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F.Y.B.COM, Mathematical and Statistical Techniques, Question Bank

F.Y.B.COM Mathematical MCQ PDF , Mathematical and Statistical Techniques F.Y.B.COM MCQ

  YOUTUBE CHANNEL: MUMBAI UNIVERSITY IDOL Mathematical and Statistical Techniques F.Y.B.COM IMPOERANCE MCQ QUESTION BANK 1. Coefficient of correlation explains …………………….of the relationship between two variables. a. Degree b. Direction c. Both of the above d. None of the above ANSWERS: C   2. For perfect correlation, the coefficient of correlation should be …………………….. a. ± 1 b. + 1 c. – 1 d. 0 ANSWERS: A   3. Rank correlation coefficient was discovered by……………………………… a. Fisher b. Spearman c. Karl Pearson d. Bowley ANSWERS: B   4. The rank correlation coefficient is always………………………. a. + 1 b. – 1 c. 0 d. Between + 1 and – 1 ANSWERS: D   5. Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient is usually denoted by……………….. a. k b. r c. S d. R ANSWERS: D   6. Probable error is used to: a. Test the reliability of correlation coefficient b. Measure the error in correlation coefficient c. Both a an b d. None of these ANSWERS: A   7. If coefficient of correlation is more than …………….of its P E, correlation is significant. a. 2 times b. 5 times c. 6 times d. 10 times ANSWERS: C   8. In correlation analysis, Probable Error = …………………… x 0.6745 a. Standard deviation b. Standard error c. Coefficient of correlation d. None of these ANSWERS: B   9. Coefficient of concurrent deviation depends on ………………….. a. The signs of the deviations b. The magnitude of the deviations c. Bothe a and b d. None of these ANSWERS: A   10. Correlation analysis between two sets of data only is called……………….. a. Partial correlation b. Multiple correlation c. Nonsense correlation d. Simple correlation ANSWERS: D   11. Correlation analysis between one dependent variable with one independent variable by keeping the other independent variables as constant is called…………………. a. Partial correlation b. Multiple correlation c. Nonsense correlation d. Simple correlation ANSWERS: A   12. Study of correlation among three or more variables simultaneously is called…………. a. Partial correlation b. Multiple correlation c. Nonsense correlation d. Simple correlation ANSWERS: B   13. If r = 0.8, coefficient of determination is………………………………. a. 80% b. 8% c. 64% d. 0.8% ANSWERS: C   14. If r is the simple correlation coefficient, the quantity r2 is known as ………………. a. Coefficient of determination b. Coefficient of non-determination c. Coefficient of alienation d. None of these ANSWERS: A   15. If r is the simple correlation coefficient, the quantity 1 — r2 is known as ………………. a. Coefficient of determination b. Coefficient of non-determination c. Coefficient of alienation d. None of these ANSWERS: B   16. The term regression was first used by…………………….. a. Karl Pearson b. Spearman c. R A Fisher d. Francis Galton ANSWERS:D   17. ………………..refers to analysis of average relationship between two variables to provide mechanism for prediction. a. Correlation b. Regression c. Standard error d. None of these ANSWERS:B   18. If there are two variables, there can be at most…………………………. number of regression lines. a. One b. Two c. Three d. Infinite ANSWERS: B   19. If the regression line is Y on X, then the variable X is known as…………………….. a. Independent variable b. Explanatory variable c. Regressor d. All the above ANSWERS: D   20. Regression line is also called…………………………… a. Estimating equation b. Prediction equation c. Line of average relationship d. All the above ANSWERS: D   21. If the regression line is X on Y, then the variable X is known as…………………….. a. Dependent variable b. Explained variable c. Both a and b d. Regressor ANSWERS: C   22. If the regression line is X on Y, then the variable X is known as…………………….. a. Dependent variable b. Independent variable c. Bothe a and b d. None of the above ANSWERS: A   23. If the regression line is Y on X, then the variable X is known as…………………….. a. Dependent variable b. Independent variable c. Both a and b d. None of the above ANSWERS: D   24. The point of intersection of two regression lines is…………………….. a. (0,0) b. (1,1) c. (x,y) d. (x̄, ӯ) ANSWERS: D   25. If r = ± 1, the two regression lines are…………………………. a. Coincident b. Parallel c. Perpendicular to each other d. None of these ANSWERS: A If You Need Most Importance MCQ PDF Mathematical Question Bank Than Pay Rs 100 Only  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141    Join Telegram Group  Mumbai Univeersity :-   Suraj Patel Education :-   F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   S.Y.J.C EXAM :-   F.Y EXAM :-   S.Y EXAM :-   T.Y EXAM :-   M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :-       M.A EXAM :-        YouTube Channel       F.Y.B.COM Other Subject MCQ   FINANCIAL MANAGMENT  F.Y.B.COM MCQ PDF   BUSINESS COMMUNICATION F.Y.B.COM MCQ PDF   F.Y.B.COM Mathematical and Statistical Techniques MCQ PDF   F.Y.B.Com Commerce MCQ PDF    

