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M.COM PART 1, Marketing Strategies and Plans, Question Bank


 MARKETING STRATEGIES AND PLANS M.COM PART 1   1. The four unique elements to services include: A.   Independence, intangibility, inventory, and inception B.   Independence, increase, inventory, and intangibility C.   Intangibility, inconsistency, inseparability, and inventory D.   Intangibility, independence, inseparability, and inventory ANS: C   2. The ________ holds that the organization’s task is to determine the needs, wants, and interests of target markets and to deliver the desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than competitors in a way that preserves or enhances the consumer’s and the society’s wellbeing. A.   customer-centered business B.   focused business model C.   societal marketing concept D.   ethically responsible marketing  ANS: C   3. A change in an individual’s behavior prompted by information and experience refers to which one of the following concept? A.   Learning B.   Role selection C.   Perception D.   Motivation  ANS: A   4. Holistic marketers achieve profitable growth by expanding customer share, ________, and capturing customer lifetime value. A.   undermining competitive competencies B.   building customer loyalty C.   milking the market for product desires D.   renewing a customer base ANS: B   5. While buying milk which kind of behaviour is displayed by a person? A.   Extensive problem solving behaviour B.   Routinized buying behaviour C.   Variety seeking behaviour D.   None of the above ANS: B   6. Whether to sell via intermediaries or directly to consumers, how many outlets to sell through, and whether to control or cooperate with other channel members are examples of decisions marketers must make about    A.   Promotion B.   Price C.   Distribution D.   Product  ANS: C     7.Marketing managers should adapt the marketing mix to ___________________ and constantly monitor value changes and differences in both domestic and global markets.  A.   Sales strategies B.   Marketing concepts C.   Cultural values D.   Brand images ANS: C   8. The ________ refers to the various companies that are involved in moving a product from its manufacturer into the hands of its buyer. A.   distribution chain B.   network chain C.   supply chain D.   promotion network ANS:  A   9. ________ is the study of how individuals, groups, and organizations select, buy, use, and dispose of goods, services, ideas, or experiences to satisfy their needs and wants. A.   Target marketing  B.   Psychographic segmentation C.   Product Differentiation D.   Consumer behavior ANS:  D   10. A person’s ________ consist(s) of all the groups that have a direct (face-to-face) or indirect influence on his/her attitudes or behavior.  A.   culture B.   subculture C.   psychographics D.   reference groups E.   demographics ANS: C   11. Product choice is greatly affected by economic circumstances. All of the following would be among those circumstances EXCEPT ________.  A.   spendable income B.   savings and assets C.   debts D.   occupation E.   borrowing power  ANS: D   12. ________ is a set of distinguishing human psychological traits that lead to relatively consistent and enduring responses to environmental stimuli.  A.   Image B.   Personality C.   Beliefs D.   Heredity E.   Culture ANS: B   13. ________ portrays the “whole person” interacting with his or her environment. A.   Attitude B.   Reference group C.   Lifestyle D.   Culture E.   Subculture ANS: C   14. A ________ when it is aroused to a sufficient level of intensity.  A.   need becomes a motive B.   motive becomes a need C.   desire becomes a reality D.   unfulfilled demand becomes a crisis E.   personal demand exceeds the ability to rationally reject ANS: A   15. The five-stage model of the consumer buying process includes all of the following stages EXCEPT ________.  A.   problem recognition B.   information search C.   social interaction D.   purchase decision  ANS: C   16. If performance meets consumer expectations, the consumer is ________. A.   delighted B.   satisfied C.   disappointed D.   surprised. ANS: B   17. Which of the following is the most recent stage of marketing evolution? A.   Marketing department era B.   Production era C.   Sales era D.   Marketing company era ANS:  D   18.Which of the following is NOT included as a basic idea in the definition of marketing concepts? A.   Total company effort B.   Profit C.   Productivity D.   Customer satisfaction ANS: C   19._______________________ is defined as the difference between the benefits a customer sees from a market offering and the costs of obtaining those benefits. A.   Customer value B.   Satisfaction scale C.   Profit margin D.   Competitive benefit ANS:  A   20.Which of the following is NOT included in the marketing management process used by the marketing manager to achieve its objectives? A.   Planning marketing activities B.   Raising funds to finance the marketing projects C.   Controlling marketing plans D.   Directing implementation of the marketing plans ANS: B   21. ____________ is defined as communication with large numbers of customers at the same time. A.   Personal selling B.   Sales promotion C.   Mass selling D.   All of the above ANS: C   22. In a ___________________orientation, the role of marketing research is to determine customer needs and how well the company is satisfying them. A.   Marketing B.   Production C.   Both of the above D.   None of the above ANS: A   23.When a manager focuses on making whatever products are easy to produce, and then trying to sell them, that manager has a ___________________ orientation. A.   Marketing B.   Production C.   Sales D.   Profit ANS:  B   24.In addition to businesses, the marketing concept is also applicable to _____________. A.   Government agencies B.   Religious groups C.   Fine arts organizations D.   All of the above ANS:  D   25. The controllable variables a company puts together to satisfy a target group is called the ____________________. A.   Marketing strategy B.   Marketing mix C.   Strategic planning D.   Marketing concept ANS: B     26. Four competing philosophies strongly influence the role of marketing and marketing activities within an organization. Which if the following is not a component of market orientation? A.   Customer orientation. B.   Profitability orientation. C.   Marketing orientation. D.   Competitor orientation. ANS: B   If You Need Most Importance MCQ PDF ECONOMICS Question Bank Than Pay Rs 100 Only  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141    Telegram Group  Mumbai Univeersity :-   Suraj Patel Education :-   F.Y.J.C EXAM :-

