are clear and every person gets independence in his working, this provides enough space to a manager to develop his talents and flourish his knowledge. A manager gets ready for taking independent decisions which can be a road or path to adoption of new techniques of production. This scope for bringing new changes into the running of an enterprise is possible only through a set of organizational structure. If you want exam most important question bank pdf then you have to pay per subject 100/- rupees only .    Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141              Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- https://t.me/mumbaiuniversityidol Suraj Patel Education :- https://t.me/surajpateleducation   F.Y.J.C EXAM :- https://t.me/FYJCexam   S.Y.J.C EXAM :- https://t.me/SYJCexam   F.Y EXAM :- https://t.me/fyexam     S.Y EXAM :- https://t.me/syexam     T.Y EXAM :- https://t.me/tyexam     M.Com Part 1 EXAM :- https://t.me/McomPart1Exam   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- https://t.me/McomPart2Exam M.A EXAM :- https://t.me/mastudentsexam  YouTube Channel  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv8JIY58xfWHUIXVu9wxNHw         supply chain management logistics m.com sem 4 question paper       supply chain management logistics m.com sem 4 question with answer m.com semester 4 subjects of supply chain management logistics m.com semester 4 mumbai university supply chain management logistics important question IDOL mumbai university m.com semester 4 supply chain management logistics important question IDOL mumbai university supply chain management logistics important question business management supply chain management m.com sem 4 question paper M.com Semester 4 business management supply chain management Important idol mumbai university M.com Semester 4 business management supply chain management Important business management M.com supply chain management Important question supply chain management mcq questions and answers pdf downloa SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT AND LOGISTICS M.COM Business Management Supply Chain Management Mcom Master Of Commerce Semester 4 Question Papers M.Com. 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Supply chain management logistics m.com sem 4 question with answer | M.Com. Semester Pattern Study Material

 M.COM SEMESTER – IV (CBCS) BUSINESS STUDIES (MANAGEMENT) SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT LOGISTICS Q.2 Explain the principles of SCM in detail. ANS: The concept of the chain is important because each link is connected in a specific direction and order, and the next link cannot be reached without going through the previous one. Each link adds time and costs, and may involve labour, parts, and transportation. Every product a business carries may have its own supply chain, though they may use certain suppliers for multiple products.       1. Adapt Supply Chain to Customer’s Needs: The businesses and supply chain professionals understand customer‘s needs. Customers are divided into different groups called ‗segments‘ in order to understand them better. On the basis of sales volume or profitability, the primitive way to segment customer is ABC analysis. It can also be done by product, trade channel and industry. Anticipating the customer‘s needs is also very important. Once the needs of the customers are anticipated, the supply chain should be aligned to cater to the needs. 