COMMERCE, F.Y.B.COM, Question Bank

Explain in detail the social objectives of the business fybcom sem 1

 F.Y.B.COM ( SEMESTER – I ) Commerce Paper I (Introduction to Business) Q3. Explain in detail the Social objectives of the Business. Social Objectives Business : Business is a part of a social System. A social system involves people and their Organisations in mutual relationship to each other. Business is an integral part of society.   Following are the social objectives of business 1) Social Objectives towards Customers : The Survival and success of any business organisation depends on its cusumers. One universally accepted social objective of business is to satisfy consumers by providing goods and services as per their needs and expectations. Business activities are essential for meeting the needs of consumers. Business have to supplied quality good at reasonable price to the customer. 2) Social Objectives towards Employees : The Social Objective of a business firm towards its employees is to treat them with respect and provide them with the right compensation and facilities. Business should provide better wages, working conditions, good treatment to the employees. It also provide monetary and non-monetary benefits for satisfaction of the employees. This also ensures industrial peace and harmony. 3) Social Objectives towards shareholders : Shareholders invest their money in the business in the form of shares, debentures bonds etc. The basic objective is that the shareholder should receive a fair, return on their investment. The Objective of thebusiness is to utilise efficiently the money of the shareholder and give them fair return on their investment in the form of dividend a interest. 4) Social Objectives towards Government : A business organisation can’t function smoothly without the support and co-operation of the Government. Hence, it becomes necessary on the part of the organisation to fulfill its social duties towards the government. These include payment of taxes and duties, following the rules and regulations framed by the government from time to time, contributing towards the welfare activities of the government and so on. 5) Social Objectives towards Suppliers : The suppliers can play an important role in the success of an organisation by Supplying the right quality and quantity of material at the right time. Therefore, a business firm needs to have social objectives towards supplier in respect of timely payment of dues. Helping the suppliers in their financial requirements by making advance payments. 6) Social objectives towards Dealers : Dealers assist business firm by promoting and pushing goods and services in the market at the right time at the right place. It is one of the basic social objectives that be produced and supplied. If this basic demand of the society is met, the business may survive in the long run. 7) Social Objectives towards Society : Business organisation gain profit because of the support of the society. Naturally, they are expected to provide financial support for various social, educational and cultural activities. This is also necessary for maintaining cordial relations with the society. Business organizations must also support social welfare programmes.    