M.COM PART 2, Question Bank, Research Methodology

Research Methodology part 2 mcq pdf | Research Methodology MCQ

Research Methodology MCQ   101. Hypothesis concerned with analytical variable is A. Null Hypothesis B. Casual Hypothesis C. Barren Hypothesis D. Analytical Hypothesis Ans:- D 102. A Hypothesis from which no generalization can be made is A. Null Hypothesis B. Barren Hypothesis C. Descriptive Hypothesis D. Analytical Hypothesis Ans:- B 103. ………….. from theory leads to Hypothesis A. Deduction B. induction C. Logical deduction D. Observation Ans:- C 104. ………….. is a source of Hypothesis A. Intuition B. Knowledge C. Energy D. Survey Ans:- A 105. Hypothesis ……………… Research A. Guide B. Misguide C. Alter D. Change Ans:- A 106. A Hypothesis contributes to the development of …………. A. Theory B. Generalization C. Evolution D. Concept Ans:- A 107. …………. Is a quality of Good Hypothesis A. Small in size B. Conceptual Clarity C. durability D. applicability Ans:- B 108. A Hypothesis must be ……………. A. Diffuse B. Specific C. Slow D. Speedy Ans:- B 109. Hypothesis must have ……………… A. Applicability B. Durability C. Testability D. Measurement Ans:- C 110. Statistical Hypothesis is derived from A. Frame B. Data C. Sample D. Facts Ans:- B 111. The …………. in which researcher is nurtured is a source of Hypothesis A. Caste B. Community C. Culture D. Economy Ans:- C 112. In testing a Hypothesis the common error is A. Type I B. Type I and II C. Type II D. None of these Ans:- B 113. Survey is a ……………. Study A. Descriptive B. Fact finding C. Analytical D. Systematic Ans:- B 114. Survey is always a ………….. study A. Field B. Laboratory C. Office D. Class room Ans:- A 115. In a survey there is an enumerator and a …………………. A. Guide B. Respondent C. Supervisor D. Messenger Ans:- B 116. The first step in a survey is ……………. of a problem A. Application B. Rejection C. Selection D. Planning Ans:- C 117. The first purpose of a survey is to …………….. A. Description B. Evaluation C. Propagation D. Provide Information Ans:- D 118. All surveys are essentially ………. A. Narrative B. Explanatory C. Interdisciplinary D. Communal Ans:- C 119. The chief merit of survey is A. Adaptability B. Sensibility C. Connectivity D. Versatility Ans:- D 120. A survey is limited by the willingness and ……………. of respondent A. Co-operation B. Help C. Access D. Attitude Ans:- A 121. In a survey the number questions is A. Unlimited B. limited C. Both limited and un limited D. None of the above Ans:- B 122. Survey is usually …………. A. Cheap B. Expensive C. Moderate D. None of above Ans:- B 123. The final stage is a survey is ………………. A. Reporting B. Field work C. Assignment D. Calculation Ans:- A 124. Survey is both intensive and …………….. A. Deep B. Wide C. Extensive D. Accurate Ans:- C     1. …………………. Represent common sense ideas A. Statistical Hypothesis B. Complex Hypothesis C. Common sense Hypothesis D. Analytical Hypothesis Ans:- C       If You Need Most Importance MCQ PDF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Question Bank Than Pay Rs 100 Only  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141   JoinTelegram Group  Mumbai Univeersity :-   Suraj Patel Education :-   F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   S.Y.J.C EXAM :-   F.Y EXAM :-   S.Y EXAM :-   T.Y EXAM :-   M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :-     M.A EXAM :-        YouTube Channel     M.COM PART 2 Other Subject MCQ International Marketing   ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR 1) 2) Entrepreneurship 1) 2) Direct Tax 1) 2)      

