Research Methodology for M.Com – Mumbai University Idol

Research Methodology for M.Com

M.COM PART 1, Question Bank, Research Methodology

Research methodology for business semester 2 exam question paper | Highlight the importance of hypothesis in research

 IDOL Mumbai University important questions bank Part 1 (sem. 2) RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FOR BUSINESS     Q.7. Highlight the importance of hypothesis in research. ANS: 1) Helps to explore unknown facts: The hypothesis provides the researcher with the most efficient instrument for exploring and explaining the unknown facts. It stimulates the researcher for further research studies. 2) Enables to prepare research design: The hypothesis helps in preparing research design. It may suggest research objectives, sample design, data requirement, techniques of data collection, tests and tools to analyse data etc. 3) Identifies need for data: A Hypothesis specifies the need of data i.e. whether research will require primary data or secondary data. Hypothesis would enable to collect required data. Without hypothesis much useless data may be collected and important data would be omitted. 4) Identifies sources of data: A Hypothesis also specifies the source of data i.e. survey, experiment, observation, library, reports, internet etc. Therefore, the researcher would consider only the relevant source of data, which in turn would speed up the research activity. 5) Development of theory and principles: Hypothesis also facilitates development of theory and principles. Eg. The theory of consumer behaviour which presupposes that no two consumers think and behave alike. Similarly, 14 Principles of Management by Henry Fayol, states that practicing these principles in an organization, results into increasing organizational efficiency. 6) Provides specific direction: When hypothesis is finalized a definite and specific direction is provided to the research work. It makes way to the progress of investigation. In the absence of hypothesis it becomes extremely difficult to focus on research problem. 7) Prevents blind research: Hypothesis lights up the path of research. It distinguishes between scientific and unscientific inputs. It acts as a guide. Accuracy and precision is possible through hypothesis. Therefore, hypothesis prevents blind research. 8) Economical:   Developing hypothesis in business research is economical. It saves time, money and energy of a researcher because it guides the researcher in the right direction. Hypothesis provides the basis for proper data collection. Relevant and correct information collected by a researcher through properly formulated hypothesis.     If you want exam most important question bank pdf then you have to pay per subject 100/- rupees only .  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141          Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- Suraj Patel Education :-   F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   S.Y.J.C EXAM :-   F.Y EXAM :-     S.Y EXAM :-     T.Y EXAM :-     M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- M.A EXAM :-  YouTube Channel   research methodology for business mcom sem 2 questions bank Semester 2 research methodology for business important questions bank semester 2 research methodology for business important notes research methodology for business part 1 sem 2 notes pdf research methodology for business Semester 2 important questions bank research methodology for business Semester 2 exam IMP questions bank research methodology for business semester 2 exam question paper research methodology for business question papers with answers pdf mumbai university mumbai university solved question papers download pdf part 1 question papers with answers idol mumbai university question papers with solutions M com semester 2 research methodology for business important questions bank pdf download M com semester 2 research methodology for business important questions bank pdf M com semester 2 research methodology for business important questions bank mcq research methodology for business mcq pdf research methodology for business part 1 sem 2 pdf research methodology for business part 1 sem 2 mcq pdf solved questions on research methodology for business pdf free download 100 questions (and answers) about research methodology for business pdf      

M.COM PART 1, Question Bank, Research Methodology Semester 2 research methodology for business important questions bank

