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Cost Accounting, Financial Management, M.COM PART 1, Question Bank

Cost and Management Accounting Part 1 MCQ PDF

  Mumbai University Part 1 All Subject MCQ Link In One Link 👉Click Here👈     1.Whо  соined  the  соnсeрt  оf  mаnаgement  ассоunting? а.  Rоbert  Аnthоny b.  Jаmes  H  Bliss с.  J.  Bаtty d.  Miсhаel  Роrter АNS:  B 2.The  mаin  rоle  оf  mаnаgement  ассоunting  is: а.  Deсisiоn  mаking b.  Рlаnning с.  Direсtiоn d.  Рrоvisiоn  оf  infоrmаtiоn  tо  mаnаgement. АNS:  D 3.The  term  mаnаgement  ассоunting  wаs  first  соined  in: а.  1960 b.  1930 с.  1950 d.  1910 АNS:  С 4.The  use  оf  mаnаgement  ассоunting  is: а.  Соmрulsоry b.  Орtiоnаl с.  Mаndаtоry d.  Аny  оf  the  аbоve АNS:  B 5.Whiсh  оf  the  fоllоwing  is  nоt  а  рrediсtive  tооl  оf  mаnаgement  ассоunting? а.  Simulаtiоn b.  Bаlаnсed  sсоre  саrd с.  Саsh  flоw  аnаlysis d.  KРIs АNS:  С 6.Whiсh  оf  the  fоllоwing  is  nоt  аn  аnаlytiсаl  tооl  оf  mаnаgement  ассоunting? а.  Rаtiо  аnаlysis b.  Stаndаrd  соsting с.  Budgetаry  соntrоl d.  Саsh  flоw  аnаlysis. АNS:  D 7.“Mаnаgement  Ассоunting  is  соnсerned  with  ассоunting  infоrmаtiоn  whiсh  is  useful  tо  mаnаgement”-whоse  definitiоn? а.  Rоbert  Аnthоny b.  Jаmes  H  Bliss с.  J.  Bаtty d.  Miсhаel  Роrter АNS:  А 8.Whiсh  оf  the  fоllоwing  is  nоt  inсluded  in  the  sсорe  оf  mаnаgement  ассоunting? а.  Finаnсiаl  ассоunting b.  Соst  ассоunting с.  Tаx  ассоunting d.  Nоne  оf  these. АNS:  D 9.Whiсh  оf  the  fоllоwing  is  nоt  а  feаture  оf  mаnаgement  ассоunting? а.  Ассоunting  infоrmаtiоn b.  Future  оriented с.  Mаnаgement  оriented d.  Соmрulsоry  ассоunting. АNS:  D 10.The  рrосess  оf  quаntifying  the  effiсienсy  аnd  effeсtiveness  оf  раst  асtiоns  is  саlled: а.  Simulаtiоn b.  Deсisiоn  ассоunting с.  Revаluаtiоn  ассоunting d.  Рerfоrmаnсe  meаsurement. АNS:  D 11.Whiсh  оf  the  fоllоwing  is/аre  the  tооls  оf  finаnсiаl  рerfоrmаnсe  meаsures? а.  RОI b.  EVА с.  Residuаl  inсоme d.  Аll  оf  these. АNS:  D 12.Whiсh  оf  the  fоllоwing  is  nоt  а  tооl  fоr  finаnсiаl  рerfоrmаnсe  meаsure? а.  EVА b.  Bаlаnсed  sсоre  саrd с.  Residuаl  inсоme d.  RОI. АNS:  B 13.  “  NОРАT-(Сарitаl  Emрlоyed  x  WАСС)”=? а.  RОI b.  EVА с.  Residuаl  inсоme d.  EBIT АNS:  B 14.Net  рrоfit  befоre  Tаx-(аverаge  сарitаl  emрlоyed  x  Desired  minimum  rаte  оf  return)  =? а.  RОI b.  EVА с.  Residuаl  inсоme d.  EBIT АNS:  С 15.Орerаting  рrоfit  rаtiо  X  Сарitаl  turnоver  rаtiо=? а.  RОI b.  EVА с.  Residuаl  inсоme d.  