COMMERCE, F.Y.B.COM, Question Bank, S

Explain the Meaning and scope of Business F.Y.B.COM SEM I Commerce Paper I

  F.Y.B.COM ( SEMESTER – I ) Commerce Paper I (Introduction to Business)     Q1. Explain the Meaning and scope of Business. Meaning :- According to L.H. Haney, “Business is a human activity directed towards producing or acquiring wealth through buying and selling activities.” SCOPE OF BUSINESS Business has a very wide scope. It includes large number of activities. These activities may be grouped under Two broad categories i.e. Industry and commerce.     I. Industry : The term industry refers to that part of business activity which directly concerns itself with production, processing or fabrication of goods and services. It creates form utility. In industry, raw materials are converted in to finished products, which can be used for consumption. Some industries manufacture consumer goods while others manufacture capital goods. Following are the various types of industriesa) Primary IndustriesThese industries are engaged in the production of primary goods, such as rice, cotton, fish etc. The best examples of this type of industries are Agriculture, fishing etc. b) Genetic Industries : `Genetic industry involves breeding and reproduction of plants and animals for the purpose of sale. Poultry, Plant nurseries, sericulture etc. are examples of genetic industry. The price of products available from such activities is generally less. c) Extractive Industries : Extractive industries extract valuable minerals, ores etc. from the natural elements like soil, water and air. These industries are concerned with the discovery and utilisation of natural resources such as minerals and forests. d) Manufacturing Industries : Manufacturing industries are concerned with the conversion of raw material into finished goods. They create form utility. The products of primary and extractive industries such as cotton, ironore, crude oil, etc. are used as a raw material in these industries. e) Construction Industries : Construction industries are concerned with the construction work like construction of bridges, dams, canals, roads, harbours, building etc. These industries do not operate in factory buildings but at the site allotted.. f) Service Industries : Service industries produce intangible goods i.e. goods which can’t be seen or touches for example transport, insurance, banking etc. These services are essential and useful for the expansion of business. II. Commerce : Commerce involves all those activities which facilitate transfer of ownership and movement of goods from the centers of production to the centers of consumption. In other word it involves all forms of trade and the services that assist trading. Commerce include trade and aids to trade. A) Trade : Trade means buying and selling of goods and services. It involves transfer of ownership of goods from the seller to buyer against money. In other words, trade is an exchange of goods and services for a price which the consumers are ready to pay. Consumers may be an individuals, government and industries who need raw materials. 1. Internal Trade : Internal trade is also known as home trade. It is conducted within the country. It can be at local level, regional level or national level. a) Wholesale trade : It involves buying in large quantities from producers and selling in smaller lots to retailers. The wholesaler is a link between manufacturers and retailers. b) Retail Trade : Retail trade involves buying in smaller lots from the wholesaler’s and Selling in very small quantities to the consumers for personal consumption. The retailer is the last link in the chain of distribution. He established a link between wholesaler and Consumers. 2. External Trade : The trade carried on between the traders of two different countries is called external trade. It is also called as International trade or foreign trade. It includes following trade. a) Export Trade : Export trade involves selling of goods from one country to another. For example, when goods are sold from India to America. b) Import trade : Import trade involves buying of goods from a Seller of another country. For example, a buyer from India purchases goods from a seller of china. c) Entrepot trade : When goods are imported from one country and then reexported to some other country, it is called entrepot. For example an Indian trader may buy goods from Bangladesh and then sell it to Pakistan. B) Aids-To-Trade Aids to trade constitute another component of commerce. Aids to trade include various agencies which are useful for the conduct of trading activities. There are as follows. a) Warehousing : There is a time gap between production and consumption. However, goods which are produced at one time are not consumed at the same time. Hence, it becomes necessary to make arrangement for storage or warehousing. Agricultural commodity like wheat and rice are seasonal in nature but are consumed throughout the year. On the other hand goods such as Umbrellas and woolen cloths are produced throughout the year but are demanded only during particular seasons. Therefore goods need to be stored in warehouses till they are demanded. b) Transport : There is a place gap from the place of production to the place of consumption. Goods are produced in one part of the country and Consumption in other parts of the nation. Transport fills the place gap. It meets out the gap between producer and consumer. It helps the manufacturer to expand their markets from local to regional, regional to national and national to global. c) Communication : Communications facilitates transfer of information. It involves transfer of messages from one person to another and from one place to another. It can be in oral or writing form of information. Oral communication can take place through telephone or personally. Written communication is possible through letter, fax, e-mail etc. It facilitates quick transfer of messages to take important decisions quickly. d) Insurance : Insurance reduces the problem of risks. Business is subject to risks and uncertainties. These are inevitable in the field of business. Risks may be due to fire, theft, accident or any other natural calamity. Insurance companies who act as risk bearer cover risks. Insurance tries to reduce risks by spreading them out over a greater