M.COM PART 1, Question Bank, Strategic Management part 1- strategic management mcq pdf part 1 strategic management mcq pdf     1. company that are likely to threaten a firm’s strategy (A) Strategic surveillance (B) Strategic planning (C) both ‘A’ and ‘B’ (D) None of the above ANS: A       2. Horizontal integration is concerned with (A) Production (B) Quality (C) Product planning (D) All of the above             ANS: A       3. It refers to formal and informal rules, regulations and procedures that complement the company structure (A) Strategy (B) Systems (C) Environment (D) All of the above ANS: B       4. Micro environment is the ………. environment of a company. (A) Working (B) Human (C) External (D) Internal ANS: D    5. Techniques used in environmental appraisal are (A) single-variable extrapolation/multivariable interaction analysis (B) Structured/ unstructured expert/inexpert opinion (C) Dynamic modes and mapping (D) All of the above ANS: D       6. It enables the strategists to take corrective action at the right time (A) Implementation control (B) Special alert control (C) Strategic Surveillance control (D) Premise control ANS: D     7. Like roots of a tree, ________of organization is hidden from direct view. (A) Performance  (B) Strategy (C) Core competence (D) All of the above ANS: C     8. Changes in company ………. also necessitates changes in the systems in various degrees (A) structure  (B) system (C) strategy (D) turnover ANS: B     9. The actual performance deviates positively over the budgeted performance. This is an indication of ……….. performance. (A) superior  (B) inferior (C) constant (D) any of the above ANS: A     10. Criteria for making an evaluation is (are) (A) Consistency with goals  (B) Consistency with environment (C) Money (D) All of the above ANS: D   11.  The ………. of any organization is “the aggregate of all conditions, events and influences that surround and affect it.” (A) system  (B) environment (C) structure (D) strategy ANS: B     12. Strategic management is mainly the responsibility of (A) Lower management (B) Middle management (C) Top management (D) All of the above ANS: C     13. The major issue(s) of appraisal system is (are) (A) Factors of appraisal  (B) Relevance of appraisal (C) Procedure of appraisal (D) All of the above ANS: D     14. They have time based utility (A) Goals  (B) Resources (C) both ‘A’ and ‘B’ (D) None of the above ANS: C     15. Formal systems are adopted to bring ________ & amalgamation of decentralized units into product groups. (A) Manpower  (B) Co-ordination (C) Production (D) All of the above ANS: B     16. Change in company’s ………. gives rise to problems necessitating a new ……… to be made (A) structure, strategy (B) strategy, structure (C) structure, structure (D) strategy, strategy ANS: B       17. Systems are formal and informal rules and regulations that complement the company ……….. (A) strategy (B) structure (C) system (D) environment ANS: B       18. The reasons for acquisition are (A) Increased market power (B) Increased diversification (C) Increased speed to market (D) All of the above ANS: D       19. Market research is conducted by (A) By employees (B) By research agencies (C) By consultants (D) all of the above ANS: D       20. Harvest strategy is used for (A) Dogs (B) Question marks (C) both ‘A’ and ‘B’ (D) none of the above ANS: C       21. These are critical situations that occur unexpectedly and threaten the course of a firm’s strategy (A) Crisis (B) Emergency (C) Shutdown (D) All of the above ANS: A       22. Attack strategies are (A) frontal attack (B) flank attack (C) encirclement attack (D) all of the above ANS: D       23. To find out what an organization’s strategy is, you should a) Read the mission statement b) Look at what the organization actually does c) Read the strategic plan d) Ask the CEO ANS: B     24. Which of the following statements is not true when describing a successful strategy? a) It provides some property that is unique or distinctive b) It provides the means for renewing competitive advantage c) It addresses changes in the external environment  d) It guarantees long term survival ANS: D     25. In the context of strategic management resources can be defined as  a) The knowledge and skills within the organization b) Something that an organization owns or controls that cannot be copied c) Something that an organization owns, controls or has access to on a semi-permanent basis d) The physical assets of the organization ANS: C   If You Need Most Importance MCQ PDF ECONOMICS Question Bank Than Pay Rs 100 Only  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141  Telegram Group  Mumbai Univeersity :-   Suraj Patel Education :-   F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   S.Y.J.C EXAM :-   F.Y EXAM :-   S.Y EXAM :-   T.Y EXAM :-   M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :-       M.A EXAM :-        YouTube Channel  