Accounts, Financial Management, M.COM PART 2, Question Bank


  M.COM PART 2 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT MCQ 1. The average collection period for a firm measures the number of days (a) After a typical credit sale is made until the firm receives the payment (b) For a typical check to “clear” through the banking system (c) Beyond the end of the credit period before a typical customer payment is received (d) Before a typical account becomes delinquent ANS: A   2. Which of the following is not the logical consequence of liberalizing credit standards? (a) Sales tend to increase (b) Investment in receivables tend to increase (c) Bad debt losses tend to increase (d) Requirement of finance for working capital tends to decrease (e) Collection costs tend to increase ANS: D   3. Which of the following statements is not true? (a) If credit standards are liberalized, then sales will increase (b) Strict credit standards will tend to reduce the incidence of bad debt loss (c) Increase in credit period will tend to increase the investment in receivables (d) Liberalizing cash discount policy will tend to increase the average collection period (e) A rigorous collection effort tends to increase the collection expense ANS: D   4. Which of the following does not result from liberalizing credit standards? (a) It leads to higher bad debt loss (b) It causes an increase in sales (c) It reduces the cost of collection (d) It increases the investment in receivables (e) Requirement for financing working capital tends to increase ANS: C   5. Which of the following is/are not technique(s) for monitoring collection of receivables? (I) Ageing schedule (ii) Lockbox arrangements (iii) Days sales outstanding (iv) Funds flow analysis (a) Only (I) above (b) Only (iv) above (c) Both (i) and (iii) above (d) Both (ii) and (iv) above ANS: D   6. The average collection period measures the (a) Number of days it takes a typical cheque to “clear” through the banking system (b) Number of days between the day a customer places an order with the firm and the day the firm sends the goods to the customers (c) Number of days beyond the end of the credit period and before a typical customer payment is received (d) Number of days between the day when a typical credit sale is made and the day when the firm receives the payment ANS: D   7. Which of the following statements is true about the terms of trade credit 2/10, net 30? (a) 10% cash discount is offered for payment before 30 days (b) 2% cash discount is awarded for payment on the 30th day after purchase (c) 10% cash discount can be taken if paid by the second day after invoicing (d) No cash discount is offered from the eleventh day onwards after the date of purchase ANS: D   8. Which of the following costs is not a cost of maintaining receivables? (a) Administrative costs (b) Collection costs (c)Ordering costs (d) Defaulting costs (e) Financing costs ANS: C   9. An ageing schedule gives particulars about (a) Profit and present value (b) Accounts receivable and proportion of sales (c) Employees and age of their service (d) Age-wise distribution of accounts receivable ANS: D   10. Which of the following is/are not true? (i) If credit standards are made more stringent, sales are likely to decrease and less amount of money will be locked up in receivables. (ii) If credit period is lengthened, sales are likely to increase but bad debt losses are likely to decrease. (iii) If cash discount is increased, discount paid is likely to increase and amount of receivable is likely to reduce.(a) Only (ii) above (b) Only (iii) above (c) Both (i) and (ii) above (d) Both (ii) and (iii) above (e) Both (i) and (iii) above ANS: A   11. Which of the following statements is true about the terms of trade credit 4/10, net 30? (a) A 10% cash discount is offered for payment before 30 days (b) A 4% cash discount can be taken for payment before the 10th of the following month after invoicing (c) A 10% cash discount can be taken if paid by the fourth day after invoicing (d) No cash discount is offered from the eleventh day onwards after the date of purchase (e) 4% cash discount is awarded for payment on the 30th day after purchase ANS: D   12. Which of the following measures is not adopted to monitor the payment of receivables ? (a) Days sales outstanding (b) Ageing Schedule of Receivables (c) Numerical Credit Scoring (d) Average Collection Period ANS: C   13. Which of the following is a logical consequences of liberalizing credit standards? (a) Collection costs tend to decrease (b) Bad debt losses tend to increase (c) Sales tend to decrease (d) Cost of funds locked in receivables tend to decrease (e) Requirement for financing working capital tends to decrease ANS: B   14. Other things remaining the same, which of the following will generally result as a consequence of making the credit standards more stringent (strict / tight)? (a) More bad debt losses (b) Increase in the number of customers (c) Higher sales turnover (d)Reduction of the outstanding debtors in the balance sheet (e) Incremental cost of collection of the receivables ANS: D   15. Which of the following is a technique for monitoring the status of the receivables ? (a) Ageing Schedule (b) Outstanding creditors (c) Selection Matrix (d) Funds Flow Analysis (e) Credit Evaluation ANS: A   16. Which of the following is not part of collection program ? (a) Dispatch of letters to customers whose due date is approaching (b)Monitoring the state of payables (c) Telegraphic and telephonic advice to customers around the due date (d) Threat of legal actions to overdue accounts (e) Legal action against overdue accounts ANS: B   17. When a company offers credit terms of 2/10, net 30, the annual interest cost, based on a 360-day year, is (a) 24.0% (b) 35.3% (c) 36.0% (d) 36.7% ANS:

Cost Accounting, Question Bank, T.Y.B.COM


  T.Y.B. Com Cost Accounting     1. According to ICMA London, _______costing is “that form of specific order costing, which applies where work is undertaken to customers’ special requirements.” a. Job b. Batch c. Process d. Standard ANS: A   2. A method of costing applied where costs are collected and accumulated for each work order a. Process costing b. Contract costing c. Operating costing d. Job costing ANS: D   3. Which of the following statements is not true about job costing? a. Production always against customers’ orders b. Cost of each job ascertained separately c. Job is of equal or longer duration compared to contracts d. Job work is labour intensive ANS: C   4. Which is a method of specific order costing? a. Job costing b. Process costing c. Output costing d. Service costing ANS: A   5. The process of ascertaining cost after incurring expenses is called a. Marginal costing b. Historical costing c. Absorption costing d. Standard costing ANS: B   6. Which technique of costing uses analysis of variances is a popular method for cost control? a. Absorption costing b. Marginal costing c. Uniform costing d. Standard costing ANS: D   7. _____ is the practice of charging all direct costs to operations, processes or products and writing off all indirect costs to Profit and Loss account. a. Direct costing b. Absorption costing c. Marginal costing d. Historical costing ANS: A   8. The processes of charging both fixed and variable to operations, processes or products is called _____ a. Marginal costing b. Historical costing c. Absorption costing d. Standard costing ANS: C   9. Which technique of costing differentiates between fixed and variable cost to analyse effect of changes in volume or type of output on profit? a. Marginal costing b. Historical costing c. Absorption costing d. Standard costing ANS: A   10. For recording the cost of each job, a job _____ is prepared. a. Profit & loss a/c b. Cost sheet c. Reconciliation statement d. None of the above ANS: B   11. What should be the price chargeable to a job if total cost incurred is Rs. 4830 and profit is 25% on sales? a. 1610 b. 1208 c. 1200 d. 1630 ANS: A   12. A factory uses job costing. Given details obtained from its books: Direct materials Rs.90000, Direct wages – Rs.75000, Selling OH – Rs.52500, Administration OH – Rs.42000, Factory OH – Rs.45000 & Profit – Rs. 60900. Calculate cost of production. a. Rs. 2,17,500 b. Rs. 2,07,000 c. Rs. 2,52,000 d. Rs. 2,10,000 ANS: C   13. The method of costing applied in special ship building is a. Batch costing b. Job costing c. Process costing d. None of the above ANS: B   14. Job costing is a. Method of costing b. Technique of costing c. Cost control technique d. Cost estimation ANS: A   15. Which of the following considers an ‘economic quantity’ for the purpose of cost reduction? a. Job costing b. Process costing c. Batch costing d. Contract costing ANS: C   16. The method of costing applied in cycle part manufacturing is a. Batch costing b. Job costing c. Process costing d. None of the above ANS: A   17. The method of costing applied in a lathe is a. Batch costing b. Job costing c. Process costing d. None of the above ANS: B   18. Production order with respect to a job is issued by _______ department. a. Production b. Production Planning c. Purchase d. Sales ANS: B   19. Scope of specific order costing is very wide and includes a. Job, Batch and contract costing b. Process , Contract and unit costing c. Batch , Job and process costing d. Unit , service and transport costing ANS: A   20. Economic batch quantity is used in batch costing to a. Meet specific customer requirements b. Produce at the least possible cost c. In order to ensure stock in anticipation of demand d. None of these ANS: B   21. For identification, each job or work order received from a customer is allotted a a. Production order b. Batch number c. Job number d. Code number ANS: C   22. The method of costing used to ascertain the cost of customer specific jobs is a. Job costing b. Batch costing c. Contract costing d. Process costing ANS: A   23. On completion of a job, a job completion report is sent to a. Cost accounting department b. Storekeeper c. Customer d. Production department ANS: A   24. ______ is the authorization to start work on a job. a. Production order b. Requisition sheet c. Invoice d. Job cost sheet ANS: A   25. In job costing, the basic document to accumulate and ascertain the cost of each order is a. Purchase order b. Requisition sheet c. Invoice d. Job cost sheet ANS: D   Telegram Group  Mumbai Univeersity :-   Suraj Patel Education :-   F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   S.Y.J.C EXAM :-   F.Y EXAM :-   S.Y EXAM :-   T.Y EXAM :-   M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :-       M.A EXAM :-        YouTube Channel     T.Y.B.COM OTHER SUBJECT IMP MCQ  Marketing Research MCQ PDF   HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT T.Y.B.COM MCQ   Cost Accounting T.Y.B.COM MCQ PDF   M.Com & T.Y.B.Com INDIRECT TAX 20 Most Importance MCQ   DIRECT TAX – Question Bank-2020