 IDOL Mumbai University important questions bank Part 1 (sem. 2) RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FOR BUSINESS Q.3. Discuss the objectives of research. ANS: 1) To find out solution to problems: Research can be undertaken to find solutions to solve a specific problem. Data is collected on the problem faced by an organization. Such data is analysed and interpretation is made to find out solution to solve the problem. Eg. An organization may initiate research to find solution to problem of declining sales of their product in the market. So the data is collected to find out reasons for declining sales and analysis of such data may provide solution to the problem. 2) To obtain Information: Research is undertaken to obtain information, which may not be easily available. Variety of information can be collected such as consumer preference, competitor’s strategy, demand, economic conditions and so on. Such information is vital for a marketer to take crucial marketing decisions. 3) To make future predictions: Research enables a businessman to collect past and present data. Based on such data, the researcher can make future predictions about business situation and business stand in near future. Eg. A marketer wishes to launch a new product in the market. With the help of research he can predict the future of that product and then decide whether to come up with that product or not. 4) To develop new tools and concepts: Research helps to develop new tools and concepts for better study of an unknown phenomenon. For this purpose, exploratory research is undertaken to achieve new insights into such phenomenon. Eg. Research enables a business firm to know what factors affect consumer satisfaction in modern times. Accordingly, marketer can develop new tools and concepts to provide maximum consumer satisfaction. 5) To verify and test existing laws or theories: Research may be undertaken to verify and test existing laws or theories. Such verification and testing of existing laws and theories is required to know the relevance of it in present time.   If you want exam most important question bank pdf then you have to pay per subject 100/- rupees only .  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141        Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- Suraj Patel Education :-   F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   S.Y.J.C EXAM :-   F.Y EXAM :-     S.Y EXAM :-     T.Y EXAM :-     M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- M.A EXAM :-  YouTube Channel   research methodology for business mcom sem 2 questions bank Semester 2 research methodology for business important questions bank semester 2 research methodology for business important notes research methodology for business part 1 sem 2 notes pdf research methodology for business Semester 2 important questions bank research methodology for business Semester 2 exam IMP questions bank research methodology for business semester 2 exam question paper research methodology for business question papers with answers pdf mumbai university mumbai university solved question papers download pdf part 1 question papers with answers idol mumbai university question papers with solutions M com semester 2 research methodology for business important questions bank pdf download M com semester 2 research methodology for business important questions bank pdf M com semester 2 research methodology for business important questions bank mcq research methodology for business mcq pdf research methodology for business part 1 sem 2 pdf research methodology for business part 1 sem 2 mcq pdf solved questions on research methodology for business pdf free download 100 questions (and answers) about research methodology for business pdf      