F.Y.B.COM, Foundation Course, Question Bank

F.Y.B.Com Foundation Course MCQ PDF / Foundation Course Foundation Course

  F.Y.B.Com Foundation Course     1. The transfer of control of ownership from the public sector to the private sector is called as __________. a. Liberalisation b. Privatisation c. Globalisation d. Industrialisation ANS: B   2. The term __________ refers to the integration of the economy of the nation with the world economy; it is a multifaceted aspect. a. Liberalisation b. Privatisation c. Globalisation d. Disinvestment ANS: C     3. The New Economic Policy was announced on 24th July 1991 by the then Finance Minister of India ________________. a. P. Chidambaram b. Manmohan Singh c. Arun Jaitley d. Pranab Mukherjee ANS: B     4. The main reason behind MNCs investments is ______________. a. to provide employment b. to provide financial support to the country’s government c. for the welfare of underprivileged people d. to increase the assets and earn profits ANS: D   5. _______________ is the Largest IT company in India in terms of Revenue. a. Tata Consultancy Service b. Infosys c. Wipro d. HCL Technologies ANS: A   6. ______________ is NOT an advantage of ICT sector growth in India. a. Better communication b. Cost effectiveness c. 24 x 7 operations d. Cyber crime ANS: D   7. ________ is a set of satellite and control system that determine its location anywhere on the Earth, 24 hours a day. a. GIS b. WWW c. GPS d. Gmail ANS: C   8. The internet has made the whole world a _______________. a. Global Company b. International Company c. International Company d. Global Village ANS: D   9. Human ___________ involves the movement of people from one place to another with intentions of settling, permanently or temporarily, at a new location (geographic region). a. Development b. Psychology c. Migration d. Rights ANS: C   10. When people migrate due to drought, flood, war, famine and other adverse conditions it is known as _______________. a. Forced migration b. Impelled migration c. Long-term migration d. Short-term migration ANS: A   11. After 1991, the employment in the public sector has ____________. a. Increased b. Decreased c. Not changed d. Become zero ANS: B   12. ___________ is NOT an impact of migration on Countries of origin. a. Improvement in the lifestyle b. Increasing consumerism c. Brain gain d. Decrease in population pressure ANS: C   13. The majority of Indian population is engaged in the ______________ sector. a. Agriculture b. Industry c. Service d. Healthcare ANS: A   14. The ____________ revolution was responsible for substantial increase in food grain production in India. a. White b. Blue c. Green d. Yellow ANS: C   15. ____________ is NOT true as per the WTO’s Agreement on Agriculture. a. Tariff reduction b. Increase in market access c. Reduction in export subsidies d. Increase in domestic subsidies ANS: D   16. ____________ is NOT a cause of farmers’ suicide in Maharashtra. a. Crop failure b. Increasing cost of production c. Debt trap d. Remunerative prices of crops ANS: D   17. Human Rights have ___________ application. a. Social b. Universal c. Economical d. Political ANS: B   18. The General Assembly adopted the UDHR on ___________, at Paris. a. 10th December, 1948 b. 12th December, 1948 c. 10th December, 1950 d. 12th December, 1950 ANS: A   19. The Right to Freedom is enumerated in the Article __________ of Indian Constitution. a. 17 b. 18 c. 19 d. 16 ANS: C   20. Human Rights are derived from the principle of ___________ law. a. Government b. Natural c. Judicial d. Human ANS: B   21. According to _______________, “Human rights are those conditions of social life without which no man can seek in general to be himself at his best.” a. United Nations b. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar c. Prof. Harold Laski d. Cultural dictionary ANS: C   22. The Constitution of India provides ____________ fundamental rights to citizens. a. Five b. Six c. Seven d. Eight ANS: B   23. The __________________ guaranteed civil and legal rights to the English barons in 1215. a. Magna Carta b. Petition of Rights c. Social Contract d. General Will ANS: A   24. The objective or Right to Freedom of Religion is to sustain the principle of ____________ in India. a. Communalism b. Regionalism c. Secularism d. Casteism ANS: C   25. The ____________ of the Constitution of India provides for equality before the law or equal protection of the laws within the territory of India. a. Article 14 b. Article 16 c. Article 18 d. Article 23 ANS: A   If You Need Most Importance MCQ PDF ECONOMICS Question Bank Than Pay Rs 100 Only  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141  Join Telegram Group  Mumbai Univeersity :-   Suraj Patel Education :-   F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   S.Y.J.C EXAM :-   F.Y EXAM :-   S.Y EXAM :-   T.Y EXAM :-   M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :-       M.A EXAM :-        YouTube Channel       F.Y.B.COM Other Subject MCQ FINANCIAL MANAGMENT  F.Y.B.COM MCQ PDF   BUSINESS COMMUNICATION F.Y.B.COM MCQ PDF   F.Y.B.COM Mathematical and Statistical Techniques MCQ PDF   F.Y.B.Com Commerce MCQ PDF    F.Y.B.COM BUSINESS ECONOMICS F.Y.B.COM EVS

Accounts, Cost Accounting, Question Bank, T.Y.B.COM

Mumbai University T.Y.B. Com Cost Accounting MCQ PDF / T.Y.B. Com Cost Accounting MCQ

  T.Y.B.COM Other Subject MCQ Financial Accounting   Marketing Research   Human resource management   Cost Accounting   Business Economics   commerce   1. According to ICMA London, _______costing is “that form of specific order costing, which applies where work is undertaken to customers’ special requirements.” a. Job b. Batch c. Process d. Standard ANS: A   2. A method of costing applied where costs are collected and accumulated for each work order a. Process costing b. Contract costing c. Operating costing d. Job costing ANS: D   3. Which of the following statements is not true about job costing? a. Production always against customers’ orders b. Cost of each job ascertained separately c. Job is of equal or longer duration compared to contracts d. Job work is labour intensive ANS: C   4. Which is a method of specific order costing? a. Job costing b. Process costing c. Output costing d. Service costing ANS: A   5. The process of ascertaining cost after incurring expenses is called a. Marginal costing b. Historical costing c. Absorption costing d. Standard costing ANS: B   6. Which technique of costing uses analysis of variances is a popular method for cost control? a. Absorption costing b. Marginal costing c. Uniform costing d. Standard costing ANS: D   7. _____ is the practice of charging all direct costs to operations, processes or products and writing off all indirect costs to Profit and Loss account. a. Direct costing b. Absorption costing c. Marginal costing d. Historical costing ANS: A   8. The processes of charging both fixed and variable to operations, processes or products is called _____ a. Marginal costing b. Historical costing c. Absorption costing d. Standard costing ANS: C   9. Which technique of costing differentiates between fixed and variable cost to analyse effect of changes in volume or type of output on profit? a. Marginal costing b. Historical costing c. Absorption costing d. Standard costing ANS: A   10. For recording the cost of each job, a job _____ is prepared. a. Profit & loss a/c b. Cost sheet c. Reconciliation statement d. None of the above ANS: B   11. What should be the price chargeable to a job if total cost incurred is Rs. 4830 and profit is 25% on sales? a. 1610 b. 1208 c. 1200 d. 1630 ANS: A   12. A factory uses job costing. Given details obtained from its books: Direct materials Rs.90000, Direct wages – Rs.75000, Selling OH – Rs.52500, Administration OH – Rs.42000, Factory OH – Rs.45000 & Profit – Rs. 60900. Calculate cost of production. a. Rs. 2,17,500 b. Rs. 2,07,000 c. Rs. 2,52,000 d. Rs. 2,10,000 ANS: C   13. The method of costing applied in special ship building is a. Batch costing b. Job costing c. Process costing d. None of the above ANS: B   14. Job costing is a. Method of costing b. Technique of costing c. Cost control technique d. Cost estimation ANS: A   15. Which of the following considers an ‘economic quantity’ for the purpose of cost reduction? a. Job costing b. Process costing c. Batch costing d. Contract costing ANS: C   16. The method of costing applied in cycle part manufacturing is a. Batch costing b. Job costing c. Process costing d. None of the above ANS: A   17. The method of costing applied in a lathe is a. Batch costing b. Job costing c. Process costing d. None of the above ANS: B   18. Production order with respect to a job is issued by _______ department. a. Production b. Production Planning c. Purchase d. Sales ANS: B   19. Scope of specific order costing is very wide and includes a. Job, Batch and contract costing b. Process , Contract and unit costing c. Batch , Job and process costing d. Unit , service and transport costing ANS: A   20. Economic batch quantity is used in batch costing to a. Meet specific customer requirements b. Produce at the least possible cost c. In order to ensure stock in anticipation of demand d. None of these ANS: B   21. For identification, each job or work order received from a customer is allotted a a. Production order b. Batch number c. Job number d. Code number ANS: C   22. The method of costing used to ascertain the cost of customer specific jobs is a. Job costing b. Batch costing c. Contract costing d. Process costing ANS: A   23. On completion of a job, a job completion report is sent to a. Cost accounting department b. Storekeeper c. Customer d. Production department ANS: A   24. ______ is the authorization to start work on a job. a. Production order b. Requisition sheet c. Invoice d. Job cost sheet ANS: A   25. In job costing, the basic document to accumulate and ascertain the cost of each order is a. Purchase order b. Requisition sheet c. Invoice d. Job cost sheet ANS:   If You Need Most Importance MCQ PDF Cost Accounting Question Bank Than Pay Rs 100 Only  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141  Telegram Group  Mumbai Univeersity :-   Suraj Patel Education :-   F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   S.Y.J.C EXAM :-   F.Y EXAM :-   S.Y EXAM :-   T.Y EXAM :-   M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :-       M.A EXAM :-        YouTube Channel    

