YOUETUB: SURAJ PATEL EDUCATION S.Y.B.COM COMMERCE IMPORTANCE MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION 1. ______organisation is referred as scalar organisation. a. Matrix b. line c. line & staff d. unmatrix ANS: B 2. The line organisation is suitable for ______organisation. a. Large b. Medium c. Small d. Big ANS: C 3. There is lack of ______in line organisation. a. Decision making b. command c. supervise d. specialization ANS: D 4. In line & staff organisation, the staff executive are the______. a. Doers b. decision makers c. advisors d. controller ANS: D 5. Matrix organisation was first established in _____in the aerospace industry. a. India b. China c. USA d. Russia ANS: C 6. ______refers to the number of subordinates that can be managed effectively by one superior. a. Unity of command b. management by objective c. span of control d. discipline ANS: A 7. Span of control has application. a. Limited b. narrow c. broad d. universal ANS: D 8. ______is a process of grouping of jobs, processes into logical units to perform some organisational task. a. delegation of authority b. decentralisation c. centralisation d. depart mentation ANS: D 9. Departmentation by ______is one of the bases whereby the organisation divided the organisation into different units based on geographical zones. a. Time b. money c. customer d. area ANS: D 10. The process of delegation continues if the subordinates______ the delegated authority. a. Accept b. reject c. ignore d. surrender ANS: A 11. _______takes place between the superior & subordinate. a. Decentralisation of authority b. departmentation c. delegation of authority d. discipline ANS: C 12. ______relations with the superior could be one of the reasons for non-acceptance of authority by the subordinate. a. cordial b. friendly c. unfriendly d. hostile ANS: D 13. Project organisations adopt the basis of _______departmentation. a. Product b. price c. process d. taskforce ANS: D 14. ______refers to dispersal of authority throughout the organisation. a. Decentralisation b. centralisation c. delegation d. discipline ANS: A 15. In _______organisation there are many levels of management. a. Tall b. flat c. small d. medium ANS: A 16. ______style of leadership aims at creating family atmosphere within the organisation a. Autocratic b. consultative c. paternalistic d. monastic ANS: C 17. Professional managers adopt ______style of leadership. a. Sociocratic b. consultative c. situational d. autocratic ANS: C 18. _______is the sum total of physical, mental & social qualities. a. Initiative b. intelligence c. personality d. motivation ANS: C 19. ______refers to interpersonal skills. a. Administrative b. conceptual c. human d. machine ANS: C 20. ______is a process of monitoring actual performance & taking corrective measures, if there are deviations. a. Planning b. organisation c. controlling d. directing ANS: C 21. ______control system enables managers to focus their attention on significant deviations. a. Critical Point b. Flexible c. control by exception d. motivation ANS: C 22. ______is a statement of anticipated results. a. Schedule b. table c. MBO d. Budget ANS: D 23. ______technique helps to expedite highly complex projects a. CPM b. MBO c. MBE d. PERT ANS: D 24. ______technique is based on a single time estimate for completion of activities. a. PERT b. CPM c. MBO d. MRS ANS: B 25. ______Refers to the systematic evaluation of the functioning, performing & effectiveness of management. a. HRA b. MBO c. Management Audit d. 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