2. Customize Logistics Network: After the segmentation of the customers based on different requirements, SCM managers have to tailor logistics networks to serve different segments. The SCM manager has to prioritize the deliveries and make suitable provisions to quickly distribute those goods that are marked as urgent. 3. Align Demand Planning Across Supply Chain: Supply chain professionals are trained to share data with trading partners in order to avoid the unnecessary stock. The demand data must be used wisely by the SCM managers. 4. Differentiate Products Close to Customers: Standardization and differentiation are two completely opposite things. Some cosmetic companies manufacture only 1 SKU that can be sold throughout Asia instead of 1 SKU per country. Due to the economy of the sales, standardization can drastically bring down the cost. 5. Outsources Strategically: Though outsourcing is all the rage, the managers must outsource strategically. The core expertise should not be outsourced ever. This principle stands the test of time. 6. Develop IT that Support Multi-Level Decision Making: The IT projects should not be done in isolation and before IT projects, the business process reengineering should be done. This provides a proper understanding of process insufficiencies and helps to determine the kind of innovation needed. 7. Adapt Both Services and Financial Metrics: The activity-based costing (ABC) is applied to determine the customer‘s profitability. It is even better to exploit Time Driven Activity Based Costing in order to understand changes in activities, process, product and customers. If you want exam most important question bank pdf then you have to pay per subject 100/- rupees only .  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141              Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- https://t.me/mumbaiuniversityidol Suraj Patel Education :- https://t.me/surajpateleducation   F.Y.J.C EXAM :- https://t.me/FYJCexam   S.Y.J.C EXAM :- https://t.me/SYJCexam   F.Y EXAM :- https://t.me/fyexam     S.Y EXAM :- https://t.me/syexam     T.Y EXAM :- https://t.me/tyexam     M.Com Part 1 EXAM :- https://t.me/McomPart1Exam   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- https://t.me/McomPart2Exam M.A EXAM :- https://t.me/mastudentsexam  YouTube Channel  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv8JIY58xfWHUIXVu9wxNHw         supply chain management logistics m.com sem 4 question paper   supply chain management logistics m.com sem 4 question with answer m.com semester 4 subjects of supply chain management logistics m.com semester 4 mumbai university supply chain management logistics important question IDOL mumbai university m.com semester 4 supply chain management logistics important question IDOL mumbai university supply chain management logistics important question business management supply chain management m.com sem 4 question paper M.com Semester 4 business management supply chain management Important idol mumbai university M.com Semester 4 business management supply chain management Important business management M.com supply chain management Important question supply chain management mcq questions and answers pdf downloa SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT AND LOGISTICS M.COM Business Management Supply Chain Management Mcom Master Of Commerce Semester 4 Question Papers M.Com. Semester Pattern Study Material

