Company Law

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Company law mcq with answers pdf

 Company law MCQ All Subject MCQ In One Link 👉Click Here👈   1. Which documents contains the regulations relating to the internal management of a company? A. Memorandum of Association B. Articles of Association C. Both (a) and (b) D. None ANS : B   2. For vetting the MOA and AOA, as per SPICE, eMOA and eAOA is required. A. True B. False C. Partly True D. None of the above. ANS : A   3. Which one of the following is not the content of Memorandum of Association? A. Name clause B. Registered office clause C. Objects clause D. Board of Directors clause ANS : D   4. Can a Minor be a subscriber A. Yes B. No ANS : B   5. Can Foreigners be subscriber A. Yes B. No ANS : A   6. MOA should be in form ____________ in case of company limited by shares A. Table A B. Table B C. Table C D. Table D ANS : B   7. MOA should be in form ____________ in case of company limited by guarantee not having share capital A. Table A B. Table B C. Table C D. Table D ANS : C   8. MOA should be in form ________ in case of company limited by guarantee and having share capital A. Table A B. Table B C. Table C D. Table D ANS : D   9. MOA should be in form ____________ in case of a unlimited liability A. Table A B. Table B C. Table E D. None of these ANS : C   10. When there is a untrue statement in a prospectus who can sue A. Subscribed in primary market B. Subscribed in secondary market C. Rights issue D. None of the above ANS : A   11. Definition of prospectus was given under which sec. A. 2 (30) B. 2 (32) C. 2 (34) D. 2 (36) ANS : D   12. Which of the following are not required to issue prospectus? A. Private company B. Incase of right issue C. Sweat equity issue D. All the above ANS : D   13. The date of the opening of the subscription list means the beginning of the ________from the day of the issue of prospectus. A. 5th B. 3 rd C. 10 th D. 20 th ANS : A   14. The minimum application money should be _____________ of nominal value. A. 5% B. 3% C. 2% D. None of these ANS : A   15. The minimum application money should be _________ of nominal value as per SEBI guidelines A. 25% B. 30% C. 40% D. None of these ANS : A   16. Can shares be allotted immediately after the issue of prospectus A. Yes B. No C. None of the above ANS : B   17. The min subscription amount is reckoned with amounts payable in _________ A. cash only B. kind only C. cash as well as kind D. None of the above ANS : A   18. The amount of discount on reissue of forfeited shares cannot exceed : A. 5% of the face value B. 10% of the face value C. The amount received on forfeited shares D. The amount not received on forfeited shares ANS : C   19. Who/what appoints the first directors of a company ? A. The shareholders in general meeting . B. The Registrar of companies . C. The articles of association . D. The promoters . ANS : D   20. A directors election takes place in a general meeting through a separated Resolution passed by a_______ majority. A. single . B. two-thirds. C. three-fourths. D. five-sixths . ANS : A   21. Annual General Meeting can be called by______________. A. managing director. B. shareholders. C. board of directors. D. company secretary. ANS : D   22. The duties of Company Secretary s regarding company meetings are restricted upto _____. A. before company meeting. B. during company meeting C. after company meeting. D. ln all the above situations. ANS : D   23. Articles of Association can be altered by _________ A. a resolution of the board of directors. B. an ordinary resolution in general meeting. C. a special resolution i.n general meeting D. obtaining permission from the company law board. ANS : C   24. The notice of general meeting of a company must be given at least____________. A. 7 days . B. 15 days. C. 21 days. D. 30 days. ANS : C   25. Company is managed by A. Shareholders B. Board of Directors C. Karta D. Both(a)&(b) ANS : B   If You Need Most Importance MCQ PDF Company Law Question Bank Than Pay Rs 100 Only  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141  Telegram Group  Mumbai Univeersity :-   Suraj Patel Education :-   F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   S.Y.J.C EXAM :-   F.Y EXAM :-   S.Y EXAM :-   T.Y EXAM :-   M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :-   M.A EXAM :-      YouTube Channel   S.Y.B.COM Other Subject MCQ ADVERTISING 1) 2) BUSINESS ECONOMIC FOUNDATION COURSE BUSINESS LAW