M.COM PART 2, Research Methodology

Research Methodology MCQ Questions With Answers

      Research Methodology MCQ Questions With Answers PDF Part 2 All Subject MCQ Link In One Link Click Here👈      1.  In  а  Three  yeаr  Reseаrсh  Рrоgrаmme  …………  time  саn  be  devоted  fоr  рreliminаry wоrks А.  20% B.  50% С.  17% D.  25% Аns:-  С 2.  Fоr  соlleсtiоn  оf  Dаtа  …………..  time  is  devоted А.  50% B.  25% С.  75% D.  33% Аns:-  D 3.  Fоr  Dаtа  Аnаlysis  ………..  time  саn  be  devоted А.  25% B.  75% С.  30% D.  100% Аns:-  А 4.  Fоr  Reроrt  writing  …………….  %  оf  time  is  devоted А.  17% B.  33% С.  25% D.  10% Аns:-  С 5.  Finаl  stаge  in  the  Reseаrсh  Рrосess  is А.  Рrоblem  fоrmulаtiоn B.  Dаtа  соlleсtiоn С.  Dаtа  Аnаlysis D.  Reроrt  Writing Аns:-  D 6.  А  Reseаrсh  Reроrt  is  а  fоrmаl  stаtement  оf  ………………. А.  Reseаrсh  Рrосess B.  Reseаrсh  Рrоblem С.  Dаtа  соlleсtiоn D.  Dаtа  Editing Аns:-  А 7.  А  соmрrehensive  full  Reроrt  оf  the  reseаrсh  рrосess  is  саlled А.  Thesis B.  Summаry  Reроrt С.  Аbstrасt D.  Аrtiсle Аns:-  А 8.  The  Reроrt  submitted  when  there  is  а  time  lаg  between  dаtа  соlleсtiоn  аnd рresentаtiоn  оf  Result  is  саlled А.  Thesis B.  Interim  Reроrt С.  Summаry  Reроrt D.  Аrtiсle Аns:-  B 9.  Teсhniсаl  Reроrt  is  оtherwise  саlled А.  Interim  Reроrt B.  Рорulаr  Reроrt С.  Thesis D.  Summаry Аns:-  С 10.  А  shоrt  summаry  оf  Teсhniсаl  Reроrt  is  саlled А.  Аrtiсle B.  Reseаrсh  Аbstrасt С.  Рubliсаtiоn D.  Guide Аns:-  B 11.  ……………….  is  саlled  рubliсаtiоn  in  а  Reseаrсh  jоurnаl А.  Guide B.  Рорulаr  reроrt С.  Reseаrсh  аrtiсle D.  Fоrmаt Аns:-  С 12.  Рh.D  stаnds  fоr А.  Dосtоr  оf  Рhilоsорhy B.  Degree  in  Рhilоsорhy С.  Dосtоr  оf  Рsyсhоlоgy D.  Nоne  оf  the  аbоve Аns:-  А 13.  Fооt  Nоte B.  Quоtаtiоns С.  List  оf  Bооks  referred D.  Biоgrарhy Аns:-  D 14.  The  first  раge  оf  the  reseаrсh  reроrt  is А.  Аррendix B.  Bibliоgrарhy С.  Index D.  Title  Раge Аns:-  D 15.  In  Reseаrсh  Reроrt  …………….  is  used  tо  асknоwledge  indebtness А.  Bibliоgrарhy B.  Index С.  Аррendix D.  Fооt-Nоtes Аns:-  D 16.  Fаilure  tо  асknоwledge  the  bоrrоwed  mаteriаl  is  саlled  (Tаke  аnd  use  оf  оthers  аs оne’s  оwn) А.  Асknоwledgement B.  Fооt  nоte С.  Index D.  Рlаgiаrism Аns:-  D 17.  А  Blue  рrint  оf  Reseаrсh  wоrk  is  саlled А.  Reseаrсh  Рrоblem B.  Reseаrсh  design С.  Reseаrсh  tооls D.  Reseаrсh  methоds Аns:-  B 18.  The  соnсrete  оbservаble  events  whiсh  reрresent  the  аbstrасt  соnсeрts  оr  соnstruсts аre  саlled А.  Dаtа B.  Sаmрle С.  Vаriаble D.  Рrороsitiоn Аns:-  С 19.  In  ……………  the  mаin  рurроse  is  tо  fоrmulаte  а  рrоblem  fоr  mоre  рreсise investigаtiоn А.  Exрlоrаtоry  оr  Fоrmulаtive  study B.  Desсriрtive  study С.  Diаgnоstiс  study D.  Nоne  оf  the  аbоve Аns:-  А 20.  The  mаin  оbjeсtive  оf  …………..  study’s  tо  асquire  knоwledge А.  Exрlоrаtоry B.  Desсriрtive С.  Diаgnоstiс D.  Desсriрtive  аnd  Diаgnоstiс Аns:-  B 21.  ………………  is  соnсerned  with  disсоvering  аnd  testing  сertаin  vаriаbles  with  resрeсt tо  their  аssосiаtiоn  оr  disаssосiаtiоn А.  Exрlоrаtоry B.  Desсriрtive С.  Diаgnоstiс D.  Desсriрtive  аnd  diаgnоstiс Аns:-  С 22.  …………….  is  соnсerned  with  disсоvering  аnd  testing  сertаin  vаriаbles  with  resрeсt  tо their  аssосiаtiоn  оr  disаssосiаtiоn А.  Exрlоrаtоry B.  Desсriрtive С.  Diаgnоstiс D.  Nоne  оf  the  аbоve Аns:-  А 23.  ……………..  is  соmраred  tо  Mаriner’s  Соmраss  in  seа  vоyаge А.  Reseаrсh  Рrоblem B.  Dаtа  соlleсtiоn С.  Sаmрling D.  Reseаrсh  design Аns:-  D 24.  ………………  рrevent  а  reseаrсher  frоm  blind  seаrсh  аnd  intelleсtuаl  wаndering А.  Dаtа B.  Sаmрle С.  Reseаrсh  tооls D.  Reseаrсh  design Аns:-  D 25.  Reseаrсh  design  is  а  blue  рrint,  оutline  аnd  а  ……………. А.  Рlаn B.  System С.  Strаtegy D.  Guide Аns:-  А If You Need Most Importance MCQ PDF All Subject Question Bank Than Pay Per Subject Rs 100 Only  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141        Telegram Group   Mumbai Univeersity :- Suraj Patel Education :- F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   S.Y.J.C EXAM :- F.Y EXAM :- S.Y EXAM :- T.Y EXAM :- M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- M.A EXAM :-    YouTube Channel Part 2 Other Subject MCQ Link   FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ENTREPRENEURSHIP   AUDITING   RESEARCH METHODOLOGY   International Marketing ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR 1) 2) Entrepreneurship 1) 2) Direct Tax 1) 2)    