M.COM PART 2, Marketing Strategies and practice, Question Bank

Marketing strategies and practice m.com. semester – iii question bank

  M.COM. SEMESTER – III BUSINESS STUDIES (MANAGEMENT)  MARKETING STRATEGIES AND PRACTICE     Q.4. Define Marketing Opportunity Analysis. Describe its process in brief. ANS: Market Opportunity Analysis is a tool used by a firm to identify the attractiveness of a business opportunity in terms of its feasibility and viability. This is conducted before undertaking the new product of service Marketing Strategies and practices to estimate profit and revenue it can generate in a particular market. The most important factor which is determined during the market analysis of a product is its Forecasted Demand. Market Opportunity Analysis helps in answering the following question: · Which is the most profitable segment? · What is the rate of growth of opportunity? · What is the density and intensity of competition? · What is the gap which is not filled by competitors’ product? Market Analysis if carried out properly leads to creation of marketing intelligence which will help us in formulating right marketing strategies for right market segment at right time. It helps in determine how to provide a better product to the market than being currently offered. This will make customers prefer the firm’s product over competitors’. Process of Market Opportunity Analysis: The process of analysis of market opportunity comprises of the following steps: 1. Scanning and Analysis Macro Environmental Forces: The external environmental factors like economic condition, policies and trends, political environment, legal system, social and environmental pattern and technological trends are studied with a view to determine their possible impact on the business and its market. 2. Describe the Industry: The analysis of industrial environment is done to find its current trend and anticipating its future. Michael Porter Five Forces Model is a popular tool used to determine an industry’s long term attractiveness. The five forces which are examined in this model are: i. Rivalry among Existing Competitors: The firms in the same industry producing products which are close substitute of each other. Factors like investment intensity required to start and sustain the firm, difference in product characteristics, cost of switching from one brand to another etc. are the factors to be studied under this force. ii. Threat of New Entrants: New entrants intensify the competition more. The greater this threat is the less attractive is the industry. The threat increases when it is easy to attain economies of scale, less capital requirement at outset, easy to gain distribution etc. iii. Bargaining Power of Suppliers: the supplier to a firm may have increased bargaining power if the cost of switching the suppliers is high for the firm or substitute are either less in number or are Introduction to Marketing Strategies expensive. If the firm can undertake backward integration the bargaining power supplier become less. iv. Bargaining Power of Buyers: Factors like price, product quality, added services help. Other factors which may influence the bargaining power of buyers are number of buyers, switching cost for buyers, product’s performance and its importance for buyers etc. v. Threat of Substitute Products: Substitute are the alternative of product types (not the alternative of a brand) that can perform similar function. The more similar is the performance of substitute to the main product, higher is the threat to the firm. Substitute products are generally put barrier to the product by limiting its price.     Michael Porter Five Forces Model Source: www.business-to-you.com 3. Detailed Analysis of Competitors: The firm has to do a detailed analysis of the competitors in the industry, howsoever big or small, for gaining market intelligence to take right strategic decisions. Some of the factors to be studies are product description, strength and weaknesses (relative), market share, strategies related to pricing, promotion and placing etc. 4. Creating Profile of Target Market: The firm need to understand and record the essentials features of target consumers and market. The answering the following questions may help the firm to draw a profile sketch of target market: · Who are the potential customers? · What is their need? Or what are they looking for? · When do they need? · Which distribution channel can help reaching them? · What are the factors influencing their buying decisions? · What are the trends? 5. Set Sales Projections: Information collected using different techniques is deployed for forecasting sale of the product. The data also help in anticipating most optimistic and pessimistic scenarios for future. Taking all facts and analysis into account, the most realistic sale projection is recorded for evaluation purpose.         If you want exam most important question bank pdf then you have to pay per subject 100/- rupees only .  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141        Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- https://t.me/mumbaiuniversityidol Suraj Patel Education :- https://t.me/surajpateleducation   F.Y.J.C EXAM :- https://t.me/FYJCexam   S.Y.J.C EXAM :- https://t.me/SYJCexam   F.Y EXAM :- https://t.me/fyexam     S.Y EXAM :- https://t.me/syexam     T.Y EXAM :- https://t.me/tyexam     M.Com Part 1 EXAM :- https://t.me/McomPart1Exam   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- https://t.me/McomPart2Exam M.A EXAM :- https://t.me/mastudentsexam  YouTube Channel  https://www .youtube.com/channel/UCv8JIY58xfWHUIXVu9wxNHw   marketing strategies and practice m.com. semester – iii question paper marketing strategies and practice m.com. semester – iii question bank m.com sem 3 marketing strategies and practices question paper marketing strategies and practice m.com. semester – iii question bank current year M com semester iii marketing strategies and practice question bank with answers M com semester iii marketing strategies and practice question bank pdf M com semester iii marketing strategies and practice question bank m com 3rd sem solved question papers marketing strategies and practices question paper m.com 3rd sem question papers with answers marketing strategies and practices m.com sem 3 question paper m.com question papers with answers pdf mumbai university Marketing strategies and practice m com semester iii question bank with answers Marketing strategies and practice m com semester iii question bank pdf marketing strategy questions and answers pdf marketing strategies and practices question paper m.com 3rd sem question papers with answers m com 4th sem solved question papers M com sem 3 marketing strategies and practices question