Foundation Course, Question Bank, S.Y.B.COM

Foundation Course S.Y.B.Com MCQ , S.Y.B.Com Foundation Course MCQ PDF

  Foundation Course Question Bank: (Multiple Choice Questions)     1. The consumer protection act, 1986 lists out few consumer rights. Which is the following is not one of them? a. Right to Choose b. Right to Safety c. Right to Consumer education d. To abuse producer of commodity. ANS: D   2. The Right to consumer act, 1986 is not applicable to the following state? a. Madhya Pradesh b. Rajasthan c. Meghalaya d. Jammu & Kashmir ANS: D   3. The essential commodity act, 1955 do not include……………. a. Classification of essential goods b. No classification of essential commodity c. Penalties d. Show – cause notice ANS: B   4. The prevention of food adulteration act, 1955 do not include…. a. Public Analysis b. Food Inspector c. Central food laboratories d. Absence of public care provisions. ANS: D   5. Which of the following is not a part of consumer courts? a. Tehasil forum b. District forum c. State commission d. Central commission ANS: A   6. National Commission (Central Commission) of consumer court deals with consumer complains up to ________ Lakh a. Rs. 0 to 20 Lakh b. Rs. 20 to 40 Lakh c. Rs. 40 to 80 Lakh d. Above Rs.1 Crore ANS: D   7. Which one of the following is not the objective of RTI act, 2005? a. Transparency b. Informed Citizenry c. Accountability d. Anna Hazare ANS: D   8. Legal action initiated in a court of law for the enforcement of public interest or general interest is known as _____ a. Public Interest litigation b. General litigation c. Public Moral d. Public Initiatives ANS: A   9. Which of the following is not a Citizens’ Charters objective? a. Quality b. Bribe c. Choice d. Transparency ANS: B   10. Maharashtra Guarantee of Public Service Act was passed in the year_______ a. 2013 b. 2014 c. 2015 d. 2016 ANS: C   11. Which one of the following is an advertisement of consumer awareness? a. Utho Grahak Jaago b. Jaago Grahak Jaago c. Grahak Jaago Jaago d. Grahak Jaago Utho ANS: B   12. The consumer protection act, 1986 recognizes ______ consumer rights. a. Five b. Six c. Seven d. Eight ANS: B   13. The prevention of food adulteration act was first passed in the year ______ a. 1955 d. 1956 c. 1957 d. 1958 ANS: A   14. The growth of consumer movement in India is slow, which one of the following is not the reason for slow growth of consumer movement