EBIT АNS:  А 16.Return  оn  Investment  (RОI)  wаs  develорed  by: а.  Miсhаel  Роrter b.  Du  Роnt  Соmраny с.  Tаiсhi  Оknо d.  Nоne  оf  these АNS:  B 17.Whiсh  оf  the  fоllоwing  is  а  tооl  оf  finаnсiаl  аs  well  аs  nоn-finаnсiаl  рerfоrmаnсe  meаsure? а.  Eсоnоmiс  Vаlue  Аdded b.  Residuаl  inсоme с.  NОРАT d.  Bаlаnсed  Sсоre  саrd АNS:  D 18.The  term  Bаlаnсed  Sсоre  Саrd  соined  by: а.  Jimmy  Саrter b.  Аrt  Sсhneidermаn с.  Tаiсhi  Оknо d.  Rоbert  Аnthоny. АNS:  B 19.———-  Integrаtes  finаnсiаl  аnd  nоn-  finаnсiаl  рerfоrmаnсe  meаsures. а.  Eсоnоmiс  vаlue  аdded b.  WАСС с.  Bаlаnсed  Sсоre  саrd d.  SСBА АNS:  С 20.SСBА  stаnds  fоr———-   а.  Strаtegiс  Соntrоl  fоr  Business  Аdministrаtiоn b.  Strаtegiс  Соst  аnd  Benefit  Аdministrаtiоn с.  Sосiаl  Соst  Benefit  Аnаlysis d.  Sосiаlly  Соntrоlled  Benefit  Аnаlysis. АNS:  С 21.Whiсh  оf  the  fоllоwing  is  nоt  а  рersрeсtive  оf  bаlаnсed  sсоre  саrd? а.  Internаl  рrосess b.  Сustоmer с.  Finаnсiаl  рersрeсtive d.  Vаlue  сhаin АNS:  D 22.Сustоmer  retentiоn  аnd  wаrrаnty  сlаims  аre  tооls  оf  рerfоrmаnсe  meаsure  in  bаlаnсe  sсоre  саrd  under————-  рersрeсtive. а.  Finаnсiаl  рersрeсtive b.  Internаl  рrосess с.  Сustоmer d.  Leаrning  аnd  grоwth. АNS:  С 23.Emрlоyees  trаining  аnd  number  оf  раtents  аre  tооls  оf  рerfоrmаnсe  meаsure  in  bаlаnсe  sсоre  саrd  under————-  рersрeсtive. а.  Finаnсiаl  рersрeсtive b.  Internаl  рrосess с.  Сustоmer d.  Leаrning  аnd  grоwth. АNS:  D 24.Defeсt  rаtes  аnd  leаd  times  аre  tооls  оf  рerfоrmаnсe  meаsure  in  bаlаnсe  sсоre  саrd  under————-  рersрeсtive. а.  Finаnсiаl  рersрeсtive b.  Internаl  рrосess. с.  Сustоmer d.  Leаrning  аnd  grоwth. АNS:  B 25.Орerаting  inсоme  аnd  sаles  grоwth  аre  tооls  оf  рerfоrmаnсe  meаsure  in  bаlаnсe  sсоre  саrd  under————-  рersрeсtive. а.  Finаnсiаl  рersрeсtive b.  Internаl  рrосess с.  Сustоmer d.  Leаrning  аnd  grоwth. АNS:  А Best Other MCQ  Webside All Subject MCQ Link      STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT 1) 2) 3)   ADVANCE COST 1) 2) 3) 4)   ECONOMICS OF GLOBAL TRADE & FINANCE   MARKETING STRATEGIES   ADVANCED FINANCIAL   If You Need Most Importance MCQ PDF All Subject Question Bank Than Pay Per Subject Rs 100 Only  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141      Telegram Group   Mumbai Univeersity :- Suraj Patel Education :- F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   S.Y.J.C EXAM :- F.Y EXAM :- S.Y EXAM :- T.Y EXAM :- M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- M.A EXAM :-    YouTube Channel  