COMMERCE, F.Y.B.COM, Question Bank sem 1 commerce mcq pdf Sem.1  Commerce MCQ PDF       1. William Glueck in his book “Strategic Management” has identified the strategy alternative except a. Retraction b. Competition Act c. Liberalization d. Bio ligation ANS: A     2. The firm using strategy concentrates on the current product and current market a. Stability b. Current c. Marketing d. Product ANS: A   3. Stability strategy involves risk as compared to growth strategy. a. Less b. Max c. More d. Come ANS: A   4. This strategy is adopted by those firms that adopt traditional management philosophy they adopt a narrow or a traditional approach towards growth and development a. Stability b. Process function c. Managing function d. Sales function ANS: A     5. ______ is a type of intensification strategy a. Market Development Strategy b. intensification strategy c. Managing Development d. Marketing Development ANS: A   6. ____ is a type of diversification strategy a. intensification strategy b. Managing Development c. Marketing Development d. Horizontal Diversification ANS: D   7. This strategy involves extending existing product to new market a. Market Development Strategy b. intensification strategy c. Managing Development d. Marketing Development ANS: A     8. _____ is not a type of diversification a. intensification strategy b. Managing Development c. Marketing Development d. Congletome Diversification ANS: D   9. A ____ may take place between two or more firms either from the same country or from different countries a. joint venture b. Come Venture c. Country venture d. Either venture ANS: A   10. ____ is not a Reasons for Merger / Advantages a. Customer complaint b. intensification strategy c. Managing Development d. Marketing Development ANS: A   11. ____ is not a reason for takeover a. Exit formalities b. intensification strategy c. Managing Development d. Come Formalities ANS: A   12. ____ is a type of retrenchment strategy a. Divestment b. retrenchment c. strategy d. Organisation ANS: A   13. In this case the organisation takes a decision to sell its entire business and the funds so realized can be invested in some other business a. Liquidation b. Divestment c. retrenchment d. Organisation ANS: A   14. The ____environment comprises of the firm Strategies & Policies, management relationships manpower resources like manpower, capital etc a. Internal b. External c. Sociology d. Psychology ANS: A     15. In SWOT W stands for ____ a. Weakness b. Divestment c. retrenchment d. Organisation ANS: A     16. A ___ statement reflects the vision the purpose and the philosophy of the organization. a. Mission b. Divestment c. retrenchment d. Organisation ANS: A   17. It relates to the human population in terms of age, size literacy rate, rural urban population, occupation a. Demographic environment b. intensification strategy c. Managing Development d. Marketing Development ANS: A   18. _____environment includes laws which define and protect the rights of individual and Organisation a. Legal Environment b. Professional Environment c. intensification strategy d. Managing Development ANS: A     19. By reducing tariff barriers in WTO replaced GATT. a. 1995 b. 1955 c. 1877 d. 1936 ANS: A   20. GATS = General Agreement on Trade in _____ a. Services b. Goods c. Product d. Services ANS: A     21. ____gives protection to patent, copyright and Trademark a. TRIP Agreement b. Globalisation c. Competition Act d. Liberalization ANS: A   22. _____ is a positive impact of trading bloc a. Globalisation b. Competition Act c. Liberalization d. Employment ANS: D   23. Critics point out that regionalism results in lack of interest in ______ a. Multilateralism b. Globalisation c. Competition Act d. Liberalization ANS: A   24. Regionalism lead to trade ____ rather than trade creation. a. Diversion b. Globalisation c. Competition Act d. Liberalization ANS: A     25. Analysis of competitors strategies is an element of ______environmental analysis a. External b. Internal c. Receipt d. Payment ANS: A   Other Subject MCQ LINK Below COMMERCE   BUSINESS ECONOMIC   FOUNDATION COURSE 1) 2)   ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES   MATHEMATICAL AND STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES commerce mcq pdf Fybcom sem 1 commerce mcq pdf with answers commerce sem 1 mcq mcq question pdf pune university mcq question pdf mumbai university mcq question pdf pune university 2021 mcq question pdf pune university Commerce 1 mcq with answers Fybcom sem 1 mcq pdf with answers mcq question pdf sem 1 Fybcom sem 1 mcq questions and answers sem 1 commerce mcq pdf Commerce 1 mcq pdf   One Best Website For MCQ Name And link Below Suraj Patel Education   F.Y.B.Com All Subject MCQ PDF Only One Link If You Need Most Importance MCQ PDF COMMERCE Question Bank Than Pay Rs 100 Only  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141      Telegram Group   Mumbai Univeersity :- Suraj Patel Education :- F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   S.Y.J.C EXAM :- F.Y EXAM :- S.Y EXAM :- T.Y EXAM :- M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- M.A EXAM :-    YouTube Channel  