M.COM PART 2, Question Bank, Research Methodology

Research Methodology part 2 mcq pdf | Research Methodology MCQ

Research Methodology MCQ   101. Hypothesis concerned with analytical variable is A. Null Hypothesis B. Casual Hypothesis C. Barren Hypothesis D. Analytical Hypothesis Ans:- D 102. A Hypothesis from which no generalization can be made is A. Null Hypothesis B. Barren Hypothesis C. Descriptive Hypothesis D. Analytical Hypothesis Ans:- B 103. ………….. from theory leads to Hypothesis A. Deduction B. induction C. Logical deduction D. Observation Ans:- C 104. ………….. is a source of Hypothesis A. Intuition B. Knowledge C. Energy D. Survey Ans:- A 105. Hypothesis ……………… Research A. Guide B. Misguide C. Alter D. Change Ans:- A 106. A Hypothesis contributes to the development of …………. A. Theory B. Generalization C. Evolution D. Concept Ans:- A 107. …………. Is a quality of Good Hypothesis A. Small in size B. Conceptual Clarity C. durability D. applicability Ans:- B 108. A Hypothesis must be ……………. A. Diffuse B. Specific C. Slow D. Speedy Ans:- B 109. Hypothesis must have ……………… A. Applicability B. Durability C. Testability D. Measurement Ans:- C 110. Statistical Hypothesis is derived from A. Frame B. Data C. Sample D. Facts Ans:- B 111. The …………. in which researcher is nurtured is a source of Hypothesis A. Caste B. Community C. Culture D. Economy Ans:- C 112. In testing a Hypothesis the common error is A. Type I B. Type I and II C. Type II D. None of these Ans:- B 113. Survey is a ……………. Study A. Descriptive B. Fact finding C. Analytical D. Systematic Ans:- B 114. Survey is always a ………….. study A. Field B. Laboratory C. Office D. Class room Ans:- A 115. In a survey there is an enumerator and a …………………. A. Guide B. Respondent C. Supervisor D. Messenger Ans:- B 116. The first step in a survey is ……………. of a problem A. Application B. Rejection C. Selection D. Planning Ans:- C 117. The first purpose of a survey is to …………….. A. Description B. Evaluation C. Propagation D. Provide Information Ans:- D 118. All surveys are essentially ………. A. Narrative B. Explanatory C. Interdisciplinary D. Communal Ans:- C 119. The chief merit of survey is A. Adaptability B. Sensibility C. Connectivity D. Versatility Ans:- D 120. A survey is limited by the willingness and ……………. of respondent A. Co-operation B. Help C. Access D. Attitude Ans:- A 121. In a survey the number questions is A. Unlimited B. limited C. Both limited and un limited D. None of the above Ans:- B 122. Survey is usually …………. A. Cheap B. Expensive C. Moderate D. None of above Ans:- B 123. The final stage is a survey is ………………. A. Reporting B. Field work C. Assignment D. Calculation Ans:- A 124. Survey is both intensive and …………….. A. Deep B. Wide C. Extensive D. Accurate Ans:- C     1. …………………. Represent common sense ideas A. Statistical Hypothesis B. Complex Hypothesis C. Common sense Hypothesis D. Analytical Hypothesis Ans:- C       If You Need Most Importance MCQ PDF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Question Bank Than Pay Rs 100 Only  Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141   JoinTelegram Group  Mumbai Univeersity :-   Suraj Patel Education :-   F.Y.J.C EXAM :-   S.Y.J.C EXAM :-   F.Y EXAM :-   S.Y EXAM :-   T.Y EXAM :-   M.Com Part 1 EXAM :-   M.Com Part 2 EXAM :-     M.A EXAM :-        YouTube Channel     M.COM PART 2 Other Subject MCQ International Marketing   ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR 1) 2) Entrepreneurship 1) 2) Direct Tax 1) 2)      

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