Advertising, Question Bank, S.Y.B.COM


  S.Y.B.COM ADVERTISING MOST IMP EXAM MCQ   1. ——— ads have audio visual impact. a) Newspaper b) Radio c) Television d) Magazine ANS: C   2. ——– ads have audio impact. a) Newspaper b) Radio c) Television d) Outdoor ANS: B   3. ——- advertising has short life. a) Radio b) Outdoor c) Magazine d) Newspaper ANS: A   4. Product demonstrations can be effectively shown in —– — advertising. a) Television b) Magazine c) Radio d) Outdoor ANS: A   5. ——— advertising provides reference value. a) Television b) Newspaper c) Radio d) Outdoor ANS: B   6. ——– advertising is best suited for local retailers. a) Newspaper b) Outdoor c) Magazine d) Television ANS: B   7. Window display is a form of ——– advertising. a) Radio b) Newspaper c) Online d) Point –of –purchase ANS: D   8. Pop-up windows are a form of ——- advertising. a) Internet b) out-of home c) Television d) Radio ANS: A   9. Advertising through SMS and MMS is a form of ——– advertising. a) Radio b) Outdoor c) Digital d) Newspaper ANS: C   10. ——— advertising has a longer life. a) TV b) Radio c) Magazine d) Newspaper ANS: C   11. ——– can provide media support with current events. a) Magazines b) Trade journals c) Newspaper d) Radio ANS: B   12. ———- provide interactive facility. a) Hoardings b) Internet c) Magazines d) TV ANS: B   13. ———- is the fastest growing advertising medium. a) Internet b) Newspaper c) Magazine d) Television ANS: A   14. ——— is a form of new age medium. a) Internet b) Newspaper c) Outdoor d) Magazines. ANS: A   15. ———– certifies and audits the circulation of major publications. a) ABC b) INS c) DD d) ASCI ANS: A   16. ———— are periodic publications. a) Newspapers b) Posters c) Magazines d) Banners ANS: C   17. Govt. of India started operating of radio broadcasting in ———-. a) 1930 b) 1940 c) 1955 d) 1925 ANS: A   18. The first TV commercial was transmitted in India on ————. a) 1st January 1967 b) 1ST January 1976 c) 1st January 1985 d) 1ST January 1996 ANS: B   19. ———— refers to advertising at cinema theatres. a) Radio advertising b) TV advertising c) Cinema advertising d) Internet advertising ANS: C   20. ———— also refers to online advertising and web advertising. a) Internet advertising b) Poster advertising c) Radio advertising d) Outdoor advertising ANS: A   21. Under ———— media scheduling strategy, advertiser start on a lower scale and gradually increase as the season peaks. a) Teaser-step-up b) Teaser –step-down c) Steady d) Pulsing ANS: A   22. ——— means planning the advertising expenditure. a) DAGMAR b) Media planning c) Bursting d) Advertising budget ANS: D   23. ——– method provides a logical basis for deciding ad budget. a) Competitors’ parity b) Task c) Percentage of sales d) Arbitrary ANS: B   24. ——– is a subjective method of setting ad budget. a) Arbitrary b) Task c) Competitor’s parity d) Market share ANS: A   25. ——— method is a fixed guideline method of setting ad budget. a) Task b) All you can afford c) Arbitrary d) Competitor’s parity ANS: D   If You Need Most Importance MCQ PDF ECONOMICS Question Bank Than Pay Rs 100 Only  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141  Telegram Group  Mumbai Univeersity :-   Suraj Patel Education :-   F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   S.Y.J.C EXAM :-   F.Y EXAM :-   S.Y EXAM :-   T.Y EXAM :-   M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :-       M.A EXAM :-        YouTube Channel     S.Y.B.COM Other Subject MCQ Foundation Course S.Y.Bcom MCQ   Business Economics S.Y.B.Com Students MCQ   Company Law MCQ PDF   COMMERCE S.Y.B.COM MCQ PDF   Management Accounts S.Y.B.COM IMPORTANCES MCQ PDF   