M.COM PART 2, Marketing Strategies and Plans, Question Bank

marketing strategies and practice m.com. semester – iii question bank

M.COM. SEMESTER – III BUSINESS STUDIES (MANAGEMENT) MARKETING STRATEGIES AND PRACTICE   Q.2. State different types of Marketing Strategies ANS: The Marketers use the different combination of marketing mix (4Ps to 7Ps) to get advantage over the competitors in the market. The position of the firm in the market plays a major role in deciding the strategies. Following the strategies based on different positions in the market. 1. Market Leader Strategies: This is adopted when the firm enjoys maximum share of market. Here the firm focuses on expanding the market size, defending its share and increasing the relative market share. It can be achieved by identifying new segments for sale of product, introducing differentiation (of price and product) to stand apart from the competition and introducing scheme to infuse more sale in the existing market segments. Leaders have to beware of challenger’s strategies and continuously work on their weak areas. 2. Market Challenger Strategies: The challengers work on identifying the areas where the leader may be weaker like change of technology, dissatisfied customers etc. · The challengers can adopt frontal attack strategy by adopting the same features of goods and making choice for consumer difficult · The challengers may take up flank attack if frontal is not possible or otherwise too. Here challenger attack where ever the market leader is weak or is caught off-guarded. · The encirclement attack can be taken up by adopting both frontal and flank attack at the same time · The challengers can take less offensive course by capturing the segments or markets which have not been taken up by leaders and gradually increasing overall market share · Guerrilla Strategy can be adopted by constantly engaging the leader in price war or surprising the firm with very unique features of the product to compete. Introduction to Marketing Strategies Examples of Market leaders and challengers. Marketing leaders are the one who have highest relative market share and work on defending its share and expanding it. Challengers are usually second or third in terms of relative market share, but constantly attack the leader for increasing their share or occupying markets where leaders have weaker presence 3. Market Follower Strategies: These firms do not challenge or compete with the leaders. They, in turn, follow the success strategies of leaders and learn from them. The time tested marketing mix strategies are adopted leading to reduced risks. Example of Market Follower. Dell has been following the marketing strategies of Sony Vaio 4. Niche Market Strategies: It is adopted by small firms which would like to have full control on small segment. This strategy is more cost efficient as product differentiation will be created specially to cater to a small market with predictable demand.  

Cost Accounting, M.COM PART 2, Question Bank

Advanced cost accounting question with answers pdf m.com part 2 sem 3

  M.COM. SEMESTER – III (CBCS) ADVANCED COST ACCOUNTING Most Important Question Bank for Current Exam Q.2. The product of a company passes through 3 distinct process. The following information is obtained from the accounts forthe month ending January 31, 2008.   ANS:   If you want exam most important question bank pdf then you have to pay per subject 100/- rupees only .  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141        Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- https://t.me/mumbaiuniversityidol Suraj Patel Education :- https://t.me/surajpateleducation   F.Y.J.C EXAM :- https://t.me/FYJCexam   S.Y.J.C EXAM :- https://t.me/SYJCexam   F.Y EXAM :- https://t.me/fyexam     S.Y EXAM :- https://t.me/syexam     T.Y EXAM :- https://t.me/tyexam     M.Com Part 1 EXAM :- https://t.me/McomPart1Exam   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- https://t.me/McomPart2Exam M.A EXAM :- https://t.me/mastudentsexam  YouTube Channel  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv8JIY58xfWHUIXVu9wxNHw      