in India. a. Illiteracy b. General attitude of public c. Lack of political support d. Slow growth of electronic media ANS: D   15. The provision of information officer is related to the following…. a. RTI Act 2005 b. Essential Commodity Act c. Consumer Court d. Consumer Movement ANS: A   16. The term ecology was coined by biologist _____________ a. Ernst Haeckel b. Ernst Harris c. Charles Darwin d. Charles Elton ANS: A   17. Philosophy of Anthropocentrism is associated with the name_______ a. John Passmore b. David Suzuki c. Rabbi Norman Lamm d. Mortimer Adler ANS: A   18. Biocentrism approach is associated with _________ a. Paul Taylor b. John Passmore c. Charles Darwin d. Aldo Leopold ANS: A   19. The theory of Eco-centrism proposed by __________ a. Ernst Haeckel b. John Passmore c. Paul Taylor d. Aldo Leopold ANS: D   20. In India, the philosophy of Eco – Feminism is associated with_______ a. Paul Taylor b. Vandana Shiva c. Rosemary Fonseca d. Megha Patkar ANS: B   21. The Philosophy of deep – ecology was proposed by ________ a. Ernst Haeckel b. Paul Taylor c. Arne Naess d. David Suzuki ANS: C   22. The concept of sustainability is based on three pillars, which one of the following is not a part of the concept of sustainability. a. Political b. Economic (Profit) c. Social (People) d. Environmental (Planet) ANS: A   23. The Earth Summit in year 1992 was organized in which city? a. Prag b. Mexico City c. Rio – De – Janeiro d. Lima ANS: C   24. Kyoto Protocol was signed in the year ______ a. 1996 b. 1997 c. 1998 d. 1999 ANS: B   25. Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 2000 was adopted in UN Conference. In which city this conference was organized? a. Washington D.C. b. New York c. Stockholm d. London ANS: B If You Need Most Importance MCQ PDF Foundation Course Question Bank Than Pay Rs 100 Only  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141    Telegram Group    Mumbai Univeersity :-       Suraj Patel Education :-       F.Y.J.C EXAM :-       S.Y.J.C EXAM :-       F.Y EXAM :-       S.Y EXAM :-       T.Y EXAM :-       M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-       M.Com Part 2 EXAM :-       M.A EXAM :-        YouTube Channel     S.Y.B.COM Other Subject MCQ Foundation Course S.Y.Bcom MCQ   Business Economics S.Y.B.Com Students MCQ   Company Law MCQ PDF   COMMERCE S.Y.B.COM MCQ PDF   Management Accounts S.Y.B.COM IMPORTANCES MCQ PDF 