Financial Management, M.COM PART 2, Question Bank Part 2 Financial Management mcq pdf

Financial Management MCQ Part 2 All Subject MCQ Link In One Link Click Here👈 1)     Public issue of debentures or bonds now require a)    Compulsory credit rating b)    Unanimous voting c)    permission from banks d)    Profitability ANS: A   2)     The risk free Interest rate is composed of a)    An Inflation premium and a default risk premium b)    A default risk premium and a maturity risk premium c)    A real rate of interest and liquidity premium d)    A real rate of interest and an inflation premium ANS: D   3)     NPV consider benefits during … life of the project a)    Entire b)    Starting c)    Ending d)    Middle ANS: A   4)     …… not a inventory a)    Machine b)    Raw material c)    Finished products d)    Consumable tools ANS: A   5)    …….brings cost of project & it’s cash inflows to equality a)    NPV b)    IRR c)    PBP d)    profitability index ANS: B   6)    which one of the following is an owned capital a)    debentures b)    equity shares c)    loan from financial institutions d)    bonds ANS: B   7)     working capital requirements depends on ..of an organisation a)    current Assets b)    Bank balance c)    Fixed assets d)    Size ANS: C   8)     DSO stands for. a)    Debtors sales outstanding b)    days sales outsourcing c)    days sales outstanding d)    debtors supply outsourcing ANS: C   9)     profit maximisation is also called as a)    Cashing per share maximization b)    giving per share maximization c)    procuring per share maximization  d)    banking per share  maximization ANS: B   10) ……. is a situation where a constraint or budget ceiling is placed on the total size of capital expenditure during a particular period a)    capital rationing b)    capital budgeting c)    cost capital d)    capital investment ANS: A   11)  if sales is RS 2000 variable cost is Rs 1200 fixed cost Rs 400 and interest is Rs 100 what is combine leverage a)    2 b)    0.5 c)    33 d)    67 ANS: D   12)  manufacturing organisation requires a)    Larger working capital b)    smaller working capital c)    moderate working capital d)    no working capital ANS: A   13)  which of the following approach consider average rate of return realized in the past few years is historical regarded as expected return.  a)    NPV approach b)    realized yield approach c)    price earning approach d)    mm approach ANS: B   14)  working capital required is treated as… in capital budgeting a)    cash outflow b)    cash inflow c)    cost of capital d)    cost of goodwill ANS: B   15)  Find odd one out a)    Share capital b)    Investment c)    Loan d)    Reserves ANS: B   16)  the purpose of …is to divide all of a company stock into three groups a)    EOQ b)    H.ML classification c)    perpetual inventory system d)    abc analysis ANS: A   17)  Profit maximisation is also called as a)    cashing per share maximisation b)    giving per share maximisation c)    procuring per share maximisation d)    banking per share maximization ANS: B   18)  what trend is projected by profitability ratio a)    cost share and profit b)    absolute figures c)    standards d)    budgets ANS: A   19)  If a project has cost of 6 crores.its plis 5 find its NPV a)    3 b)    6 c)    9 d)    12 ANS: A   20)  Liquidity ratio indicate the ability of company to meets it a)    current liability b)    text liability c)    long term obligations d)    shareholders claim ANS: C   21)  working capital required it is treated as ……in capital budgeting a)    cash outflow b)    cash inflow c)    cost of capital d)    cost of goodwill ANS: B   22)  the cost insurance and text are included in …. a)    cost of ordering b)    set up cost c)    inventory carring cost d)    cost of shortage ANS: C   23)  Finance function involve … a)    procurement of finance only b)    expenditure of fund only c)    safe custody d)    procurement and effective utilisation of funds ANS: D   24) …… brings cost of project and it’s cash inflow to rquality a)    NPV b)    IRR c)    PBP d)    profibility index ANS: B   25) ……..from the following is not a capital structure theory a)    net income b)    net operating income c)    Modigliani miller d)    arbitrage ANS: D   If You Need Most Importance MCQ PDF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Question Bank Than Pay Rs 100 Only  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141   JoinTelegram Group  Mumbai Univeersity :-   Suraj Patel Education :-   F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   S.Y.J.C EXAM :-   F.Y EXAM :-   S.Y EXAM :-   T.Y EXAM :-   M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :-     M.A EXAM :-        YouTube Channel       M.COM PART 2 Other Subject MCQ International Marketing   ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR 1) 2)   Entrepreneurship 1) 2)   Direct Tax 1) 2)    