COMMERCE, F.Y.B.COM, Question Bank

COMMERCE F.Y.B.COM MCQ PDF , sem 2 commerce mcq pdf

  SUBJECT- COMMERCE  (F.Y.B.COM)     1. India’s service sector contributes to about ————percent of the country’s GDP. a) 35% b) 60% c) 80% d) 55% ANS: B   2. India’s service sector contributes to about ————percent of the total employment. a) 35% b) 50% c) 70% d) 65% ANS: A   3. ———— is an act or performance offered by one party to another. a) Goods b) service c) Ideas d) Material ANS: B   4. Services are generally ———- in nature. a) Tangible b) intangible c) demonstrable d) non demonstrable ANS: B   5. Services are produces and consumed ————. a) Simultaneously b) different times c) at all times d) at alternate time. ANS: A   6. ———– services top the service export in India a) Business b) software c) financial d) Accounting ANS: B   7. Service sector provides revenue to the government in the form of ————–. a) Excise duty b) custom duty c) service tax d) Income tax ANS: C   8. In India, the current rate of service tax is ——— on gross value of the service. a) 15% b) 12.36% c) 17.75% d) 18.60% ANS: B   9. When customer expectations from a service are met, it leads to customer ————. a) Satisfaction b) dissatisfaction c) delight d) negligence ANS: A   10. The highest level of expectations that customer have about a service is termed as ———– service a) Desired b) adequate c) optimum d) minimum ANS: A   11. ———- service refers to bottom level of performance acceptable to customers. a) Inadequate b) adequate c) desired d) optimum ANS: B   12. If service performance is within the zone of tolerance, customers are likely to be— a) Delight b) dissatisfied c) satisfied d) neglected ANS: C   13. ———– refers to how a service product is delivered to the customers. a) People b) process c) Physical evidence d) place ANS: B   14. ———– an element of marketing mix bring operating revenues to the organisation. a) Price b) place c) packaging d) Physical evidence ANS: A   15. ———— provides cues about service quality. a) Product b) Physical evidence c) Promotion d) Pace ANS: B   16. ————- is the first steps in any new service development process. a) Concept testing b) Screening ideas c) Idea generation d) concept modification ANS: C   17. Cost- benefit analysis is undertaken in ————- step of new service development process. a) Business analysis b) market testing c) concept testing d) concept analysis ANS: A   18. The service providers face the challenges of ————. a) Tangibility b) Intangibility c) Serviceability d) Delivery ANS: B   19. ———– cannot be separated from the service provider. a) Goods b) Services c) raw materials d) Machinery ANS: B   20. Services are highly ———–. a) Durable b) perishable c) non perishable d) storable ANS: B   21. At present, FDI is allowed up to ——— percent in single-brand retail trade. a) 100 b) 51 c) 75 d) 65 ANS: A   22. At present, FDI is allowed up to ——— percent in multi brand retail trade. a) 100 b) 51 c) 75 d) 65 ANS: B   23. ——— is an example of non store retailing. a) Electronic retailing b) Franchise store c) Departmental store d) Super market ANS: A   24. Kirana store is an example of ———. a) Unorganised retailer b) organised retailer c) Electronic retailing d) Departmental store ANS: A   25. ———– is an example of hyper markets. a) Big Bazaar b) Departmental store c) Convenience store d) Discount store ANS: A If You Need Most Importance MCQ PDF ECONOMICS Question Bank Than Pay Rs 100 Only  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141  Join Telegram Group  Mumbai Univeersity :-   Suraj Patel Education :-   F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   S.Y.J.C EXAM :-   F.Y EXAM :-   S.Y EXAM :-   T.Y EXAM :-   M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :-       M.A EXAM :-        YouTube Channel       F.Y.B.COM Other Subject MCQ FINANCIAL MANAGMENT  F.Y.B.COM MCQ PDF   BUSINESS COMMUNICATION F.Y.B.COM MCQ PDF   F.Y.B.COM Mathematical and Statistical Techniques MCQ PDF   F.Y.B.Com Commerce MCQ PDF    F.Y.B.COM BUSINESS ECONOMICS F.Y.B.COM EVS

