E-commerce m com semester 2 important questions and answers pdf 2024

   M.com Part 1 (Semester 2)


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E commerce m com semester 2 important questions and answers pdf 2024

Q.16 Discuss the
features of e-enterprise


1. Flat
Organisation Structure :-

The nature of organisation
structure in e-enterprise is flat. There are limited levels of management.There
is limited number of workforce including managers, also the administration and
managent overheads are lower.

2. Global

E-enterprise permits
global reach. Due to internet and web technology , traditional business
organisation defination has undergone a change where scope of the enterprise
now includes other company location, business partners, customers and vendors.

3. Information
Driven :-

Due to Interent and
web, the e-enterprise is nformation driven rather than paper driven
organisation. E-business enterprises is open twenty four hours, and being an
public domain; managers,suppliers,customers and business partners can transact
business anytime from anywhere.

4. Competitive
Advantage :-
capabilities have given ebusiness enterprise a competitive advantage to
increase the business value. It has opened new channels of business as buying
and selling can be done on internet. It enables to reach new markets across the
world anywhere du to communication capabilities. It has empowered customers and
suppliers through secured access to information to act, wherever necessary. The
cost of business operation has come down significantly due to the elimination
of paper-driven processes, faster communication and effective collaborative
working. The internet based transactions resulted in the reduction of administrative
and management overheads, reduction in inventory, quicker delivery of products.

5. Absense of Command
Control :-

In e-enterprise,
organisations are empowered by informaion and knowledge to perform various
activities. In e-enterprise, people work in a network environment or in a
virtual mode. The decision in e-enterprise are supported by information
systems, application packages and decision-support systems.

6. Process
driven :-

E-business enterprise
is more process driven, technology enabled and uses its own information and
knowledge to perform activities. In E-business enterprise, most of the activities
are electronic-based,use of digital technologies and work on databases,knowledge
bases,directories and document repositories. The business process are conducted
through enterprise software like ERP(Enterprise Resourse Planning),SCM(Supply
chain management) and e-CRM supported by data warehouse, decision support and knowledge
management systems.

7. E-business
Solutions :-

enterprises are using Internet technology, network, and wireless technology for
improving the business performance measured in terms of cost, efficiency, competitiveness
and profitability. E-enterprise are using e-business solutions to reach faraway
locations to deliver product and services. The enterprise solutions like ERP,
SCM and e-CRM run on Internet and Wide Area Network(WAN).

Transformation :-

The paradigm shift to
e-enterprise has brought four transformations, namely:

 Domestic business
to global business.

 Industrial
manufacturing economy to knowledge-based service economy.

 Enterprise resource
management to Enterprise network management.

 Manual document
driven business process to paperless automated, electronically transacted
business process.

9. Trading of goods
and services :- In E-enterptrise, business is conducted electronically. Buying
and selling is possible for a wide range of products such books, readymade
garments, jewellery, electronic items, white goods and many such goods are
bought and sold on internet. Also, a number of services such as banking, insurance,
healthcare, education, tourism industry are being managed through internet.

10. Mangement
Information Systems :-

MIS for e-business is
different compared to conventional MIS design of an organisation. The role of
MIS in e-business organization is to deal with changes in global market and
enterprises. MIS produce more knowledge-based products. Knowledge management
system is normally recognised as a part of MIS. It is effectively used for
straegic planning for survival and growth, increase in profits, productivity.

11. Challenges
for E-enterprise:-

 The organisation
structure should be lean and flat

 Employees should
allow to work from anywhere

 Re-engineer the
processes to cut down process cycle time

 Make use of
groupware technology on internet platform for faster response processing.

 Enlarge the scope
of organisation where customers, suppliers, and others become a part of the
organisation with the help of etechnology.

 Change the
organisation behaviour to gain competitive advantage by using e-technolgy to
communicate,coordinate and collaborate with customers, suppliers and businss



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