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YOUETUB: SURAJ PATEL EDUCATION S.Y.B.COM COMMERCE IMPORTANCE MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION   1.    ______organisation is referred as scalar organisation. a.    Matrix b.    line c.    line & staff d.    unmatrix ANS: B   2.    The line organisation is suitable for ______organisation. a.    Large b.    Medium c.    Small d.    Big ANS:  C   3.    There is lack of ______in line organisation. a.    Decision making b.    command c.    supervise d.    specialization ANS: D   4.    In line & staff organisation, the staff executive are the______. a.    Doers b.    decision makers c.    advisors d.    controller ANS: D   5.    Matrix organisation was first established in _____in the aerospace industry. a.    India b.    China c.    USA d.    Russia ANS: C   6.    ______refers to the number of subordinates that can be managed effectively by one superior. a.    Unity of command b.    management by objective c.    span of control d.    discipline ANS: A   7.    Span of control has application. a.    Limited b.    narrow c.    broad d.    universal ANS: D   8.    ______is a process of grouping of jobs, processes into logical units to perform some organisational task. a.    delegation of authority b.    decentralisation c.    centralisation d.    depart mentation ANS: D   9.    Departmentation by ______is one of the bases whereby the organisation divided the organisation into different units based on geographical zones. a.    Time b.    money c.    customer d.    area ANS: D   10. The process of delegation continues if the subordinates______ the delegated authority. a.    Accept b.    reject c.    ignore d.    surrender ANS: A   11. _______takes place between the superior & subordinate. a.    Decentralisation of authority b.    departmentation c.    delegation of authority d.    discipline ANS: C   12. ______relations with the superior could be one of the reasons for non-acceptance of authority by the subordinate. a.    cordial b.    friendly c.    unfriendly d.    hostile ANS: D   13. Project organisations adopt the basis of _______departmentation. a.    Product b.    price c.    process d.    taskforce ANS: D   14. ______refers to dispersal of authority throughout the organisation. a.    Decentralisation b.    centralisation c.    delegation d.    discipline ANS: A   15. In _______organisation there are many levels of management. a.    Tall b.    flat c.    small d.    medium ANS: A   16. ______style of leadership aims at creating family atmosphere within the organisation a.    Autocratic b.    consultative c.    paternalistic d.    monastic ANS: C   17. Professional managers adopt ______style of leadership. a.    Sociocratic b.    consultative c.    situational d.    autocratic ANS: C   18. _______is the sum total of physical, mental & social qualities. a.    Initiative b.    intelligence c.    personality d.    motivation ANS: C   19. ______refers to interpersonal skills. a.    Administrative b.    conceptual c.    human d.    machine ANS: C     20. ______is a process of monitoring actual performance & taking corrective measures, if there are deviations. a.    Planning b.    organisation c.    controlling d.    directing ANS: C   21. ______control system enables managers to focus their attention on significant deviations. a.    Critical Point b.    Flexible c.    control by exception d.    motivation ANS: C   22. ______is a statement of anticipated results. a.    Schedule b.    table c.    MBO d.    Budget ANS: D   23. ______technique helps to expedite highly complex projects a.    CPM b.    MBO c.    MBE d.    PERT ANS: D   24. ______technique is based on a single time estimate for completion of activities. a.    PERT b.    CPM c.    MBO d.    MRS ANS: B   25. ______Refers to the systematic evaluation of the functioning, performing & effectiveness of management. a.    HRA b.    MBO c.    Management Audit d.    Training ANS: C    Best Other MCQ Webside All Subject MCQ Link  If You Need Most Importance MCQ PDF Commerce  Question Bank Than Pay Rs 100 Only  8652719712 = Google Pay , Phone Pay , Paytm Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141      Telegram Group   Mumbai Univeersity :- Suraj Patel Education :- F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   S.Y.J.C EXAM :- F.Y EXAM :- S.Y EXAM :- T.Y EXAM :- M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- M.A EXAM :-    YouTube Channel    S.Y.B.COM Other Subject MCQ ADVERTISING 1)   Business Economic 1) 2)   Foundation course 1) 2) 3) 4)   Company Law 1) 2) 3)    Management Accounts   Business Law 1) 2)   Financial account   Commerce    

COMMERCE, F.Y.B.COM, Question Bank commerce mcq pdf | Fybcom commerce mcq pdf with answers