Exam Update News, Mumbai University

T.Y.B.Com/ T.Y.B.A/T.Y.B.SC/M.Com/M.Sc/ M.A Exam Date Announced

  UNIVERSITY OF MUMBAI  INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE AND OPEN LEARNING (IDOL)  Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma Bhavan,Vidyanagari, Santacruz (E), Mumbai – 400 098.  DATE OF COMMENCEMENT OF ONLINE EXAMINATION FOR FIRST HALF OF 2021 SUMMER SESSION FOR ANNUAL PATTERN  (Post Graduate Programs )     The dates of examination mention above are for those Students who had taken admission between September to December 2020 and old & repeater students who had filled the examination forms to appear the first half(April/May) examination -2021   IDOL will conduct the examination for all above courses through online as per the University .Circular.  Exam Timetable will declare very soon on our website: learning/  Hall Tickets will be made available in the student’s login four days before the respective Exams.  IDOL will conduct the Online Mock test for all the Exams, three days before the respective Exams. Mock test is compulsory.        If you want more articles related this article so please click this link  1) 2) 3) 4)   Credit by : Mumbai University  This Article Use For Education Purpose  (Mumbai university website link in below)   Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- Suraj Patel Education :- F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   S.Y.J.C EXAM :- F.Y EXAM :- S.Y EXAM :- T.Y EXAM :- M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- M.A EXAM :-    YouTube Channel  

Business Economics, F.Y.B.COM, Question Bank


  FYBCOM – BUSINESS ECONOMICS MCQ QUESTION BANK FOR PRACTICE   1……… characteristic of perfect competition. A. Single seller B. Selling cost C. Kinked demand curve D. Perfect information ANS:  D     2. Under perfect competition firm is———— A. Price maker B. Price taker C. Product differentiated D. Price rigidity ANS:  B     3. A monopoly producer usually earns ——– A. Super normal profit B. Neither profit nor loss C. Only normal profit D. Profit and loss which are uncertain ANS:  A     4. Under perfect competition firm demand curve is ——– A. Vertical B. Horizontal C. Upward D. Downward ANS:  B     5. The following industry often is a monopoly———– A. Cigarette industry B. Publishing industry C. Drug industry D. Electric power industry ANS:  D     6. Under monopoly the slope of AR curve is ———— A. Upward sloping B. Downward sloping C. Horizontal sloping D. Verticalsloping ANS:  B     7. Copyright related to———————- monopoly A. Natural monopoly B. Legal monopoly C. Technology monopoly D. Control over resources monopoly ANS:  B       8. Firms in monopolistic competition make products that are…….. A. Close but not perfect substitute B. Perfect substitute C. Close but not perfect complements D. Perfect complements ANS:  A     9. Price rigidity is a characteristic of ——— A. Monopoly B. Perfect competition C. Monopolistic competition D. Oligopoly ANS:  D     10. In oligopolistic markets ……………. A. There are many firms B. There are a only few firms C. There are no barriers to entry D. All firms are price takers ANS:  B     11. Game theory proves most useful for analyzing — A. Monopoly B. Perfect competition C. Monopolistic competition D. Oligopoly ANS:  D       12. Kinked demand curve is associated with ————- A. Cournot B. Chamberlin C. Edgeworth D. Sweezy ANS:  D     13. A monopolistic firm will expand its output when ———— A. MR >MC B. MC > MR C. MC = MR D. MR is negative ANS:  A     14. Upper portion of the kinked demand curve is relatively ————- A. More inelastic B. More elastic C. Less elastic D. Less inelastic ANS:  B     15. Selling costs have to be incurred in case of————- A. Oligopoly B. Monopolistic competition C. Monopoly D. Duopoly ANS:  B     16. Supernormal profit means……. A. TR = TC B.TR>TC C.TR<TC D. TC > AC  ANS: B      17. The refrigerator industry is an example of ————– A. Perfect competition B. Monopoly C. Oligopoly D. Monopolistic competition  ANS: C    18. The monopolistic firm sale 100 unit of output at a price Rs. 10 per unit, total  cost of production 100 units is Rs.1200 . What is loss of firm? A. 300 B. 200 C. 100 D. 400  ANS: B      19. Which of the following characteristics is always present in an oligopolistic industry? A. Non price competition B. Collusion C. Price stability D. Interdependence between firms  ANS: D      20. Under oligopoly market if one firm reduces the price of product then other firm also —– A. Increase price B. Reduce price C. Stay original price D. Regular  ANS: B     21. Cost plus pricing is also called——– A. Transfer pricing B. Marginal cost pricing C. Full cost pricing D. Average cost pricing ANS:  C     22. Marginal cost pricing generally followed by……… A. Private enterprises B. Small and medium enterprises C. Public sector enterprises D. Large Private MNCs ANS:  C     23 .Which pricing strategy uses various class distinctions? A. Marginal cost pricing B. Price discrimination C. Product line pricing D. Mark-up pricing ANS:  C     24. Marginal cost pricing may be charged for which of the following reasons? A. Maximizing profit B. To control monopoly C. Minimizing losses D. Prevent shut down of the firm ANS:  B     25. While determining the full cost price, the firm uses ——— A. Fully allocated average cost B. only AVC C. Only overhead cost D. Marginal cost ANS:  A   If You Need Most Importance MCQ PDF ECONOMICS Question Bank Than Pay Rs 100 Only  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141  Join Telegram Group  Mumbai Univeersity :-   Suraj Patel Education :-   F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   S.Y.J.C EXAM :-   F.Y EXAM :-   S.Y EXAM :-   T.Y EXAM :-   M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :-       M.A EXAM :-        YouTube Channel       F.Y.B.COM Other Subject MCQ FINANCIAL MANAGMENT  F.Y.B.COM MCQ PDF   BUSINESS COMMUNICATION F.Y.B.COM MCQ PDF   F.Y.B.COM Mathematical and Statistical Techniques MCQ PDF   F.Y.B.Com Commerce MCQ PDF    

