S.Y.B.COM SUBJECT – ADVERTISING 25. ——— method is a fixed guideline method of setting ad budget. a) Task b) All you can afford c) Arbitrary d) Competitor’s parity ANS: D 26. ——– refers to the process of selecting media mix for advertising the product. a) Media scheduling b) Media selling c) Media planning d) Media buying ANS: C 27. ——– refers to no. of times the target audience is exposed to a message during a selected period of time. a) Frequency b) Reach c) Continuity d) Gross Rating points ANS: A 28. ——– refers to the process of choosing the media for ad purpose. a) Media selling b) Media planning c) Media scheduling d) Media selection ANS: D 29. Under ——- media scheduling strategy, heavy advertising is undertaken followed by limited advertising and again heavy advertising. a) Bursting b) Flighting c) Pulsing d) Steady ANS: C 30. ——— is a media objective. a) Reach b) Frequency c) GRPs d) media objectivity ANS: A 31. Ad campaign has ———- theme. a) Multiple b) Single c) No d) double ANS: B 32. ——— method of advertising budget considers the objectives for allocating funds. a) Fixed guidelines b) Task c) Arbitrary d) Competitor’s parity ANS: B 33. ——– are calculated by multiplying frequency by reach. a) TRPs b) GRPs c) Scores d) Objectivity ANS: B 34. ———– is series of ads that share a common idea and theme. a) Ad campaign b) Ad copy c) Ad media d) Ad planning ANS: A 35. In ———, Russel Colley developed the DAGMAR model. a) 1965 b) 1967 c) 1961 d) 1978 ANS: C 36. Proper media planning enables the selection of ———–. a) Right media b) Wrong media c) Right Product d) Right middlemen ANS: A 37. ———- are the goals that the chosen media need to accomplished. a) Media frequency b) Media objectives c) Media reach d) Media circulation ANS: B 38. Under ——— media scheduling strategy advertising is done regularly. a) Steady b) Flighting c) Pulsing d) Step-down ANS: A 39. Under ——- media scheduling strategy heavy ads when season approaches and reduction of advertising when the season starts declining. a) Flighting b) Step-down c) Bursting d) Teaser step-up ANS: B 40. USP stand for —————. a) Unique Selling Program b) Unique selling Proposition c) Utility Selling Proposition d) Unique Selling Package ANS: B 41. ——— is the act of placing two different ideas together. a) Brain storming b) Juxtaposition c) Observation d) Meditation ANS: B 42. ——- appeal is one that appeals to the sense of right and wrong. a) Rational b) Moral c) Emotional d) Social ANS: B 43. Consumer durables of high value are often bought on the basis of —— appeals. a) Emotional b) Rational c) Moral d) Fear ANS: B 44. The concept of USP was developed by ———-. a) Rosser Reeves b) David Ogilvy c) William Stanton d) Philip Kotler ANS: A 45. ———- attempts to induce action on the part of the prospect. a) Appeal b) Response c) Visualization d) Proposition ANS: A 46. ——— refers to creative imagination of ideas. a) Analysis b) USP c) Visualization d) TRP ANS: C 47. Creativity in advertising ————-. a) Attract attention b) Increase recall c) Makes ad memorable d) All the above ANS: D 48. ——— is the outline of instructions for work to be done by creative team of the ad agency. a) Creative brief b) Creative process c) Visualization d) Product layout ANS: A 49. ——— is a technique of visualization. a) SMP b) USP c) Observation d) Media planning ANS: C 50. ——— refers to the intension behind purchases. a) Selling points b) Buying motives c) Appeals d) USP ANS: B If You Need Most Importance MCQ PDF ECONOMICS Question Bank Than Pay Rs 100 Only Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141 Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- Suraj Patel Education :- F.Y.J.C EXAM :- S.Y.J.C EXAM :- F.Y EXAM :- S.Y EXAM :- T.Y EXAM :- M.Com Part 1 EXAM :- M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- M.A EXAM :- YouTube Channel S.Y.B.COM Other Subject MCQ Foundation Course S.Y.Bcom MCQ Business Economics S.Y.B.Com Students MCQ Company Law MCQ PDF COMMERCE S.Y.B.COM MCQ PDF Management Accounts S.Y.B.COM IMPORTANCES MCQ PDF