M.COM PART 2, Question Bank, Rural marketing

Rural marketing M.com semester – iii (cbcs) most important questions

  M.COM SEMESTER – III (CBCS) RURAL MARKETING  Most Important Question Bank for Current Exam   Module – I Q.2. Explain the evolution of Rural Marketing. ANS: Part I (Before 1960): Rural marketing referred to selling of rural products in rural and urban areas and agricultural inputs in rural markets. It was treated as synonymous to „agricultural marketing’. 4 Agricultural produces like food grains and industrial inputs like cotton, oil seeds, sugarcane etc. occupied the central place of discussion during this period. The supply-chain activities of firms supplying agricultural inputs and of artisans in rural Rural Marketing areas received secondary attention. The local marketing of products like bamboo baskets, ropes, window and door frames, small agricultural tools like ploughs by sellers like black smiths, carpenters, cobblers, and pot makers were emphasised in general. This was totally an unorganized market where all banias and mahajans (local business people) dominated this market. Part II (1960 to 1990): In this era, green revolution resulted from scientific farming and transferred many of the poor villages into prosperous business centers. As a result, the demand for agricultural inputs went up especially in terms of wheats and paddies. Better irrigation facilities, soil testing, use of high yield variety seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and deployment of machinery like powder tillers, harvesters, threshers etc. changed the rural scenario. In this context, marketing of agricultural inputs took the importance. Two separate areas of activities had emerged- during this period „marketing of agricultural inputs’ and the conventional “Agricultural Marketing”. During this period, the marketing of rural products received considerable attention in the general marketing frame work. The formation of agencies like Khadi and Village Industries Commission, Girijan Cooperative Societies APCO Fabrics, IFFCO, KRIBHCO, etc., and also the special attention government had paid to promote these products were responsible for this upsurge. Village industries flourished and products like handicrafts, handloom textiles, soaps, safety matches, crackers etc. hit the urban market on a large scale from rural areas. Part III (After Mid 1990s): The products which were not given attention so far during the two earlier phases were that of marketing of household consumables and durables to the rural markets due to obvious reasons. The economic conditions of the country were as such that the rural people were not in a position to buy these kinds of products. Secondly, our market was in a close shape and we never allowed companies (foreign) to operate in Indian market. But we lifted the … and opened up economy, consequently companies started flourishing in India. The small villages/hamlets were widely scattered making reach difficult and expensive consequently. Rural markets were seen an adjunct to urban market and conveniently ignored. However, since 1990s, India’s industrial sector had gained in strength and maturity. Its contribution to GNP increased substantially. A new service sector had emerged signifying the metamorphosis of agricultural society into industrial society. Meanwhile, due to the development programmes of the central and state governments, service organizations and socially responsible business groups like Mafatlal, Tatas, Birlas, Goenkas and others, the rural area witnessed an all round socio-economic progress. The economic reforms further accelerated the process by introducing competition in the markets. Steadily, the rural market has grown for household consumables and durables. Rural marketing represented the emergent distinct activity of attracting and serving rural markets to fulfil Rural Marketing the needs and wants of persons, households and occupations of rural people. As a result of the above analysis, we are in a position to define rural marketing “Rural marketing can be seen as a function which manages all those activities involved in assessing, stimulating and converting the purchasing power 6 into an effective demand for specific products and services, and moving them to the people in rural area to create satisfaction and a standard of living for them and thereby achieves the goals of the organization”.     If you want exam most important question bank pdf then you have to pay per subject 100/- rupees only .  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141      Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- https://t.me/mumbaiuniversityidol Suraj Patel Education :- https://t.me/surajpateleducation   F.Y.J.C EXAM :- https://t.me/FYJCexam   S.Y.J.C EXAM :- https://t.me/SYJCexam   F.Y EXAM :- https://t.me/fyexam     S.Y EXAM :- https://t.me/syexam     T.Y EXAM :- https://t.me/tyexam     M.Com Part 1 EXAM :- https://t.me/McomPart1Exam   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- https://t.me/McomPart2Exam M.A EXAM :- https://t.me/mastudentsexam  YouTube Channel  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv8JIY58xfWHUIXVu9wxNHw      