Hello Friends…  Aaj ke article me aap logo co. F.Y.B.Com COMMERCE MCQ PDF  related MCQ provide karne Wala hu yeah MCQs kafi Jayda important hai F.Y.B.COM ke Student ke lie. Friends is article me 25 MCQ honge agar aapko aur bhi artical chahie ho is topic ke related to please comment Karke hame jarur batae Friends ye artical ke alava other subject Ke bhi article aapko mere website per mil jaenge jiska link me aapko niche de raha hu.     COMMERCE   BUSINESS ECONOMIC   FOUNDATION COURSE 1) 2)   ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES   MATHEMATICAL AND STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES     1. Business  is  а  ______асtivity а. Оrgаnized b. Рersоnnel с. Extrасtive d. Соmmerсe АNS:  А   2. ____funсtiоn  is  соnсerned  with  the  mаnаgement  оf  рeорle  in  the  оrgаnizаtiоn а. Рersоnnel b. Оrgаnized с. Рersоnnel d. Extrасtive АNS:  А   3. ____  industries  аre  соnсerned  with  extrасting  mаteriаls  оr  minerаls  frоm  nаturаl  resоurсes а. Оrgаnized b. Рersоnnel с. Extrасtive d. Соmmerсe АNS:  С     4. ______  is  соnсerned  with  the  exраnsiоn  оf  mаrkets а. Оrgаnized b. Рersоnnel с. Extrасtive d. Соmmerсe АNS:  D     5. ______  is  соnсerned  with  imроrting  оf  gооds  &  then  selling  the  sаme  in  аnоther  соuntry а. Entreроt b. Оrgаnized с. Рersоn d. Extrасtive АNS:  А   6. _____  is  nоt  а  gender  relаted  рrоblem  fасed  by  wоmen  entreрreneurs а. Wоmen b. Quаlities с. Entreрreneur d. рооr  quаlity  соntrоl АNS:  D     7. _____  is  nоt  аn  eсоnоmiс  fасtоrs а. рersоnаl  fасtоr b. Рrосess с. Quаlities d. Entreрreneur АNS:  А     8. ______  is  nоt  а  nоn  eсоnоmiс  fасtоr а. bаnk  сredit b. bаnk  debit с. аssets  debit d. liаbility АNS:  А   9. _____  is  nоt  а  feаture  оf  entreрreneur а. Disоrgаnised  аbilities b. рersоnаl  fасtоr с. Рrосess d. Entreрreneur АNS:  А     10. А  ____  is  саutiоus  in  his  аррrоасh  &  tries  tо  аvоid  mistаkes  &  surрrises а. рersоnаl  fасtоr b. Рrосess с. Quаlities d. Mаnаger АNS:  D     11. ______fills  the  knоwledge  gар а. Аdvertising b. Internаl с. Eсоnоmiс d. Miсrо АNS:  А     12. ______соnсeрt  оf  business  is  соnсerned  with  сustоmer  sаtisfасtiоn а. Eсоnоmiс b. Miсrо с. Mоdern d. Mасrо АNS:  С     13. ______  refers  tо  the  reduсtiоn  оf  Gоvernment  соntrоl  оver  business  seсtоr а. Liberаlizаtiоn b. Eсоnоmiс с. Miсrо d. Mоdern АNS:  А     14. Аnаlysis  оf  _____  envirоnment  indiсаtes  strengths  &  weаknesses  оf  the  оrgаnisаtiоn а. Internаl b. Lарtор с. SMS d. Emаil АNS:  А     15. _____  envirоnment  is  influenсed  by  eсоnоmiс  роliсies  оf  the  Gоvernment а. Аdvertising b. Internаl с. Соmmuniсаtiоn d. Eсоnоmiс АNS:  D     16. The  key  stength  оf  smаll  business  рersоn  is  nоt  ____ а. Рrосess b. Quаlities с. Entreрreneur d. Рessimism АNS:  D     17. The  key  strength  оf  ____  tyрe  оf  entreрreneur  is  Desire,  time  mаnаgement  &  саutiоn а. Рrосess b. Gооd  Interviewers с. Entreрreneur   d. Free  Time  Entreрreneur АNS:  D     18. _____  аre  individuаls  with  innоvаtiоn  sоlutiоn  tо  sосiety’s  mоst  рressing  sосiаl  рrоblem а. Sосiаl  Entreрreneur b. Рrосess с. Quаlities d. Entreрreneur АNS:  А     19. _____  is  nоt  а  соmрetenсies  оf  entreрreneur а. Reасtive b. Effeсt с. Рrоduсtiоn d. Sосiety АNS:  А     20. _____  is  nоt  а  tyрe  оf  Entreрreneurshiр  trаining  сenter а. SIM b. SDB с. MСV d. SBK АNS:  А     21. _______envirоnment  is  соnсerned  with  different  аsрeсts  оf  рорulаtiоn а. Demоgrарhiс b. Liberаlizаtiоn с. Eсоnоmiс d. Miсrо АNS:  А     22. ______аgreement  is  соnсerned  with  liberаlizаtiоn  оf  internаtiоnаl  investments а. TRIMS b. Liberаlizаtiоn с. Eсоnоmiс d. Miсrо АNS:  А     23. Сustоmers  fоrm  а  раrt  оf  ______envirоnment а. Trаde b. SААRС с. Miсrо d. Business АNS:  С     24. WTО  wаs  reрlасed  by  GАTT  in  the  yeаr  _____ а. 1999 b. 1955 с. 1996 d. 1956 АNS:  B     25. ____  is  а  trаding  blос  соnsisting  оf  Sоuth  Аsiаn  соuntries а. Trаde b. SААRС с. Miсrо d. Business АNS:  B commerce mcq pdf Fybcom sem 2 commerce mcq pdf with answers commerce sem 2 mcq mcq question pdf pune university mcq question pdf mumbai university mcq question pdf pune university 2021 mcq question pdf pune university Commerce 1 mcq with answers Fybcom sem 2 mcq pdf with answers mcq question pdf sem 2 Fybcom sem 2 mcq questions and answers sem 2 commerce mcq pdf Commerce 1 mcq pdf   One Best Website For MCQ Name And link Below Suraj Patel Education   F.Y.B.Com All Subject MCQ PDF Only One Link If You Need Most Importance MCQ PDF COMMERCE Question Bank Than Pay Rs 100 Only  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141      Telegram Group   Mumbai Univeersity :- Suraj Patel Education :- F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   S.Y.J.C EXAM :- F.Y EXAM :- S.Y EXAM :- T.Y EXAM :- M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- M.A EXAM :-    YouTube Channel  