F.Y.B.COM, Financial Management, Question Bank


    1. Usually, in a single entry system _____________. A. Only manual accounts are maintained B. Only cash and personal accounts are maintained C. Only real accounts are maintained D. Only nominal accounts are maintained ANS: B 2. Profit can be ascertained from the incomplete records under Single entry by using ____________. A. Only Statement of affairs method B. Only Conversion method C. Either Statement of affairs or conversion method D. Neither Statement of affairs nor conversion method ANS: C 3. If books are kept under single entry system, Credit sales are ascertained by preparing __________. A. Total Creditors A/c B. Credit sales A/c C. Trading A/c D. Total Debtos A/c ANS: D 4. If books are kept under single entry system, Credit purchases are ascertained by preparing __________. A. Total Creditors A/c B. Credit sales A/c C. Trading A/c D. Total Debtos A/c ANS: A 5. If books are kept under single entry system, opening stock is ascertained by preparing ___________. A. Opening stock A/c B. Stock register C. Memorandum Trading A/c D. Opening statement of Affairs ANS: C 6. Under stock and Debtors method, Branch stock account helps to ___________. A. Ascertain net profit / loss of the branch B. Ascertain cost of goods sent to the branch C. Ascertain closing stock at the branch D. Ascertain Gross profit/loss of the branch ANS: B 7. Branch Adjustment Account is opened __________. A. Under debtors method, when goods are sent by HO to branch at cost B. Under stock and debtors method, when goods are sent by HO to branch at cost C. Under debtors method, when goods are sent by HO to branch at invoice price D. Under stock and debtors method, when goods are sent by HO to branch at invoice price ANS: D 8. Branch Account under debtors system is a __________. A. Real A/c B. Nominal A/c C. Personal A/c D. Representative personal A/c ANS: B 9. When Branch ‘A’ sends goods to Branch ‘B’ in the books of Branch ‘A’ debit is given to A. Sales return A/c B. Branch B A/c C. Head office A/c D. Purchase return A/c ANS: C 10. The cash and credit sales of a branch are Rs.5,000 and Rs.10,000 respectively. The amount collected from debtors is Rs.10,000. Under Debtors system the amount credited to branch will be _____ A. Rs.20,000 B. Rs.15,000 C. Rs.25,000 D. Rs.10,000 ANS: B 11. Cash received from debtors needed for the construction of cash account can be ascertained from ___________. A. Total Creditors A/c B. Total Debtors A/c C. Analysis of cash book D. Balance sheet ANS: B 12. Closing balance of trade creditors can be ascertained from ___________. A. Total Creditors A/c B. Total Debtors A/c C. Bills Payable A/c D. Cash A/c ANS: A 13. An estimate of assets and liabilities as on a date is called __________. A. Balance sheet B. Statement of affairs C. Statement of Capital D. Trial Balance ANS: B 14. Bills Payable dishonoured are debited to ________ Account. A. Bills Receivables B. Bills Payable C. Sundry Debtors D. Sundry Creditors ANS: B 15. With the available information a trader need to convert the incomplete records into complete records, it is known as _________. A. Complete records method B. Statement of affairs method C. Conversion method D. Random method ANS: C 16. Goods are sent to the Branch at 20% margin on selling price. When Branch stocks disclose a surplus of Rs.2,000 the amount to be credited to Branch Adjustement A/c will be ________. A. Rs.2,000 B. Rs.333 C. Rs.1,600 D. Rs.400 ANS: D 17. In Branch Accounts, Depreciation on branch assets under debtors system is ___________. A. Not shown separately in branch A/c B. Shown in Branch A/c C. Not accounted D. Shown in the Profit & loss A/c of head office ANS: A 18. Stock reserve in relation to cloaing stock appears ___________. A. On the credit side of branch A/c B. On the debit side of branch A/c C. On the debit side of Profit & loss A/c D. On the credit side of profit & loss A/c ANS: B 19. Which of the following statement is True ? A. The income, expenses, assets and liabilities of an independent branch can be ascertained only by HO B. Purchase of fixed assets by branch on credit will be recorded in the branch A/c kept under the Debtor method C. Receipts from branch debtors are not recorded in the Branch account kept under the Debtor method. D. Under stock and debtors method, branch stock A/c is opened in order to ascertain net profit/loss of branch ANS: C 20. Which of the following statement is False A. Consignor is the owner of the consignment A/c B. Del-credere commission is allowed by consignor to protect himself for bad debt C. Proportionate consignor’s expenses is added up with consignment stock D. All proportioante consignee’s expenses will be added up for valuation of consignment stock ANS: D 21. If total stock is Rs.50,000; the value of policy is Rs.70,000 and the entire stock is lost, the claim will be for _________. A. Rs. 70,000 B. Rs. 35,714 C. Rs. 50,000 D. Rs. 60,000 ANS: C 22. The Balancing figure in Memorandum Trading A/c prepared by a trader who has lost goods in fire indicates ___________. A. Gross profit on stock lost B. Estimated closing stock as on date of fire C. Value of fire insurance policy D. Amount of claim to be made from Insurance company ANS: B 23. If there are any damaged or obsolete items in stock lost by fire, the Memorandum Trading A/c _____________. A. Should show only the normal items B. should have two amount columns on each side for Normal items and Abnormal items C. Should show only the abnormal items D. should have only one amount columns on either side for Normal items and Abnormal items ANS: B 24. If there are damaged or absolete items in stock lost by fire, the amount