Indirect Tax, M.COM PART 2, Question Bank

M.com part 2 Indirect Tax mcq questions and answers pdf

   M.com Part 2 All Subject MCQ Link In One Link   Click Here👈    1. Indian has chosen _____________ model of dual GST. a) USA b) UK c) Canadian d) Japan ANS: C   2. Liability to pay tax by the recipient of supply of goods or services is called __________. a) Forward charge b) Reverse charge c) Output tax d) Input tax ANS: B   3. Tax paid on purchase of goods or services or both is called__________. a) Output tax b) Composite tax c) Input tax d) Reverse tax ANS: C   4. Which of the following are not a benefits of GST ? a) Creation of unified national market b) Boost to ‘Make in India’ initiative c) More Competitive products d) Increase in overall tax burden on consumer ANS: D   5. Works contract is a supply of __________. a) Services b) Goods c) Both goods and services d) Neither goods nor supply of services6 ANS: A   6. Gifts not exceeding ________ in a year by an employer to employee shall not be treated as supply. a) Rs. 5,000 b) Rs. 10,000 c) Rs. 50,000 d) Rs. 1,00,000 ANS: C   7. A DTH company supplies a dish, set-top box, 3 year repairing and subscription of 500 channels for five years services as a package to the customers for Rs. 25,000. This is a ________. a) Mixed supply b) Continous supply c) Composite supply d) Common supply ANS: C   8. One tooth paste and tooth brush and a toilet soap sold in a packet for Rs. 50 is ________. a) Composite supply b) Mixed supply c) Common supply d) Continous supply ANS: B   9. What would be the tax rate applicable in case of composite supply ? a) Tax rate as applicable on principal supply b) Tax rate as applicable on ancillary supply c) Tax rate as applicable on supply attracting the highest rate of tax d) Not taxable at all ANS: A   10. What would be the tax rate applicable in case of mixed supply ? a) Tax rate as applicable on supply attracting the lowest rate of tax b) Tax rate as applicable on supply attracting the highest rate of tax c) Tax rate as applicable on principal supply d) Tax rate as applicable on ancillary supply ANS: B   11. A person is liable to be registered under GST law where the aggregate value of supply of services exceeds Rs. ______________, in general category. a) 10 Lakhs b) 20 Lakhs7 c) 40 Lakhs d) 75 Lakhs ANS: B   12. ________________ is the application form for registration on casual taxable person. a) GST-REG-11 b) GST–REG-01 c) GST-REG-10 d) GST-REG-06 ANS: B   13. __________________ is the15 -digit GST Identification Number. a) GSTN b) GSTP c) GSTIN d) GSTR ANS: C   14. In case of special category states the limit of aggregate turnover for GST registration is Rs. _____________ . a) 10 Lakhs b) 20 Lakhs c) 40 Lakhs d) 30 Lakhs ANS: A   15. Mr. Z shows following supplies in March 20 : Export of services: Rs. 15 lacs; Supply of goods exempted Rs. 5 lacs; Supply of taxable goods: Rs. 10 lacs. The aggregate turnover under GST in case of Mr. Z will be: a) 20 lacs b) 25 lacs c) 30 lacs d) 10 lacs ANS: C   16. Ms. Dayaben who has place of business in Ahmedabad engaged in supply of goods shows the following details for the year 2019-2020: Month Taxable PurchasesTaxable Sales Tax-Free Sales Dec 17 430,000 500,000 200,000 Jan 18 45,000 200,000 100,000 Feb 18 70,000 300,000 210,000 Mar 18 80,000 100,000 200,000 From which month is She is liable to apply for registration under GST. a. Jan 18 b. Feb 18 c. Mar 18 d. Not liable for registration. ANS: D    17. GST registration is _________. a) PAN based b) passport based 8 c) Aadhar based d) none of the above ANS: A    18. Within how many days a person should apply for registration ? a) Within 30 days from the date he becomes liable for registration b) Within 60 days from the date he becomes liable for registration c) No Time Limit d) Within 90 days from the date he becomes liable for registration ANS: A    19. What is the validity of registration certificate issued to casual taxable person and  non-resident taxable person ? a) 90 days from the effective date of registration b) Period specified in the application of registration c) Earliest of (a) or (b) above d) 180 days from the effective date of registration ANS: C    20. Which of the following persons are not liable for compulsory registration _________. a) E-commerce operators b) Agriculturists c) Input Service Distributors d) Non Resident Taxable person ANS: B    21. When can a voluntarily registration may not be cancelled ? a) If the person does not start business within 6 months from the date of registration b) Business has been discontinued or transferred for any reason c) Non-filing of returns for a continuous period of 6 months d) If a person files all the return within due date under GST ANS: D    22. The application shall be forwarded to the _________ who shall examine the application and the accompanying documents for GST registration. a) Proper Officer b) GSTN c) GSTP d) GST Portal ANS: A    23. Certificate of registration is issued in which form ? a) GST REG-06 b) GST REG-02 9 c) GST REG-01 d) GST REG-10 ANS: A    24. What is the validity of the registration certificate ? a) One year b) No validity c) Valid till it is cancelled. d) Five years. ANS: C    25. Within how many days an application for revocation of cancellation of registration can be made ? a) 7 days from the date of service of the cancellation order b) 15 days from the date of issue of the cancellation order c) 45

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