M.com Part 1 E commerce important questions unit wise

M.com Part 1 (Semester 2)


Most Important Question Bank for Current Exam

Q.18. Discuss
the benefits of E-Enterprise.

ANS: E-Enterprise is the conduct of business processes on the
internet. These electronic business processes include buying and selling
products, supplies and services, serving customers, processing payment,
managing production control, collaborating with business partners, sharing information,
running automated employee services, recruiting etc. The benefits or advantages
of E-enterprise is as follows :-

1. Provides
Flexibility :-

E-enterprise interact
with more customer, can entail more, and can offer an innovative experience
through website. It offers a platform for organizations to interact with the
customers in a creative way and provides flexibility to realise creativity
along with Global Director E-enterpriseOnline Marketplaces Third Party
e-Retailers Direct Sales & Affiliates Digital Marketing Cooperative Online
Marketing Product Data Management Data Distribution infrastructure that decides
the scope. The restructuring of organizational processes and functions are much
easier and they contribute to better utilization of resources and assets. In
this age of information explosion, e-enterprise offers a platform for
information utilization and allow building an edge through creative use of
information. It comes in various ways such as outsourcing, off shoring, and
integrating various business components.

2. No need for
physical preserence :-

Business are no
longer dependent on physical reach because most of them have expanded through
the internet. This has increased the visibility of the companies. Increased connectivity
has enhanced responsiveness mainfold. Introduction of new service have changed
their management and treatment in marketplace.

3. Cost
Reduction :-

E-enterprise reduces
the cost information collection, inforamtion stortage and information analysis.
Most importantly, it reduces the communcation costs.

4. Transparency

In e-enterprise,
marekets, prices, transaction, and cost become more and more transparent. This
transparency leads to more efficient markets. Cost transparency refers to the
ability of the customer to determine that actual costs.

Personalization :-

Another importanta
aspect of e-enterprise is personalization. E-enterprise allows one to have
targeted marketing message and even customers can select their messages of
interest. They can keep their transactions listed and merchants can give personalized
service as e-business allows very easy information handling.

6. End-to-end
information flows :-

transforms business relationship traditionally working in hierachy and many
indirect connections. The old indirect connectivity and hierachy was responsible
for the market inefficiencies and loss of information. Eenterprise with
end-to-end relationship empowers efficient information flow. This allows
customer demands at different levels being addressed more efficiently.

7. Integrated
solution :-

E-enterprise even
helps in managing the chain of networks linking customers, workers, suppliers,
distributors, and even competitors within an integrated or extended supply
chain management solution. Supply chain management(SCM) is defined as the
management of supply-related functions and activities, that is,materials,
information, and finance as they move from source to destinationm that is, form
the supplier to manufacturer to wholesaler to retailer and, finally, to
consumer. It involoves the coordination and integration of parties involved in
it and flows both within and among companies.

8. Saves time :-

One of the major
driving forces behind implementation of e-business is that is saves time. The
savings in time takes place on different fronts. The customer saves time because
he/she can perform different transactions at any time and at any place. The
turnaround time for transactions is reduced to a great extent. Overall
connectivity empowers the organization to deliver an efficient service. Time is
also saved in other transactions, information transefers, and ultimately
helping in decision making.

9. Improved
communication with customers and suppliers :-

The communication and
interaction of customers with suppliers has become easier. Finacial
transactions have become efficient and that allows both customers and suppliers
to concentrate on other fronts. Electronic communication makes overall
communication efficient.

10. Online
publishing :-

Text, graphics, and
multimedia files are used in web-based documents for web publishing. The
examples of webpublishing include various e-magazines, web based newspapers,
and e-books that are published on website. Other materials used for promotional
purpose and published on websites also come under web publishing. Low-cost
univesal access, the independence of time and place, and ease of distribution
are some of the advantage of online publishing. There are mangement issues and
public policy issues that need to be considered before online purchasing. The measurement
and profitability related issues come under management issues , while
copyright, censorship related issues, and legal aspects come under public
policy related issues. Online publishing uses both business-to-business (B2B)
and business-toconsumers(B2C).


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