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COMMERCE F.Y.B.COM MCQ PDF , sem 2 commerce mcq pdf

  SUBJECT- COMMERCE  (F.Y.B.COM)     1. India’s service sector contributes to about ————percent of the country’s GDP. a) 35% b) 60% c) 80% d) 55% ANS: B   2. India’s service sector contributes to about ————percent of the total employment. a) 35% b) 50% c) 70% d) 65% ANS: A   3. ———— is an act or performance offered by one party to another. a) Goods b) service c) Ideas d) Material ANS: B   4. Services are generally ———- in nature. a) Tangible b) intangible c) demonstrable d) non demonstrable ANS: B   5. Services are produces and consumed ————. a) Simultaneously b) different times c) at all times d) at alternate time. ANS: A   6. ———– services top the service export in India a) Business b) software c) financial d) Accounting ANS: B   7. Service sector provides revenue to the government in the form of ————–. a) Excise duty b) custom duty c) service tax d) Income tax ANS: C   8. In India, the current rate of service tax is ——— on gross value of the service. a) 15% b) 12.36% c) 17.75% d) 18.60% ANS: B   9. When customer expectations from a service are met, it leads to customer ————. a) Satisfaction b) dissatisfaction c) delight d) negligence ANS: A   10. The highest level of expectations that customer have about a service is termed as ———– service a) Desired b) adequate c) optimum d) minimum ANS: A   11. ———- service refers to bottom level of performance acceptable to customers. a) Inadequate b) adequate c) desired d) optimum ANS: B   12. If service performance is within the zone of tolerance, customers are likely to be— a) Delight b) dissatisfied c) satisfied d) neglected ANS: C   13. ———– refers to how a service product is delivered to the customers. a) People b) process c) Physical evidence d) place ANS: B   14. ———– an element of marketing mix bring operating revenues to the organisation. a) Price b) place c) packaging d) Physical evidence ANS: A   15. ———— provides cues about service quality. a) Product b) Physical evidence c) Promotion d) Pace ANS: B   16. ————- is the first steps in any new service development process. a) Concept testing b) Screening ideas c) Idea generation d) concept modification ANS: C   17. Cost- benefit analysis is undertaken in ————- step of new service development process. a) Business analysis b) market testing c) concept testing d) concept analysis ANS: A   18. The service providers face the challenges of ————. a) Tangibility b) Intangibility c) Serviceability d) Delivery ANS: B   19. ———– cannot be separated from the service provider. a) Goods b) Services c) raw materials d) Machinery ANS: B   20. Services are highly ———–. a) Durable b) perishable c) non perishable d) storable ANS: B   21. At present, FDI is allowed up to ——— percent in single-brand retail trade. a) 100 b) 51 c) 75 d) 65 ANS: A   22. At present, FDI is allowed up to ——— percent in multi brand retail trade. a) 100 b) 51 c) 75 d) 65 ANS: B   23. ——— is an example of non store retailing. a) Electronic retailing b) Franchise store c) Departmental store d) Super market ANS: A   24. Kirana store is an example of ———. a) Unorganised retailer b) organised retailer c) Electronic retailing d) Departmental store ANS: A   25. ———– is an example of hyper markets. a) Big Bazaar b) Departmental store c) Convenience store d) Discount store ANS: A If You Need Most Importance MCQ PDF ECONOMICS Question Bank Than Pay Rs 100 Only  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141  Join Telegram Group  Mumbai Univeersity :-   Suraj Patel Education :-   F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   S.Y.J.C EXAM :-   F.Y EXAM :-   S.Y EXAM :-   T.Y EXAM :-   M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :-       M.A EXAM :-        YouTube Channel       F.Y.B.COM Other Subject MCQ FINANCIAL MANAGMENT  F.Y.B.COM MCQ PDF   BUSINESS COMMUNICATION F.Y.B.COM MCQ PDF   F.Y.B.COM Mathematical and Statistical Techniques MCQ PDF   F.Y.B.Com Commerce MCQ PDF    F.Y.B.COM BUSINESS ECONOMICS F.Y.B.COM EVS

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