Business Economics, Question Bank, S.Y.B.COM

S.Y.B.COM Business Economics MCQ PDF , Business Economics S.Y.B.COM MCQ PDF

  S.Y.B.COM Business Economics BEST MCQ     Q. 1 Public finance is the _________________ a) Social Science b) Fiscal Science c) Government Science d) Political Science ANS: B   Q.2 ________ is the study of the role of the government in the economy.  a) Public Revenue  b) Public Expenditure  c) Public Finance  d) Public Investment ANS: C   Q.3 Public Finance does not include__________  a) Public Revenue  b) Public debt  c) Public expenditure  d) Private savings ANS: D   Q.4 Who deals with income and expenditure of public authorities?  a) Public finance  b) Private finance  c) Local government  d) Entrepreneurs ANS: A   Q.5 Public finance deals with which of the following aspect of government?  a) Social  b) Political  c) Financial  d) Human ANS: C   Q.6 _____ is concerned with the division of income and wealth among its people in a society.  a) Allocation function  b) Growth function  c) Stabilization function  d) Distribution function ANS: D   Q.7 Social advantage is maximum when_______________  a) Total social benefits are equal to total social sacrifice  b) Total social benefits equal to marginal social sacrifice  c) Marginal social benefits equals to marginal social sacrifice  d) Marginal social benefits minus marginal social sacrifice ANS: C   Q.8 The principle of maximum social advantage is associated with_________  a) Prof. Dalton  b) Hicks  c) Pigou  d) Keynes ANS: A   Q.9 Who has used the term ‘the maximum welfare’ instead of “maximum social advantage”.  a) Prof. Dalton  b) Prof. Keynes  c) David Ricardo  d) Prof. Musgrave ANS: D   Q.10 Which is the measurement of social advantage?  a) Provision for posterity  b) Improvement of labour productivity  c) Economic stability  d) Public expenditure ANS: D   Q.11 The size of the budget is less than the optimum, when__________  a) Marginal Social Benefit > Marginal Social Sacrifice  b) Marginal Social Benefit < Marginal Social Sacrifice  c) Marginal Social Benefit = Marginal Social Sacrifice  d) Marginal Social Benefit ≠ Marginal Social Sacrifice ANS: B   Q.12 Public expenditure is subject to diminishing ________  a) Marginal Social Sacrifice b) Marginal Social Benefit  c) Marginal Social Investment  d) Marginal Social Savings ANS: B   Q.13 Taxes are subject to increasing __________  a) Marginal Social Sacrifice  b) Marginal Social Benefit  c) Marginal Social Revenue  d) Marginal Social Expenditure ANS: A   Q.14 Tests of maximum social advantage have been suggested by ________  a) Pigou  b) Musgrave  c) Dalton  d) Adam Smith ANS: C   Q.15 According to the Principle of Maximum Social Advantage, Public Expenditure is subject to __________  a) Diminishing Marginal Returns  b) Diminishing Marginal Productivity  c) Diminishing Marginal Utility  d) Increasing Marginal Utility ANS: C   Q.16 PPP- curve is illustrated to explain_____________  a) Economic efficiency  b) Government role  c) Government policy  d) Government Revenue ANS: A   Q. 17 Public goods are _________ in consumption  a) Exclusionary  b) Non-exclusionary  c) Rivalry  d) Monopoly goods ANS: B   Q.18 Following is not the cause of market failure__________  a) Public goods  b) Natural monopoly  c) Externalities  d) Profit ratio ANS: D   Q.19 Production possibility curve is also referred as ___________  a) Production- possibility frontier  b) Consumer curve  c) Producer curve  d) Demand curve ANS: A   Q.20 ________ introduced the concept of production possibility curve  a) Prof. Alfred Marshall  b) Prof. Paul Samuelson  c) Prof. Baumol  d) Prof. Peter Drucker ANS: B   Q.21 Which of the following is a characteristic of a direct tax? a) The impact and incidence are on the same person b) Incidence may be shifted c) Greater burden on the poor than the rich d) Major source of revenue in a developing country ANS: A   Q.22 Which of the following is not a part of administrative revenues? a) Fees b) Fines and penalties c) Special assessment d) Surpluses of public enterprises ANS: D   Q.23 _______ is not the characteristic of tax a) Compulsory payment b) Levied on commodity/income c) Involves sacrifice d) Quid-pro-quo ANS: D   Q.24 ________ is an example of administrative non-tax revenue. a) Grants b) Gifts c) Fees d) Profits from public enterprises ANS: C   Q.25 Special assessment is also known as___________ a) VAT b) Tax revenue c) Betterment levy d) Indirect burden ANS: C   If You Need Most Importance MCQ PDF ECONOMICS Question Bank Than Pay Rs 100 Only  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141  Telegram Group  Mumbai Univeersity :-   Suraj Patel Education :-   F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   S.Y.J.C EXAM :-   F.Y EXAM :-   S.Y EXAM :-   T.Y EXAM :-   M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :-       M.A EXAM :-        YouTube Channel     S.Y.B.COM Other Subject MCQ Foundation Course S.Y.Bcom MCQ   Business Economics S.Y.B.Com Students MCQ   Company Law MCQ PDF   COMMERCE S.Y.B.COM MCQ PDF   Management Accounts S.Y.B.COM IMPORTANCES MCQ PDF     

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