Environmental studies, F.Y.B.COM, Question Bank

F.Y.B.COM Environmental studies MCQ PDF / F.Y.B.COM EVS MCQ

  Environmental studies F.Y.B.COM     1. In which of the following cities for the first time waste removal system was established? (a) Athens (b) Lahore (c) Paris (d) London ANS: A   2. Which of the following solid wastes describe the term ‘Municipal Solid Waste’? (a) Toxic (b) Hazardous (c) Non-toxic (d) Non-hazardous ANS: D   3. Which of the following is done on an individual level? (a) Burning (b) Disposal (c) Source reduction (d) Recycling ANS: C   4. Why is recycled paper banned for use in food containers? (a) Because it requires a lot of space (b) Because it creates contamination (c) Because paper can be used only one time (d) Because paper is very thick and can’t cover the food containers ANS: B   5. The burning of solid waste is not recommended because_________. (a) It causes several environmental issues (b) It is very costly (c) It requires a lot of space (d) It requires modern technologies ANS: A 6. Which of the following methods is better for the solid waste problem? (a) Recycling (b) Land filling (c) Incineration (d) Dumping in ocean ANS: A   7. Which of the following statements is not correct about zero waste management? (a) Separate collection of each kind of waste (b) Segregation of garbage at the source (c) Community involvement (d) Incineration is the best waste disposal method ANS: D   8. Which material includes in Non-biodegradable waste? (a) Synthetic (b) Organic (c) Inorganic (d) Agriculture ANS: A   9. Which of the following state generate highest E-waste in India? (a) Tamil Nadu (b) Maharashtra (c) Gujarat (d) Delhi ANS: B   10. The collection, transport, processing, recycling or disposal of waste material is called_______. (a) Waste Management (b) Water Management (c) Plastic Management (d) E-waste Management ANS: A   11. Which of the following is effective waste management? (a) Biodegradable (b) Disposal (c) Avoidance (d) Reduce ANS: D   12. Name the city of waste disposal site of Gorai, Deonar and Mulund. (a) Mumbai (b) Delhi (c) Chennai (d) Bengalore ANS: A   13. Why it is difficult to recycle plastics? a) It is very hard b) It is comes in different sizes c) It is adhesive d) It contains different types of polymer resins ANS: D   14. Which of the following plans are used as a waste management plan? a) Plan for reuse b) The integrated plan c) Plan for recycling d) Plan for reduction ANS: B   15. The organic material of the solid waste will decomposed _________. a) by the flow of water b) by the soil particles c) by the action of micro organism’s d) by oxidation ANS: C   16. The process of burning Municipal solid waste under suitable temperature and conditions in a specific furnace is called _______. a) Landfill b) Incineration c) Recycling d) Vermicomposting ANS: B   17.Slash and burn agriculture is a ___________. a) Shifting agriculture b) Intensive agriculture c) Commercial agriculture d) Horticulture ANS: A 18.Which one of the following is a Rabi crops? a) Rice b) Wheat c) Bajra d) Jowar ANS: B   19.The largest tea producing state of India is____________. a) Karnataka b) Assam c) Andhra Pradesh d) Arunachal Pradesh ANS: B   20.Land degradation is a global problem largely related to ___________. a) Deforestation b) Agriculture use c) Commercial use d) Medicine use ANS: A   21.The first United Nations conference held on Desertification in ___________. a) 1975 b) 1977 c) 1990 d) 2000 ANS: B   22.Which of the following statement is not correct in regard to uneven food productive globally? a) The method of food production differ around the world b) climate of the area influences what is grown c) The type of food produced depends upon relative availability of land, labour, capital and fossil fuels. d) The agricultural policy by Government are same all over the world ANS: D   23.Rickets is caused due to lack of vitamin a) Vitamin A b) Vitamin B c) Vitamin C d) Vitamin D ANS: D   24.Which is the following major gas caused of air pollution? a) Carbon dioxide b) Sulphur dioxide c) Nitrogen dioxide d) Ozone ANS: A   25.The Decibel is the measuring unit of _________. a) Water pollution b) Noise pollution c) Air pollution d) Land pollution ANS: B   If You Need Most Importance MCQ PDF  Environmental studies Question Bank Than Pay Rs 100 Only  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141  F.Y.B.COM Other Subject MCQ FINANCIAL MANAGMENT  F.Y.B.COM MCQ PDF   BUSINESS COMMUNICATION F.Y.B.COM MCQ PDF   F.Y.B.COM Mathematical and Statistical Techniques MCQ PDF   F.Y.B.Com Commerce MCQ PDF      

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