Accounts, Financial Management, M.COM PART 2, Question Bank


  M.COM PART 2 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT MCQ 1. The average collection period for a firm measures the number of days (a) After a typical credit sale is made until the firm receives the payment (b) For a typical check to “clear” through the banking system (c) Beyond the end of the credit period before a typical customer payment is received (d) Before a typical account becomes delinquent ANS: A   2. Which of the following is not the logical consequence of liberalizing credit standards? (a) Sales tend to increase (b) Investment in receivables tend to increase (c) Bad debt losses tend to increase (d) Requirement of finance for working capital tends to decrease (e) Collection costs tend to increase ANS: D   3. Which of the following statements is not true? (a) If credit standards are liberalized, then sales will increase (b) Strict credit standards will tend to reduce the incidence of bad debt loss (c) Increase in credit period will tend to increase the investment in receivables (d) Liberalizing cash discount policy will tend to increase the average collection period (e) A rigorous collection effort tends to increase the collection expense ANS: D   4. Which of the following does not result from liberalizing credit standards? (a) It leads to higher bad debt loss (b) It causes an increase in sales (c) It reduces the cost of collection (d) It increases the investment in receivables (e) Requirement for financing working capital tends to increase ANS: C   5. Which of the following is/are not technique(s) for monitoring collection of receivables? (I) Ageing schedule (ii) Lockbox arrangements (iii) Days sales outstanding (iv) Funds flow analysis (a) Only (I) above (b) Only (iv) above (c) Both (i) and (iii) above (d) Both (ii) and (iv) above ANS: D   6. The average collection period measures the (a) Number of days it takes a typical cheque to “clear” through the banking system (b) Number of days between the day a customer places an order with the firm and the day the firm sends the goods to the customers (c) Number of days beyond the end of the credit period and before a typical customer payment is received (d) Number of days between the day when a typical credit sale is made and the day when the firm receives the payment ANS: D   7. Which of the following statements is true about the terms of trade credit 2/10, net 30? (a) 10% cash discount is offered for payment before 30 days (b) 2% cash discount is awarded for payment on the 30th day after purchase (c) 10% cash discount can be taken if paid by the second day after invoicing (d) No cash discount is offered from the eleventh day onwards after the date of purchase ANS: D   8. Which of the following costs is not a cost of maintaining receivables? (a) Administrative costs (b) Collection costs (c)Ordering costs (d) Defaulting costs (e) Financing costs ANS: C   9. An ageing schedule gives particulars about (a) Profit and present value (b) Accounts receivable and proportion of sales (c) Employees and age of their service (d) Age-wise distribution of accounts receivable ANS: D   10. Which of the following is/are not true? (i) If credit standards are made more stringent, sales are likely to decrease and less amount of money will be locked up in receivables. (ii) If credit period is lengthened, sales are likely to increase but bad debt losses are likely to decrease. (iii) If cash discount is increased, discount paid is likely to increase and amount of receivable is likely to reduce.(a) Only (ii) above (b) Only (iii) above (c) Both (i) and (ii) above (d) Both (ii) and (iii) above (e) Both (i) and (iii) above ANS: A   11. Which of the following statements is true about the terms of trade credit 4/10, net 30? (a) A 10% cash discount is offered for payment before 30 days (b) A 4% cash discount can be taken for payment before the 10th of the following month after invoicing (c) A 10% cash discount can be taken if paid by the fourth day after invoicing (d) No cash discount is offered from the eleventh day onwards after the date of purchase (e) 4% cash discount is awarded for payment on the 30th day after purchase ANS: D   12. Which of the following measures is not adopted to monitor the payment of receivables ? (a) Days sales outstanding (b) Ageing Schedule of Receivables (c) Numerical Credit Scoring (d) Average Collection Period ANS: C   13. Which of the following is a logical consequences of liberalizing credit standards? (a) Collection costs tend to decrease (b) Bad debt losses tend to increase (c) Sales tend to decrease (d) Cost of funds locked in receivables tend to decrease (e) Requirement for financing working capital tends to decrease ANS: B   14. Other things remaining the same, which of the following will generally result as a consequence of making the credit standards more stringent (strict / tight)? (a) More bad debt losses (b) Increase in the number of customers (c) Higher sales turnover (d)Reduction of the outstanding debtors in the balance sheet (e) Incremental cost of collection of the receivables ANS: D   15. Which of the following is a technique for monitoring the status of the receivables ? (a) Ageing Schedule (b) Outstanding creditors (c) Selection Matrix (d) Funds Flow Analysis (e) Credit Evaluation ANS: A   16. Which of the following is not part of collection program ? (a) Dispatch of letters to customers whose due date is approaching (b)Monitoring the state of payables (c) Telegraphic and telephonic advice to customers around the due date (d) Threat of legal actions to overdue accounts (e) Legal action against overdue accounts ANS: B   17. When a company offers credit terms of 2/10, net 30, the annual interest cost, based on a 360-day year, is (a) 24.0% (b) 35.3% (c) 36.0% (d) 36.7% ANS:

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