M.COM PART 2, Question Bank, Research Methodology

Research Methodology m.com part 2 mcq pdf | Research Methodology MCQ

Research Methodology MCQ   101. Hypothesis concerned with analytical variable is A. Null Hypothesis B. Casual Hypothesis C. Barren Hypothesis D. Analytical Hypothesis Ans:- D 102. A Hypothesis from which no generalization can be made is A. Null Hypothesis B. Barren Hypothesis C. Descriptive Hypothesis D. Analytical Hypothesis Ans:- B 103. ………….. from theory leads to Hypothesis A. Deduction B. induction C. Logical deduction D. Observation Ans:- C 104. ………….. is a source of Hypothesis A. Intuition B. Knowledge C. Energy D. Survey Ans:- A 105. Hypothesis ……………… Research A. Guide B. Misguide C. Alter D. Change Ans:- A 106. A Hypothesis contributes to the development of …………. A. Theory B. Generalization C. Evolution D. Concept Ans:- A 107. …………. Is a quality of Good Hypothesis A. Small in size B. Conceptual Clarity C. durability D. applicability Ans:- B 108. A Hypothesis must be ……………. A. Diffuse B. Specific C. Slow D. Speedy Ans:- B 109. Hypothesis must have ……………… A. Applicability B. Durability C. Testability D. Measurement Ans:- C 110. Statistical Hypothesis is derived from A. Frame B. Data C. Sample D. Facts Ans:- B 111. The …………. in which researcher is nurtured is a source of Hypothesis A. Caste B. Community C. Culture D. Economy Ans:- C 112. In testing a Hypothesis the common error is A. Type I B. Type I and II C. Type II D. None of these Ans:- B 113. Survey is a ……………. Study A. Descriptive B. Fact finding C. Analytical D. Systematic Ans:- B 114. Survey is always a ………….. study A. Field B. Laboratory C. Office D. Class room Ans:- A 115. In a survey there is an enumerator and a …………………. A. Guide B. Respondent C. Supervisor D. Messenger Ans:- B 116. The first step in a survey is ……………. of a problem A. Application B. Rejection C. Selection D. Planning Ans:- C 117. The first purpose of a survey is to …………….. A. Description B. Evaluation C. Propagation D. Provide Information Ans:- D 118. All surveys are essentially ………. A. Narrative B. Explanatory C. Interdisciplinary D. Communal Ans:- C 119. The chief merit of survey is A. Adaptability B. Sensibility C. Connectivity D. Versatility Ans:- D 120. A survey is limited by the willingness and ……………. of respondent A. Co-operation B. Help C. Access D. Attitude Ans:- A 121. In a survey the number questions is A. Unlimited B. limited C. Both limited and un limited D. None of the above Ans:- B 122. Survey is usually …………. A. Cheap B. Expensive C. Moderate D. None of above Ans:- B 123. The final stage is a survey is ………………. A. Reporting B. Field work C. Assignment D. Calculation Ans:- A 124. Survey is both intensive and …………….. A. Deep B. Wide C. Extensive D. Accurate Ans:- C     1. …………………. Represent common sense ideas A. Statistical Hypothesis B. Complex Hypothesis C. Common sense Hypothesis D. Analytical Hypothesis Ans:- C       If You Need Most Importance MCQ PDF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Question Bank Than Pay Rs 100 Only  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141   JoinTelegram Group  Mumbai Univeersity :-   https://t.me/mumbaiuniversityidol   Suraj Patel Education :-   https://t.me/surajpateleducation   F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   https://t.me/FYJCexam   S.Y.J.C EXAM :- https://t.me/SYJCexam   F.Y EXAM :-   https://t.me/fyexam   S.Y EXAM :-   https://t.me/syexam   T.Y EXAM :-   https://t.me/tyexam   M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   https://t.me/McomPart1Exam   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :-  https://t.me/McomPart2Exam     M.A EXAM :-   https://t.me/mastudentsexam        YouTube Channel    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNxVWIrZ1JYB4y-bWXfaBAw     M.COM PART 2 Other Subject MCQ International Marketing https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2021/02/international-marketing-mcq-with.html   ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR 1)    https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2021/01/mcom-part-2-organisational-behaviour-mcq.html 2)    https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2021/01/organisational-behaviour-mcq-pdf-mcom.html Entrepreneurship 1)    https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2021/01/entrepreneurship-mcom-part-2-multiple.html 2)    https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2021/01/entrepreneurship-development-importance.html Direct Tax 1)    https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2021/01/direct-tax-mcom-part-2-importance-mcq.html 2)    https://www.surajpateleducation.com/2020/12/direct-tax-mcom-part-2-mcq-pdf.html