Company law mcq with answers pdf
Company law MCQ All Subject MCQ In One Link 👉Click Here👈 1. Which documents contains the regulations relating to the internal management of a company? A. Memorandum of Association B. Articles of Association C. Both (a) and (b) D. None ANS : B 2. For vetting the MOA and AOA, as per SPICE, eMOA and eAOA is required. A. True B. False C. Partly True D. None of the above. ANS : A 3. Which one of the following is not the content of Memorandum of Association? A. Name clause B. Registered office clause C. Objects clause D. Board of Directors clause ANS : D 4. Can a Minor be a subscriber A. Yes B. No ANS : B 5. Can Foreigners be subscriber A. Yes B. No ANS : A 6. MOA should be in form ____________ in case of company limited by shares A. Table A B. Table B C. Table C D. Table D ANS : B 7. MOA should be in form ____________ in case of company limited by guarantee not having share capital A. Table A B. Table B C. Table C D. Table D ANS : C 8. MOA should be in form ________ in case of company limited by guarantee and having share capital A. Table A B. Table B C. Table C D. Table D ANS : D 9. MOA should be in form ____________ in case of a unlimited liability A. Table A B. Table B C. Table E D. None of these ANS : C 10. When there is a untrue statement in a prospectus who can sue A. Subscribed in primary market B. Subscribed in secondary market C. Rights issue D. None of the above ANS : A 11. Definition of prospectus was given under which sec. A. 2 (30) B. 2 (32) C. 2 (34) D. 2 (36) ANS : D 12. Which of the following are not required to issue prospectus? A. Private company B. Incase of right issue C. Sweat equity issue D. All the above ANS : D 13. The date of the opening of the subscription list means the beginning of the ________from the day of the issue of prospectus. A. 5th B. 3 rd C. 10 th D. 20 th ANS : A 14. The minimum application money should be _____________ of nominal value. A. 5% B. 3% C. 2% D. None of these ANS : A 15. The minimum application money should be _________ of nominal value as per SEBI guidelines A. 25% B. 30% C. 40% D. None of these ANS : A 16. Can shares be allotted immediately after the issue of prospectus A. Yes B. No C. None of the above ANS : B 17. The min subscription amount is reckoned with amounts payable in _________ A. cash only B. kind only C. cash as well as kind D. None of the above ANS : A 18. The amount of discount on reissue of forfeited shares cannot exceed : A. 5% of the face value B. 10% of the face value C. The amount received on forfeited shares D. The amount not received on forfeited shares ANS : C 19. Who/what appoints the first directors of a company ? A. The shareholders in general meeting . B. The Registrar of companies . C. The articles of association . D. The promoters . ANS : D 20. A directors election takes place in a general meeting through a separated Resolution passed by a_______ majority. A. single . B. two-thirds. C. three-fourths. D. five-sixths . ANS : A 21. Annual General Meeting can be called by______________. A. managing director. B. shareholders. C. board of directors. D. company secretary. ANS : D 22. The duties of Company Secretary s regarding company meetings are restricted upto _____. A. before company meeting. B. during company meeting C. after company meeting. D. ln all the above situations. ANS : D 23. Articles of Association can be altered by _________ A. a resolution of the board of directors. B. an ordinary resolution in general meeting. C. a special resolution i.n general meeting D. obtaining permission from the company law board. ANS : C 24. The notice of general meeting of a company must be given at least____________. A. 7 days . B. 15 days. C. 21 days. D. 30 days. ANS : C 25. Company is managed by A. Shareholders B. Board of Directors C. Karta D. Both(a)&(b) ANS : B If You Need Most Importance MCQ PDF Company Law Question Bank Than Pay Rs 100 Only Contact 8652719712 / 8779537141 Telegram Group Mumbai Univeersity :- Suraj Patel Education :- F.Y.J.C EXAM :- S.Y.J.C EXAM :- F.Y EXAM :- S.Y EXAM :- T.Y EXAM :- M.Com Part 1 EXAM :- M.Com Part 2 EXAM :- M.A EXAM :- YouTube Channel S.Y.B.COM Other Subject MCQ ADVERTISING 1) 2) BUSINESS ECONOMIC FOUNDATION COURSE BUSINESS LAW