Company Law, Question Bank, S.Y.B.COM

Company Law MCQ PDF | Company Law Mumbai University IDOl MCQ

Mumbai University IDOl All Subject MCQ In One Link 👉Click Here👈   1. General meeting refers to _____________. A. Shareholders meetings . B. Directors meetings. C. Creditors meetings. D. Debenture holder meetings. ANS : A   2. The minutes of the share holder’s meeting are to be kept at the ……….office of the company and must be open to inspection. A. registered B. divisional C. head D. none ANS : A   3. The meeting other than statutory and the annual general meeting of the company is………… A. extra ordinary meeting B. special meeting C. board D. none of these ANS : A   4. The statutory meeting is required to be held by ………..companies A. private B. public C. both D. none ANS : B   5. ……….is the proper authority to call annual general meeting. A. promoters B. manager C. board of directors D. secretary ANS : C   6. Annual General Meetings should be held at A. Company B. Registered office C. Corporate office D. None of these ANS : B   7. Notice of statutory meeting should be given with a period not less than A. 21 clear days B. 14 clear days C. 7 clear days D. None of these ANS : A   8. Annual General Meetings should be held at A. Company B. Registered office C. Corporate office D. None of these ANS : C     9. A company not declare dividend at. A. Statutory meeting B. Annual general meeting C. Extra ordinary G.M D. None of the above ANS : A   10. ________ is the official recording of the proceedings of a meeting A. Quorum B. Minutes C. Both a) & b) D. None of the above ANS : B   11. Minutes should be recorded with in _________ days from the date of conclusion of every meeting 190. A. 10 B. 20 C. 30 D. 40 ANS : C     12. A voluntary winding up means winding up by. A. Members or Creditors. B. Members or Contributors. C. Contributories or Creditors. D. Share holders or Tribunal. ANS : A   13. In the event of Company being wound up the Tribunal shall prepare list of contributories into. A. List A. B. List B. C. List A and List B. D. List A or List B. ANS : C   14. As per Sec.488, Declaration of Solvency of company by the Directors in the case of voluntary winding up may be made within. A. 5 weeks of passing resolution. B. one month. C. 6 months. D. None of these. ANS : A   15. The object of winding up of a company by the Tribunal is. A. To facilitate the protection of its assets. B. To convert the company into private company if it is a public company. C. To convert the company into public company if it is a private company. D. To change the Memorandum and Articles. ANS : A   16. Dividend and interest are ____________. A. Synonymous terms. B. different from each other. C. debited to profit and loss account. D. divisible profits. ANS : C   17. Auditors act as agent of______________. A. Shareholders. B. directors. C. promoter. D. debenture holder. ANS : A   18. When can an application be made to Tribunal for constitution of a winding up committee to assist and monitor the progress of liquidation proceedings by the Company Liquidator in carrying out the function? A. Within two weeks from the date of passing of winding up order B. Within three weeks from the date of passing of winding up order C. Within four weeks from the date of passing of winding up order D. None of the above. ANS : B   19. When can a winding up order not be called a notice of discharge? A. when the business of the company is continued B. when the business of the company is closed since 2 years. C. On the discretion of the management D. till a provisional Liquidator is appointed ANS : A   20. Under what circumstances the meeting of the creditors may be dispensed by the NCLT? A. if 70% of the creditors in value agree and confirm to the scheme by way of affidavit B. if 80% of the creditors in value agree and confirm to the scheme by way of affidavit C. if 90% of the creditors in value agree and confirm to the scheme by way of affidavit D. None of the above ANS :C   21. Maximum period for which a person may be appointed or reappointed at a time as Managing director, Whole time director or Manager in a company shall be ________. A. 3 Years B. 5 Years C. 7 Years D. None of the Above ANS : B   22. Compensation payable u/s 202(1) of companies Act, 2013 to a managing director shall not be paid in which of the following situations? A. where the director resigns from his office as a result of the reconstruction of the company. B. where the director resigns from his office otherwise than on the reconstruction of the company. C. where the office of the director is vacated u/s 167(1). D. all of the above. ANS : D   23. Which of the following is correct in relation to sitting fees of directors as per Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014? A. The sitting fees for Independent Directors and Women Directors shall not be less than 1 Lac. B. The sitting fees for Independent Directors and Women Directors shall not be more than 1 Lac. C. The sitting fees for Independent Directors and Women Directors shall not be less than the sitting fee payable to other directors. D. The sitting fees for Independent Directors and Women Directors shall not be more than the sitting fee payable to other directors. ANS : C   24. Reappointment of Managing director, Whole time director or Manager shall not be made earlier than _________. A. 3 months before the expiry of his term B. 6 months before the

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